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Everything posted by TurdWig

  1. I agree with Muffin. Member of the Month sounds like a good idea but there are too many people in this clan. Member of the Week maybe?
  2. I think it's time. Proof I'm 13?
  3. Pinoy becomes Div Leader of Scrim? Half-Life 3 confirmed.
  4. I don't know you as you might've joined during my absence. Anyway, good luck and stay safe.
  5. TurdWig

    I have a PSN.

    TurdWig Let's cyber qurl.
  6. qurrrllll, +1 one of the best members we had.
  7. <4 luv u 5evr bby txt me l8r
  8. I'm starting to see the weakness in this clan. People who leave are leaving because they are really great friends with BillyMays and will leave if he goes. You are leaving because all those other people are leaving and you are not staying to help get this community back into shape. I do not hate you but you are not helping. Good Luck, bye.
  9. I have 6 DOTA 2 codes in my steam library, and I don't know who to give too. Post here if you want one and I'll consider.
  10. Look at that giant blank white spot. Totally no white text there.
  11. TurdWig

    Bye Bye.

    I find it odd that reflex wasn't mentioned, but... I love you easy, take care. #dondonheavy #rimdog4lyfe
  12. TurdWig


    Kinda like Peppermint, but I'll be happy if you come back.
  13. In honesty, I have never seen you. Who are you?
  14. TurdWig


    He left with a bangbang. ^^^^What I did is there, and you see it. bangbangyolo
  15. It was great having you as Co-Leader. You put more work into this community than most people. Hope to see you around. Good luck!
  16. *EDIT* I will be on forums rarely. I can be on my computer only for school related things. Although I will be on Steam as well but as I have said, rarely. I will also not be on Teamspeak. If I am on then it will maybe be my friends. Hi guys, TurdWig here. I'm having some family problems/issues and I'd like to get them resolved, for this time I'm going to stay off a Steam and forums and will be back on when problems get resolved. Stay safe, I'll be back. Hopefully.
  17. -1 rather immature and likes to bag on others, not ready for mod, you messed up as paid moderator which alot of people saw coming.
  18. TurdWig

    I resign

    no thoughtful speech or shit. just goes right out with a boom. see ya.
  19. good luck, hope you have a great time with your future endeavours just kidding, you left us like years ago. no one likes you here. <3
  20. A problem with many peoples replies are, "sometimes annoying" and "i'll let you in barely." If someone is "sometimes annoying" then they shouldn't be let in the clan. On topic, I'm going to make my decision at a 0. You know rules and can behave yourself at times but you are annoying and you break very simple rules to follow.
  21. let's hope my money can rest for a while
  22. -1 too soon, great member, should not leave