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Everything posted by PiNoYPsYcHo

  1. Division: Counter-Strike In-Game Name: PiNoYPsYcHo Steam ID: Steam Community :: xG PiNoYPsYcHo Position: Moderator Time Active: Enough Age: 23 Experience: Was Mod/Admin/Division Manager Donated: Yes Information: Had previous experience and know the rules quite often compared to most of the mods/admin here. I do troll from time to time but it is part of my persona and if given powers I take it seriously. Mod me please
  2. But you never get on :'(
  3. Old is Old but for some people who don't know. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUqI0yrWzsQ
  4. So am I accepted yet? @Bleed @Owl @Lithium
  5. I did left @Warriorsfury but yeah i'm a good samaritan no bans boys
  6. In-Game Name: PiNoYPsYcHo Active Division: Counter-Strike Previously a Member in xG: Yes Steam ID: Steam Community Banned: No Active on Teamspeak: Yes Time Active on Servers: Everyday 24/7 Age: 24 Reasons for Joining: Ehh can I join? And wheres my donator tag?
  7. You guys got shit on when you replaced the rukiboo and the chink.
  8. How did you get money in the first place for the skins? Aren't you like 16? J/w
  9. Don't listen to these retards. Check my part see if you like it I mean you said maximum of 600 so it should add up to atleast 570~ with tax. See if you can change some of the parts to ur likings but keep the CPU/MOBO/GPU pinoypsycho - Saved Part Lists - PCPartPicker
  10. Port grand puzzles POR TGRAN DPUZZLES PORT GRAND PUZZLES port grand puzzles
  11. I witnessed the nose yesterday and the nose won.
  12. RIP CS:S JB. Never Forgetti
  13. Post your gpu.... Please tell me you have a GPU and not your intel 4000 graphics from your cpu.
  14. PiNoYPsYcHo

    New Gpu Help

    Make sure you got a good power supply hell even cpu+motherboard can affect it (due to bottleneck) The better the motherboard+cpu = the better the fps. You don't want your GPU to bottleneck.
  15. If ur planning on overclocking don't get the evo 212. Get a liquid cool setup or even a better air cool such as noctua nh-d14 or even dh15. \
  16. attention whore much? that looks like a small booboo. who gives a fuk
  17. The Cozy Boys. Fuck yall who are you