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Everything posted by TurdWig

  1. CTBanned for "button spamming..."??? <-- Ct Ban Gyazo - be1f6135de8718b9f68fdb948bbc5730.png <-- 6 hour ban GG kid? Grow the fuck up lol that's hardly every week... gg retarded. stay on topic and quite being a twat. Brian doesnt even play actively on CS:S He apps for CS:S because everyone in TF2 hates him and doesn't want him back. xG doesn't need him, a week ago he was blacklisting all the xG servers and now he wants to rejoin? He said he wants to help or frantically need to help. Some help is better than no help. xG CS:S is possibly going down to shit because of the staff not functionally cooperating. Brian has excellent leadership skills. It is greatly needed for our staff. We need to get shit together so we can actually run servers. You, let's talk about you. You are not helping at all. You're one of the reasons why the CS:S Division is going to shit. The constant arguments you've been in and your acts of selfishness are one of the reasons "people love you." You tend to always want to prove yourself right. Yes, everyone wants to be right but there are times you need to face you were wrong. Every single argument, like every single argument is you constantly continuing it. Other want to end but it's you who continues it because you want to be "right." Whenever I see you on servers, I just want to leave right away. When I see you on forums, I don't want to reply to you, cause I know you'll always stir up an argument and start to insult people, making yourself look all mighty and clever yet you just sound like a 10 year old kid. You literally have the weakest amount of support from others. Nobody cares about your opinions because everyone knows they are just straight insults. You're possibly one of the most disrespectful xG members ever. Sometimes I question how you got into xG. Grow up,your opinions are the most atrocious I've seen and they aren't needed. This is a member application, not a debate team. It would be best you shut up and take it somewhere else.
  2. I'm going to have to stay at a 0. You're active and know the rules but you're just a tad annoying. If you can improve your maturity then I'd think of altering my decision.
  3. remove every map except for remsopor. i think we're done.
  4. Anal Beads Freeday that starts whenever MeowMix dies.
  5. "mom, get me a condom"
  6. TurdWig

    Just a question

    you have to become black by submitting a member application
  7. This just sold it for me. gg no re
  8. FPS will determine on the game and the game developers. Also, I've read up that games are going to be 1080p. Onto my opinion, PS4 has won this debate. Microsoft is basically killing itself. It's just at this point, they need to redeem themselves somehow. E3 is over and they need to announce stuff that will make us interested before Xbox One is released. PS4 is just basically current gen times 2. I don't like how Playstation Plus is required now to play online, but people already do that with Xbox Live so it's not a major problem. Wii U is awesome. I don't know why people hate it. I don't have one, but just playing on one is fun. Games will come out in time, it's just a rough start for the Wii U. whitetextswaqqqq
  9. LOL -1 90% of your posts are ban protests, member applications, or goodbyes.
  10. CS:S is dying. But I'm still playing on it.
  11. This happens all the time. A persons clan fails then they come crawling back to xG. Before they leave to go make a clan, they trash the servers and the admins and say the clan is dying. The only exception is Deviant. I called you out the other time saying that you left only through bandwagon and you weren't staying to help. You basically were saying, "Hey, I'll leave before this clan dies since everybody else is already leaving." My decision will be a 0 for now.
  12. To the pussy chamber.