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Posts posted by Hidingmaster

  1. Then let's start cleaning up the clan. Post a list of people that need to be removed, reformat the submission guidelines, make member protests more effective, and if people have a problem with fixing real issues they should leave or be removed.


    Any thoughts?


    I would love to but can foresee the claims of favoritism and arguments that would ensue.

  2. Warnings can't be a year thing, it's logistically a nightmare. They should be used for minor offenses, bad language, inappropriate remarks. I would rather see bans be used more liberally, especially for those that start or promote poopstorms. (Day ban). Why? Because that's where I think a lot of the issues stem from.


    In the current state, CLs have power but are controlled by some select members. We make one ban that went without a warning and we are under fire for it, people will throw up an abuse report. We are powerless with power. You want to see some real change around here, then the "reform" needs to start near the top.

  3. I was just stating that people like Greyignis (iggy) who mock people on threads should not be allowed in xG on the first offense. Also, if we want to be a clan, we need to take action on those who start it. Just tell them to stop or else, people will bitch but they will get over it. We get rid of problem causers that way


    ps. sorry, i just have never seen a CL on besides DrLee before yesterday.


    Warning is pretty ineffective, just pushes the problem a few days ahead. But that's the rule I have to follow. I don't like it or agree with it, but I do warn people.

  4. Just because you don't see us on doesn't mean we dont get on. I've gone on TF2 several times to play, especially the dodgeball server. I've also tried to be on jb, but they are always empty when I get on.


    If you want more interaction from us, add us on steam. Most of us are on quite frequently, send us a hello.


    Also, you can't stop drama or toxic behavior, especially on an Internet gaming website. Once we get rid of one person, another one will come along.


    IMO the big problem is people that attack and harass others for using their powers and the difficulty in getting someone removed from the clan. I would love to ban individuals who say absolutely nothing positive on the forums, but I'd get kicked out for doing so. Could I post a member protest? Yup. But guess what becomes of those?



    1: No proof because pepole don't record everything that goes on.




    2: People make it a thread of insults and it gets closed without a good resolution.

  5. Alright, its clearly just an issue of hindsight here. I can easily see how it was deemed an okay idea when it happened, there were staff members on, a non vital account used, and I would assume there wasn't anyone non xG on at the time. There was no harm no foul, just a bunch of people trying to raise a stink about something that was meant to help.


    In hindsight, yes, you should let someone higher (CL or L) know about actively hacking on the servers whether it be for fun (don't do it for fun...) or educational purposes. If ya'll have reservations about contacting us, please let us know why; we want to help. We are here to help things go smoothly and give advice. Most of us are on multiple times per day (forums) or for a good majority of the time on Teamspeak. If you even have the slightest question about doing something/what someone did/etc, ask.


    Should bach be banned? ABSOLUTELY NOT. There's no reason to. The rules are there to prevent people from being victims, in this case it would be someone having an unfair advantage and ruining a round/game. Please use some common sense regarding rules. They aren't absolute and definite (albeit most of the time, yes they are).


    Good lord people.

  6. Personally, i'm a big fan of those specially in a small community like Nuclear Dawn. The first thing I did was move six perm bans to silences when the feature came out. They were all instances where the client should be allowed to play, just not to harassment other players or abuse certain unique aspects of the game.


    It's also applicable to week sentences as well, in the sense that the client does something wrong, admits it and doesn't push the blame to a moderator. BUT, the offensive is too much to just drop the ban for them.


    Side Note: Maybe you could block sprays as well if the client is silenced, one less thing people need to kick/ban for.




    How far would someone have to go to get banned harassment? And would a longer silence be more effective than just dropping the ban hammer?



    If someone told me to f off, they would be silenced. Next round it would be removed. If they continue the crap and they get kicked. If they come back and still continue it was a day ban.

  7. There has always been the idea that the punishments should go: warn > kick > ban. I think this is quite effective, limits the amount of bans that go unjustified, and give the person 2 chances at changing behavior before any more lasting punishments are issued (plus the warning gets logged and can be used as evidence in any ban protests). The only time bans should be the first choice is in cases of RDM, freekilling, or hacking; everything else should warrant a warning.


    In my opinion, getting told to F off or one of many other insults is not enough to ban somebody. If I was ever confronted with one of those characters, i would silence them for a round or two; this generally took care of the problem.


    There isn't a problem with the current system, but rather moderators and administrators that think they can ban whoever, whenever. This is not the case, and as you said it should only be reserved for the worst offenders.



    Also, silencing someone for a week is way to long imo. I would limit it to at most a day. Anyone who wants to continue being an arse hole after being silenced for a day doesn't deserve to play on our servers.

  8. If you can set it up where they only have access to edit their own bans, then by all means we need it. If it's only possible to give them full access, then no way that's happening. Just because people are trusted with powers as mod/admin doesn't mean they won't do something stupid when they leave the clan. We give the powers to a limited number of people to reduce the chances of something bad happening, and sourcebans is a pretty serious thing. I could go in and perm ban every single player, and remove everyone's access to server powers; that's why only a few of us have access.

  9. There's a few ways to prevent disconnecting from resetting it, but it's really complicated. You might need to ask @Rhododendron to do it after I make my improvements, as it's not something I could comfortably do in a reasonable period of time.


    -One would be to use a ADT (Abstract Data) Array to store their steamids in before they disconnect. (faster access)

    -Anther would be alter the sourcecomms mysql table to store a boolean value withier the client casted it this round. (lowest server load)

    -Yet anther way, would be to dump the steamids of the clients who casted it to a txt file. (easier to implement)


    Notice: The steamid format changes based on the game, however an if statement and changing of the second function argument covers it.clients · SourceMod Scripting API Reference


    I would think the best way to do it is store steamids into a txt file, as long as there was a way to clear the txt file every n amount of time.


    Unless there was a way to code in something like (very simple, essentially just what would be equivalent to an ifelse statement in c++):


    if (n=1) //with n being if they used it already or not, probably easier to use boolean like you said


    cout << "command already used"




    run vote


  10. We looked into implementing this in css back in the day, but decided against it because of the abuse. People can and will abuse it. I think it is a great tool for servers, but only if it is in a way that limits abuse.


    What I suggest is give it to all people to use, but limit it to 1 use per connection. The times that someone would actually need multiple casts. Also, I suggest not mentioning to the general population that they get one per connection, reduce the chance of people knowing disconnecting will reset it.