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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. Hudson Honey, these T3K people were on our servers, and they got banned. But mommy made it all better ^_^


    Okay not really, they are still banned, BTW isn't it inresonsable to be on someone elses server rather than the one that you ARE PART OF?! Populate it, jeez.

  2. Idea: CT's who fight, will be slayn, all CT's with a mic must than play russian roulette, untill only one is left, than that CT's is warden, and free kills everyone. Repeat, or gunplant the most retarded T and see what he does, than Slay all, so no more Warden Problems ^_^




    On a serious note, there is no way around the fighting, just let it be...

  3. His game was stiring up quite a crowd, as i told people in TS3 about it, it is a Browser Based FPS (Like Quake Live But better!) named BeGone, controlls are simple, and you can explore the options (from makn menu, or "esc->options) like third person and such. THIS DOES HAVE IRON SIGHTS ._. AND PRESS BUY IN SPAWN TO PURCHASE OTHER AWESOME WEAPONS ._.


    All of need to do is install Unity Plug-In for your browser, and BeGone! I think we stole Maddy, Carissimi, Nomad, and Kevin from the Minecraft server, while it was down, and even when it came up.


    Link: NPlay - Free Multi-Player Browser Games



    -Have Fun!

    Slipery Fingers


    (Ps: Don't rip on it, it looks AMAZING for a browser based game!)