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  1. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DCook in [serious] Cs:s Division Disscussion   
    Somebody should explain this... theres never been proof of it. CSS is still populated as it has been for many years. Of course you lose people when you abandon a div.. it could still be 50 people if there was effort put into it.
    and @Eden most of the donations go to just keeping the servers running. Server bills arent cheap.
  2. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from iceekills in [serious] Cs:s Division Disscussion   
    Somebody should explain this... theres never been proof of it. CSS is still populated as it has been for many years. Of course you lose people when you abandon a div.. it could still be 50 people if there was effort put into it.
    and @Eden most of the donations go to just keeping the servers running. Server bills arent cheap.
  3. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from ForestFire in [xg] Forestfire   
    I'm closing this until further notice, most likely eternally. This is a discussion to be had and decided upon by the CS:S division. Not by you chrono. If you had an issue with it take it to us, don't just go against our opinions and actions because you think you have the power to. There is no reason you couldnt have came to us first. @ForestFire i'll personally contact you about this.
  4. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from TripAL in Justin716   
    Trolls on the forums, no fit to be a member. -1
    Closing due to all valid opinions being -1.
  5. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Haruka in Justin716   
    Trolls on the forums, no fit to be a member. -1
    Closing due to all valid opinions being -1.
  6. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from TripAL in Penrose   
    I'd be okay accepting this app without the required 10 +1's because you play RPG Surf, one of the less populated servers.
    @DrLee @Tsuchikure
    He has marginally good activity, don't see a reason not to accept him.
    Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History
  7. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Penrose   
    I'd be okay accepting this app without the required 10 +1's because you play RPG Surf, one of the less populated servers.
    @DrLee @Tsuchikure
    He has marginally good activity, don't see a reason not to accept him.
    Xeno Gamers - Player Sessions History
  8. Informative
    Hidingmaster reacted to DrLee in Serial Killer Cards - Shameless self-promotion   
    Can you not #Closed
  9. Informative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from LeToucan in I'm Probably Going To Get Cs:s Soon And I'm A Noob. Any Help?   
    Just confuse the warden. Works most of the time.
  10. Not Funny
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from ForestFire in [xg] Forestfire   
    Sure. No. +1 -1
  11. Winner
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Stence in Promotions And Demotions #91.0.1   
    I found it. #worstthread2014
  12. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from diabeetus in Promotions And Demotions #91.0.1   
    I found it. #worstthread2014
  13. Useful
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from DrLee in Promotions And Demotions #91.0.1   
    I found it. #worstthread2014
  14. Winner
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from StarmiX in Promotions And Demotions #91.0.1   
    I found it. #worstthread2014
  15. Informative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from John_Madden in Promotions And Demotions #91.0.1   
    I found it. #worstthread2014
  16. Informative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Matsi in Promotions And Demotions #91.0.1   
    I found it. #worstthread2014
  17. Like
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in Promotions And Demotions #91.0.1   
    I found it. #worstthread2014
  18. Not Funny
    Hidingmaster reacted to Warriorsfury in Kevin - Counter-strike: Source   
    Kick this faggot out of the clan.
  19. Creative
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from IceSlice in Madara-uchicha Aka Faget: Shadowspy - Counter-strike: Source   
    "Thank you for your time". You're welcome, it wasted 32 seconds of my life.
    Closed for being bad himself.
  20. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from MrJeeblez in "adamsassholeissaur" "paulie Got Fucked By Walie" - Counter-strike: Source   
    Banned for a week.
  21. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Paulie in "adamsassholeissaur" "paulie Got Fucked By Walie" - Counter-strike: Source   
    Banned for a week.
  22. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from ThePistolBoss in The Pistol Boss - Counter-strike: Source   
    He won't get away with punishments. I fail to see anything that is alarming enough to warrant a ban, and just because you pulled something racist off chat logs doesnt mean it was offending anyone. I could do that and ban 50 people if i wanted to, but its not fair to go and just search a phrase and use a proof.
    The rule on racism:
    11. Racism and sexism is frowned upon in our servers, using it excessively or in an insulting manner is not allowed at all. IF a mod or higher warn you to stop (by gagging, muting or simply messaging you) , you must stop. This is the first and only warning you get and it must be in this manner. If you do say something racist or sexist, it must be very minimal and not in an offensive way and if not stopped after a warning, you will be punished severely. The person these comments are directed too and any staff member can at any time state that these are offensive and you must stop immediately.
    So, yes it is frowned upon, but unless he was offending somebody then i really don't see it as a big issue. Your chat log shows absolutely nothing in regards to it offending someone or him being asked to stop.
    As for the other images that I would assume you posted in regards to disrespect.. i don't really see any proof of it either. He said one thing to gloryguy that was borderline, but without context it cannot be said that it was or was not disrespect. I tell Dr. Lee to shut up all the time, but its not disrespect, its just in fun.
    "Just because there is no admin on doesn't mean its okay". Yeah that is what we would like to happen, but you know that you can't punish someone if you don't see it happen without 100% valid proof. Unfortunately there are people that break rules, use racism, etc when no admins are on but that doesn't always give us the right to use it as a reason.
    Until I see proof that clearly shows the context, if there were warning, if it was disrespect.. it's a -1 for lack of proof or substantial reason.
  23. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from Gkoo in Hldj Not Working   
    HLDJ Tutorial | Xeno Gamers
  24. Agree
    Hidingmaster got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in The Pistol Boss - Counter-strike: Source   
    He won't get away with punishments. I fail to see anything that is alarming enough to warrant a ban, and just because you pulled something racist off chat logs doesnt mean it was offending anyone. I could do that and ban 50 people if i wanted to, but its not fair to go and just search a phrase and use a proof.
    The rule on racism:
    11. Racism and sexism is frowned upon in our servers, using it excessively or in an insulting manner is not allowed at all. IF a mod or higher warn you to stop (by gagging, muting or simply messaging you) , you must stop. This is the first and only warning you get and it must be in this manner. If you do say something racist or sexist, it must be very minimal and not in an offensive way and if not stopped after a warning, you will be punished severely. The person these comments are directed too and any staff member can at any time state that these are offensive and you must stop immediately.
    So, yes it is frowned upon, but unless he was offending somebody then i really don't see it as a big issue. Your chat log shows absolutely nothing in regards to it offending someone or him being asked to stop.
    As for the other images that I would assume you posted in regards to disrespect.. i don't really see any proof of it either. He said one thing to gloryguy that was borderline, but without context it cannot be said that it was or was not disrespect. I tell Dr. Lee to shut up all the time, but its not disrespect, its just in fun.
    "Just because there is no admin on doesn't mean its okay". Yeah that is what we would like to happen, but you know that you can't punish someone if you don't see it happen without 100% valid proof. Unfortunately there are people that break rules, use racism, etc when no admins are on but that doesn't always give us the right to use it as a reason.
    Until I see proof that clearly shows the context, if there were warning, if it was disrespect.. it's a -1 for lack of proof or substantial reason.
  25. Informative
    Hidingmaster reacted to DrLee in New Instructional Youtube Series!   