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Everything posted by ChickenPanda

  1. Sorry for not showing up myself, I had buddies over and I felt it rude to hop on in the middle of us hanging out.
  2. I feel like you want to be banned. @Ohstopyou @Moosty @Rejects @metalslug53 pls close.
  3. When @[51406:@Bach] d/c's from your HotS match and their core stops at 1% and we lose. FeelsBadMan.
    1. Bach


  4. I've been afk past few days. I'll +1 if someone can confirm you're active + I see you at least once for myself.
  5. -1 from me. Keep it the way it is.
  6. I wouldn't have an issue with mods not having perm if we could rethink how we do our promotions. Casey mentioned a few people in those messages to me that he would trust with perm powers. In my opinion, those are the people who should be getting admin. We also need to start demoting more, please. I'm not saying for no reason. Sure, if they're active and they're doing a great job, keep them. I'm talking about a select few who STILL don't know commands, and ask moderators for help. I'm not talking about judgment and asking for a "hey, what do you think?". I'm talking about stuff like "Hey, how long is a week ban?" And "How do I slay outside of admin menu?" Shit that admins should know, and they still don't. I mentioned a few to Ohstop already, and he should know my personal opinion. Maybe the issue isn't mods having perm powers. It may just be that I feel the higher ups aren't doing the best with promo/demos. (Sometimes it's like they don't even exist. Kappa.) @Ohstopyou @metalslug53 @Moosty @Rejects You guys do your jobs very well, (and I appreciate you guys a ton) but maybe there can be a small change in how you guys think about our ranking system. EDIT: obligatory "I'm on my phone. Excuse the formatting."
  7. @Kart memes some dank shit. @Hachi smells like some dank shit. Moosty eats asscrack. I love memes.
  8. Out of these, I'd say to keep Wheatley, The Rock, Joker, Pacman, and Phoenix (and use bone's suggestion :^)
  9. Don't watch anymore, but I used to be a NiP fanboy. f0rest and Get_Right being among my favourites.
  10. I agree completely. Not a Hale regular, can't help you out, there. However, it's been on my mind for a very long time that we should remove PlayPoints. If anything, we can add Warcraft like @kbraszzz has previously mentioned to me. Bosses using 520 speed should probably be a huge no, yet no rules have been put in place to remove the perks on bosses. Removing PlayPoints entirely would give the entire server a new feel, plus soldier, pyro, and a few other classes would actually be viable as damage-dealers. @HaleRegulars what do you think?
  11. Keep in mind guys, while I personally love extra maps and bosses on Hale, the more crap we have, the more newcomers have to download. Have you ever tried to join a server that takes 15+ mins to download and you eventually just give up? I believe that's what our DLs are trying to avoid, here. If you want extra bosses, maybe suggest a few to get rid of so the entire file size for Hale isn't like 18 million gigs.
  12. Makes sense, sure. I guess this is just purely differentiating opinions, but it's not exactly a decision I agree with. But hey, not my choice. Follow-up question, does anyone (admins and below) have access to sm_addban? If we cannot have Ban Disconnected fixed, this is an easy alternative to ban by steam ID. It simply adds a ban, not even an IP, it's literally a server ban. I do not believe mods/admins have it at all.
  13. Let's be real, you gave them mod because you trust them. Not being able to perm an obvious hacker/mass fker, etc etc is very frustrating. I don't see the other argument to this. If there is one, please inform me. However, the main argument I can see is "what if they perm the whole server" Yo. If you didn't trust them, then they wouldn't have gotten mod. Period. If they perm a whole server, that's (in my opinion) the faults of those who promoted them. Pls give us perm permissions. #WillSuckWiener4Perm @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @metalslug53 @Rejects @Moosty
  14. http://polls.playcomp.tf/
  15. Donating through forums is what automatically gives you the tag. I'm gonna assume this is a no. I'm a super don, and I donated $5 on the website to get the tag.
  16. Music room isn't the mapmaker's fault. That's just Pokemon kids being like "omg musik!!!!" Besides that, good input :]
  17. Just curious who everyone sided with. I did the Institute. Try not to spoil anything, I guess. But I tagged the post just in case.
  18. -1 literally came out of nowhere. You come out of the blue and expect to get back in immediately? lol A: 0/10 M: 8/10
  19. Geel9, the developer for scrap.tf has created a workaround for those of you without smartphones. I'd consider checking out the reddit post which you can find here: Introducing the Steam Desktop Authenticator beta version 0.1.0. No phone needed to avoid escrow. Entirely open-source. • /r/tf2