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Posts posted by Im_Aspire

  1. Kevin, this dosen't matter what so ever. It is the fact that i am trust worthy, and helpfull, waiting has nothing to do with it. It dosen't make me a "bad" mod because i have only been in this clan for a month.

  2. Title says it all you are the new ing kaka guy >:/


    ---------- Post added at 10:27 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:19 PM ----------




    ---------- Post added at 10:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:27 PM ----------



  3. Ty Rexx ^_^ And i am active, but early on. I am the only one with a mic in the morning to call warden xP, And since 1.8 came out MC has been my life! What is your user on MC? Or do you have one?

  4. Peechis, you will love what a bunch of us did for what most people woulden't call a friend. Also, while Aegean is gone, there wont be any bans, so alot of us are trying to find a way to end trolls in xG, it is a growing problem, and has gotten out of hand.

  5. Hy the hell is this kid going KaKa, he is grave digging and spammimg, i think we have a new KaKa guy.


    I know i used to, but not this bad! Plus, he is gravedigging for usless reasons to say stuff like "yeah" or "meeh"


    -Slipery Fingers

  6. Really, a huge part of my heart just dropped D:


    Either way. This is your wishing, and you will follow it, so i say good luck, and rember Have Fun!


    Ill never forget your name <3




    PS: If it dosen't work out, come back for me :)

  7. Member Name: SliperyF


    In-Game Name: Slipery Fingers (Rayjhon Also)


    What game?: CSS


    Member: Yes


    Steam ID: Can not acces it currently :/


    Age: 16


    Donated: Yes


    Other information: ATENTION: I am also applying for MC Mod Aswell!


    Stop Trolling! I am agianst Trolling,and stand by this decesion untill the end. I am well known on both the Mincraft, And Counter strike community, and always help someone who asks for it!


    -Thank You <3

    Slipery Fingers



    ---------- Post added at 09:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:36 PM ----------


    I left out alot, but most of it would just look like i am kissing your asses for your vouch.