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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. After hearing that the xG servers were down (From teh mudslide, yes he told me him self ;P) i just browsed arouned on the Cs:S server list, untill i stumbled upon the small community entitled "Vintage"


    They are a friendly few, who want me to come back and play with em sometime, man i am on a roll! First N03, than Q2, now "Vintage" xP


    -Well thats just about it, this was just the fair warning that if you stumble upon there servers, don't troll please.

  2. :/ i don't see much respect in this thread, just a little.


    Either way, get right in your life first, heres my list of important things in my life, and this should go for kost people aswell:

    Health(100 ;P)




    Extra Cirucluar Activties

    Animals :3


    Video Games

    Rabid :/


    If you focus on the "Top 5" and leave the others for your down time, than you should accel.


    Rember, even though you get trolled, not everyone hates ya, get on mini-Games once and awhile, they are all friendly people ;D

  3. I don't get it.Why are people so afraid of death? Why is it awkward talking to someone about their death? Its just the type of mindset we have in today's society. Other, try to spend some time with them, talk to them, learn all the life lessons you can learn from them. They have tremendous amounts of knowledge through experience through living life and their peers they've worked with. It will be sad seeing them go, but if you learn and talk with them their voices and lessons will be in your memory for ever which then you can pass to your children as well. Cherish every last moment you have with them, if you live fairly close make an effort to see them once a week it'll be a joy for them to see their grandson.


    It is so "Awkward" of death, because it is something that we cant examine. We can examine the effects it has on the human carcus, but not how it feels to die.


    Just as albert entine said, Darkness is not a thing, but is the abstence of light. We can not study darkness, but we can light. If light warms the earth, than what does "Darkness" do? Nothing, it is just the abstence of light, and nothing more.

  4. ITs my birthday tommorow :D


    What cha guys gonna gift me :)


    Im already getting:

    PayDay: The Hiest



    Lead and gold.


    Suprise me :D


    ---------- Post added at 10:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 PM ----------



  5. Why am i sooo sexy?


    Why do soo many xG members love me?


    Why is herpes hair longer than mines?


    Why wont rosser,serb,and ball not add me on facebook?


    Why did the love of my life move far away yesterday and i couldn't even say goodbye cause of a big fight i had with her?


    Why doesn't serb respect me?


    Why do i have a 4.3 in school?


    Why don't you have me added on steam Rexx ;)

  6. Response to your history <3:


    Actually, i got my account back :D


    You forgot that i was a very early member in the HG clan/Team, i used to be considered a Co-Co-Leader, but left because of people trolling me, trying to reset the server. I was never un banned