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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. Member Name: SliperyF


    In-Game Name: Slipery Fingers


    What game?: CSS


    Member: Yes


    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:11090300


    Age: 16


    Donated: No


    Other information: Yes i know that i recently applied for mod but i was BEGGED, by many people on xG servers to re apply, so here i am . Yaaayy...



    I know teh rules, enforce the rules, extremly helpful, active on Css, and MC, good player, active on all xG soyvers, easy to get along with ;), i don't hold grudges, or judge people at first sight. So many more, but im tired xP


    -Thank You <3

    Slipery Fingers


    To everyone who says im not active, i have 60+ hours docked on xG servers with in the past 2 weeks :/

    Ps: I am serious, alot of people wanted me to post this, most wern't in xG though. But i told them how to become one ;)

  2. +1 for unban, He's my beautiful little cupcake and deserves to be unbanned.


    ---------- Post added at 09:13 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:12 PM ----------



    All I heard was those 2 words....


    You forgot "Place" Aswell ^_^

  3. By pocketing the money, that is Illegial, and you would most likley end up in court, strugling to pay attention, while you are sentanced to about 6 months to 4 years in prison.


    Found the hole in your scheme.


    My under wear, are Rainbow, and i wear the rainbow colours with pride. I love all of the pride festivals that i attend. Ooh, and Women With 13 Inch Penises ingruige me


    0.o u feeling alright man?!

  5. ^Granted, but now you parents are living in zappers closet with you.


    ---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:42 PM ----------


    I wish i could watch My Little Pony.

  6. Aegean, i would put my two cents in, but i would get trolled for not putting you down xP


    ---------- Post added at 11:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:48 PM ----------





    .racist ban him!