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Posts posted by Hidingmaster

  1. I'm going to keep it short and simple.


    There are a few cases where I can see that it went a little too far, but I also believe that a good majority of it was instigated by both parties. I do not have the background knowledge of those in TF2, and thus cannot make a good analysis of the situation. I don't mind talking in a conversation with nomulous and the other CL's to get to the bottom of it, but as of right now I'm at a 0.

  2. All of you are fudgeing retarded. No offense @Hidingmaster, but just give up. Do you really think CSS is going to be how it was in the past. Resorting to starting over is pitiful also. Get over yourself baby. You put all your time and effort in this steaming pantload just for it not to pay off. What the fudge am I talking about right? Every couple weeks, months, etc., we got the same damn people asking "CSS dead or what" or "CSS night!" fudgeing cut my beef n' fixin off. Some of you might be hype as steaming pantload atm, but watch as your dedication slowly fades away. Start crying bitches. I don't give a fudge. TL:DR Niggers trying to fix something long dead. The dedication is there, but the time and current state of the situation fudgeed everything up. I would post more, but I already consumed the daily dose of sodium. P.S - "If this works, then I will be active again." -Kirito This has to be one of the most ignorant/idiotic things ever said out of his god damn squeaker mouth.


    You say that, yet css can still get the population. Whether or not it works in the end doesn't matter. People wanted to give it a last shot and we're going to do it. CS:GO has been dead for a long ass time, yet its still around... no reason to give up on css yet

  3. I'm critical about the one thing that is not completed by the specified date it would be completed because it is the one thing that does not require bleed to do 90% of the work. You so aptly put up a list of things that may end up re-populating the servers that require most of the work to be done by nomulous, silence, or bleed. seeing as the first 2 dont give a rats ass about css or csgo for that matter, silence openly stating it, and nomulous joining in on the false promise train (hub 5 min). you knew that bleed would be the only one capable of doing it, and the only person willing to do it.


    Congratulations, you say you check the forums! and every day! great, your posts are spread apart like i said, a couple posts one day, disappear for 2 days. except for today and yesterday. while you may be on steam and talking to people, your mentality for how to fix the css server population just makes it seem like you dont actually care whether it works or not, by not taking the time to sit on the empty server and watch a movie while tabbed out or something of the sorts (doing homework was my favorite choice) when this whole reason it wasnt scrapped in favor of a newer model was to try to populate it. but it's ok, you don't have the patience to do what your final decision was for. (your final decision because we know how almost everyone other than you and the 5-10 other non-higher-ups/newer players who aren't ready to change people who posted in agreeance to you said)


    again, to sum it up, You made the call to keep css, you created a list of things to do to "fix" css and everything on that list is something that you realistically cannot do, the one thing you can do you did not do, and then you admit to having the lack of motivation to populate the server you decided to keep.


    Im sorry you have trouble believing in something other than CS:GO. It wasn't just my final decision, it was multiple people. Everything on this list was mentioned at least once in the last few months and multiple times over the years, except for a few minor things. They are far from impossible to do, and in fact, several of them can be done by Dr. Lee since he still has powers.


    There's two types of people. Those who try and may fail, and those who won't try because they might fail. I think the community and CS:S members appreciate somebody trying rather than complaining and not doing anything to help situation.


    And in no way to I "expect" Bleed to do anything for CS:S. I sure hope he does, but its in his hands whether or not he has time or the energy to do it. At anytime he could have said "nope, not happening", but he hasn't. If we don't get things on the list done, so be it, but I sure in the hell tried something.

  4. Posting a second post since this one is gonna be a lot of explanation on my rant/rage.


    "Im confused what the big deal is? I cant delegate something that requires all three DM's. And none of this is bleeds responsibility, he is just kind enough to be on top of things." - Hidingmaster 2k14


    Well to put it plainly, you're right. none of this is bleed's responsibility, and yes he is kind enough to be on top of the steaming pantload that he is doing. But tell me, of the list of things that are up there, which of them require pretty decent (when i say decent i mean a basic/intermediate knowledge of coding languages such as C# C++ and then learning how pawn works. not a shitty html mark-up, which i highly doubt anyone other than a few in xg could even do that.).... Oh wait, every single one of them except for re-writing the motd to be less hitler does. which really just means delete half the stupid steaming pantload in there and tell the staff that aren't inactive to stop being hitler, and as for the inactive staff just fudgeing demote them already


    If you really wanted to actually rewrite the motd to be less fudgeing stupid. delete the whole thing, get the basics in, and then add in some of the fun stuff that we do on our server. let the admins do their job and use common fudgeing sense and figure out what should be allowed and what not. instead of a specific list of every single thing possible that you want and every possible way to do something else is bannable.


    In fact, why not just use the read only copy of the CS:GO MotD that bleed gave you and edit it to work for CS:S. here's a hint, all you have to do is change the times and add maybe a game or 2 that we dont have (easter egg since you can drop nades.)


    Why i say that it is ridiculous that this is not completed by the due-date and outraged that you didn't do it ahead of time, or delegate it out to the other dms or hell even other division leaders for other divs like CS:GO (asking politely) since we play css too and came from css (or started css shortly after becoming staff) and know how it should work since jailbreak is essentially the same (minor differences)??


    using you, cristo, and drlee as an example as the DMs of CS:S this is similar to what we did in csgo to make it fast and easy.


    You get 1 person to "re-write" the motd, in a google doc, you then send it on to the next person (say it started with you hiding, and you send it to drlee) he then reads over your motd for css, he will then using a different color make any additions to it that he wants to add, and put a strike-through anything he wants to be removed. drlee then sends it on to cristo, who does the exact same fudgeing thing as drlee but in a different color, then you have all of your changes, you get together in TS for 5 minutes after all reading cristo's final version and talk out any disagreements with the motd.


    Was that so hard? it would have taken you literally 1-2 days to complete the entire cycle. I only say 1-2 days because you are literally never on. you hidingmaster. cristo and drlee are on everyday and they both talk quite often, seeing as we all play comp atleast 1 time a day. but you, you come on the forums maybe 1 time a day at obscure times if we are lucky, typically you will be mia for 2-3 days, and then come on at an obscure hour of the night and make a couple posts and disappear again for a few days to return at another obscure hour.


    So. To re-cap, the only thing you were capable of doing is the one single item on the list with a due date that is passed that has not been completed


    End of rant.


    Assuming makes you look really bad.


    First off I check the forums at least once a day, and have for the last several years. Just because I don't post doesn't mean i dont get on, I post when I see something that requires attention. If you really care that much go ahead and sit on the forums all day and see when I am online. I get on when I wake up, get on the train, get home, and generally right before I go to bed. Its a bunch of bullshit to call me out for something you have no idea about.


    And i'm on steam nearly every day answering people's questions and chatting with css members. When I look to join a css server its empty, not something I can really help. I know I can sit in there and wait for people, but I have don't have patience to be waiting in a lobby for an hour for people to get on. When the server is populated, I hop on right away. Just because im not visible to you doesn't mean im not here.


    You were all for the transition of CS:S to CS:GO and now we decide to make CS:S work and all of a sudden you become critical and upset about one thing not getting done on the exact date? Wow.


    Stop trying to start something and make this a bigger deal than it should be. I went out of my way to do something for the community and all you are doing is trying to shut it down, thanks a lot.

  5. Hi.


    I need someone to do some artwork.




    But fo rizzle, one of the things that I would like to see changed is the little thing that comes up that says either "Prisoners/Prison Guards Win". I would love to see some CSS, or other, members submit their designs for it. Try to make it transparent (like it is now), but be creative in whatever way you want. If we get a sufficient replacement ill have Bleed add it. Just post with any questions.


    Inb4 useless paint attempts. Vtf file is needed, which you can easily convert a jpeg into it with free software.


    Also I've decided to volunteer ALL of @Forests forum credits. The person whose masterpiece is chosen will get all the credits.


    Deadline is Saturday, August 16th at 11pm est.



    Also check out Bleed's post about Last CT music.

  6. Another question. What modules do you want? Depending upon how many custom modules are wanted, depends upon the date (And how quickly i actually get access to work on it)

    If we get a basic version of it up and running by then I'll be happy. In other words whatever you think can be done in time

  7. We're going to be putting a lot of effort to keep CS:S around and populated... my goal is to accomplish everything on this list by the stated due date, although it relies on bleed and nomulous as well.


    As of today, this list is very tentative and has only been shown to Cristo and Dr. Lee, so I can't say that it can or all will be done, but it damn well will if there is a way. Due dates may change once I can get bleed and nomulous onto this, but I will do my best not to.




    Here is a list of stuff I want to accomplish though as well as a tentative schedule of when they must be completed by:



    1. Perform bomb fixes, including changing price of large bomb and overall making them more balanced. (Aug 17) Completed

    2. Rewrite rules/Talk with staff members about where to draw the line (In other words, loosen up the reins a little to have some fun) (Aug 18) In progress

    3. Polish Warden Plugin (Aug 21) Completed

    4. Change the Terrorists/Prison Guards win screen (Aug 21) In progress

    5. Change intro and last ct music (Aug 28) Not completed

    6. Edit Map rotation, narrow it down to <15. (Aug 28) Not completed



    1. Hub (Sept 12) Not completed

    2. Find a way to have an intro screen or something nice, or just motd coming up all the time (not the broken shit it always has been) (Sept 20) Not completed

    3. Skins (Sept 25) Not completed

    4. Update LR (Maybe add a new game, or a few...) (Sept 30) Not completed

  8. Bank changes:

    • Max money is now 50K
    • Interest is disabled
    • Lowered starting money to 100
    • Reset Money to Reflect the new max

    Warden changes

    • Now uses the dialogue box by default. You can switch back to the old hud or disable both in !settings

    Now before i even consider working on things like hub/skins/custom lrs I need to know the decision about this thread


    Waiting on another DM's opinion, then gotta contact silence about it. Its gonna be a while before a decision is made.

  9. 1. Be rid of bank/interest/gambling (Yes, i really dont see the benefit of it and it makes bombs less fun)

    2. Keep bomb so people have the incentive to stay to save up and bomb us (Agreed)

    3.GET RID OF ADS, I DO NOT NEED WOMEN'S DEODERANT (Its up to silence and im sure its here to stay)

    4. ACTUALLY work on Hub (5 min, ie only when nomulous does it will it be done)

    5. OLD BOMB ( with fire alarm freeday)/Small - Medium bombs only (I would love to have this back)

    6.Get rid of the shitty maps no one plays and bring back in some classics(*COUGH COUGH LEOBEN COUGH COUGH*) (Agreed)

    7. All of these were taken from speculation and people on the server (including mods/admins/higher) (8/10)


    8. Add skins

    9. Change Terrorists Win/Prison Guards win screen thing

    10. Add a hub integrated with forums and happy fun stuff

    11. Rewrite rules

    12. Get rid of subpar last ct music

    13. Put in a better (? i think i have it disabled) intro song

    14. Make motd actually show up at the beginning, all the time

    15. Make warden plugin less intrusive (smaller font in corner)

    16. Have active staff

    17. Get away from being strict staff to staff that can responsibly have fun

    18. Revise lr plugin, making it a little bit less, possibly adding something new to it

    19. Fix bombs: Large should only be available to a few people towards end of map, so make it more expensive. Also balance all bombs making them occur less frequently.

  10. Update:

    Nothing has been decided yet, but my hopes is to have the decision posted in the next promo demo. DrLee, Cristo, and I will be doing a lot of discussing over the weekend to see what we think is the best solution and pass it on to silence.


    Continue leaving feedback though, it is incredibly helpful.

  11. I think some people might be overestimating the time it takes to start CSS JB from scratch. Writing new rules wouldn't take long at all, plenty of plugins already exist that could all be used (Models, muter plugin, arrest plugin, etc.) Backing up all the old plugins and uploading new plugins would take 10 minutes maximum, and virtually no effort. The rules, maybe 30 minutes. Maps, once we decide on maps we want, might take a little longer to upload, but no effort is required to do that. It's not like this couldn't basically be done in one day (except for hub, of course).


    Rules alone would take a few days to get polished. Its not just one person that would need to work on things, its several.


    As chrono said, those plugins are basic and most likely not functioning. If we are going with option 2 its not going to be shittily thrown together. I would expect jb to be down for at least a week so we can make it worth the time and have a polished result.