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  1. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Tomahawk in Highlander 2: Electric Boogaloo   
    Shouldn't we finalize rosters now and take the whole month of may to practice? Subs and Mains?
  2. Boring
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Osiris in Highlander 2: Electric Boogaloo   
    You're not the team leader, so stop acting like it please.
  3. Salty
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Highlander 2: Electric Boogaloo   
    You're not the team leader, so stop acting like it please.
  4. Sad
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Skitters   
    You missed the age requirement by a single day. Sorry man.
    @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Moosty @metalslug53 @Rejects Close please.
  5. Funny
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Forest in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    I'm still confused on why we banned him in the first place if we're going to undo it. I suppose in @Forest we trust :^)
    And regarding the mass of people leaving, lets face it.
    We're pussies. :^)
  6. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Forest in That Darn Comment Box   
    For the love of god, change the functionality of the comment(s) box @Rhododendron . It clouds over text like you wouldn't believe, and makes it that much harder to read the content of any post. Isn't there a way in which you can minimize it so that it isn't displayed, much like how it used to be at one point? Mind you, if there already is a way and I'm an idiot, disregard this thread and tell me how.
    You'll notice that it's near impossible to read the underlying text behind the comment(s) box, even though it is transparent.
  7. Sad
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Skitters   
    You missed the age requirement by a single day. Sorry man.
    @kbraszzz @Ohstopyou @Moosty @metalslug53 @Rejects Close please.
  8. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Kypari in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    I'm still confused on why we banned him in the first place if we're going to undo it. I suppose in @Forest we trust :^)
    And regarding the mass of people leaving, lets face it.
    We're pussies. :^)
  9. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Moosty in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    I'm 100% in agreement with this. Justified or not, the bans were an attempt to solve a long standing problem. And honestly, since the ban, short time it may be, things have improved, players vector ran off are coming back. Things have been genuinely better.
    Let's be perfectly clear here though. Vector got screwed on this one. The ban ended up being a positive thing for the servers, but that doesn't mean vector shouldn't get another shot. I am entirely in favor of forest's idea. He should be unbanned on forums, but the servers are another story. I honestly think him having time away is better for everyone involved. Even him. The toxicity reforms were made for a reason. They were poorly executed, but somehow they worked. That's why everyone in tf2 is up in arms. Because things have been better, and we don't want that positive change to stop. Vector coming back now ruins it. But Vector coming back after he's had time to improve strengthens it.
  10. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Forest in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    While I do understand why he was banned, I don't find that a [permanent] ban on the spot was necessarily justified without prior notice. Vector's behaviour and attitude is certainly volatile and unacceptable, and I can see why so many are against his unban, but to jump the gun to a permanent ban seems excessive.
    With that said, I propose a compromise that I feel is fair to both parties; those for the unban and those against. I suggest that Vector be unbanned only from Forums for the time being while remaining permanently banned from Servers.
    During this period, Vector will have the opportunity to show the community that he can produce a community-friendly attitude that doesn't involve overly-hostile or discriminating remarks. With that said, Higher-Ups will need to monitor his behaviour and attitude. This is a crucial step. This will ensure that if he is not able to keep a calm air around him on Forums after being given a chance, then the only choice will be to permanently ban him. After a noticeable improvement in behaviour, an appeal for an unban from Servers can be made where the community will determine whether he is ready to represent XenoGamers on it's Servers.
    This will obviously require the co-operation of the community as well, including those who have had.. Turbulent times with Vector. Simply put, do not [intentionally] harass, instigate, or provoke him into slipping up. It isn't easy to make a change in attitude, so don't [try to] give the guy a hard time. At the very least, try to put aside your differences and give the guy a chance.
    To clarify, this is all just an opinion. Take it with a grain of salt :coffee:
  11. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Flareon in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    Im not going to sugarcoat my opinion about this issue. Vector has long been a thorn on the side of the tf2 division and community using every nook and cranny every loophole to harrass and and disrespect people.
  12. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Goblin in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    I honestly don't care, Vector can be honestly a very cool guy but at the same time he can be unnecessarily penisy.
    Tbh i'd rather have him on the forums than on the servers infact I don't even mind if he's on the forums, if he starts more crap just ban him again.
    And js if you never played Team Fortress 2 with Vector while he was an Admin and had seen how he treated people on the servers, you really can't say :poop: about him coming back to tf2.
  13. Winner
    ChickenPanda reacted to Timer5 in Should Vector Be Unbanned?   
    First off I wanted to give a heads up that I am writing this post on my phone so there will probably be some mistakes bear with me please
    So on the topic of vector. I personally stand by the ban 100%. Vector and I have a bad history he chased me off the XG: Gaming history server. At the time it was my main server. I had a long history on it and actually met my Fiance on it "not a normal online relationship she is in the middle of immigrating to the US and the K1 visa process has started a house has been purchased and everything is inline for us to be married so it is a real relationship for the record) now back on track. At the time my fiance and I played on XG every day and enjoyed it during the early days of our relationship. Well one day vector just started going off at me for liking mlp and was a total ass hole. At first I figured it was a one time thing but jt ended up being every day he would mess with me go out of his way to kill me and just make being on the server a pain. After about 2 weeks of this I left XG and never touched it again. It was not till later Chicken panda and I became good friends that I began to try XG again. It was not till I heard about his demotion that I started to go on again. Since his removal XG has improved leaps and bounds and is a fun server again. I try to go on when I can and when I do it is always great anx an enjoyable time with our people going out of their way to give me a hard time. The sky is the limit for XG and with vector being permanently banded the server will become better than ever. People like vector hold servers like XG back. That is my personal opinion you can take it or leave it but I wanted to make sure I could help influence XG to become a better and greater server chain and ensure dead weight like vector can not hold back the growth of the server.
  14. Winner
    ChickenPanda reacted to realBelloWaldi in Kypari - Team Fortress 2   
    I have the ultimate solution.
    [spoiler=Only click this if you're Kypari]
    [spoiler=Only click this if you're Rabid/ASock]
  15. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Ohstopyou in Highlander 2: Electric Boogaloo   
    I'm pretty sure the reserve shooter is bannnneeeed <3
  16. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Flareon in Highlander 2: Electric Boogaloo   
    Because of last season's team coordination, your co-leader votes for moving down to iron, Moosty. It's a good starting place, and I say once we go at LEAST 4-4, we can consider going to steel.
    You know I will play medic either way, but I would definitely think iron is a good move.
  17. Optimistic
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Haruka in [serious] Bach - Team Fortress 2   
    who r u
  18. Sad
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Flareon in Toxicity Reform   
    I do have a buddy who met his girlfriend of a few years on our servers, (they're moving in together soon I believe) and Vector ran both of them away from our TGH server.
  19. Sad
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Osiris in Toxicity Reform   
    I do have a buddy who met his girlfriend of a few years on our servers, (they're moving in together soon I believe) and Vector ran both of them away from our TGH server.
  20. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Dethman in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Eh. The three of us are agreement on this so I'll say it. He'll understand.
    @Dethman we hate how you delete comments you don't like, you were a huge part of the toxicity reform, and you overall act like a CL. You're supposed to be developing our Minecraft server, but instead, you're busy worrying about doing the CL's job. Hachi was also annoyed on how you deleted EVERYTHING from the Minecraft server, rather than just the stuff Rhodo told you to. It's not your place to close TF2 or drama-related threads. We would appreciate if you would do YOUR job, and not Moosty's, Kbraszz's, or any of the CL's.
    No hard feelings. <3
  21. Friendly
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Haruka in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Eh. The three of us are agreement on this so I'll say it. He'll understand.
    @Dethman we hate how you delete comments you don't like, you were a huge part of the toxicity reform, and you overall act like a CL. You're supposed to be developing our Minecraft server, but instead, you're busy worrying about doing the CL's job. Hachi was also annoyed on how you deleted EVERYTHING from the Minecraft server, rather than just the stuff Rhodo told you to. It's not your place to close TF2 or drama-related threads. We would appreciate if you would do YOUR job, and not Moosty's, Kbraszz's, or any of the CL's.
    No hard feelings. <3
  22. Agree
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from Flareon in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Eh. The three of us are agreement on this so I'll say it. He'll understand.
    @Dethman we hate how you delete comments you don't like, you were a huge part of the toxicity reform, and you overall act like a CL. You're supposed to be developing our Minecraft server, but instead, you're busy worrying about doing the CL's job. Hachi was also annoyed on how you deleted EVERYTHING from the Minecraft server, rather than just the stuff Rhodo told you to. It's not your place to close TF2 or drama-related threads. We would appreciate if you would do YOUR job, and not Moosty's, Kbraszz's, or any of the CL's.
    No hard feelings. <3
  23. Agree
    ChickenPanda reacted to Dethman in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    @Flareon I am sorry but you act like one big god damn attention whore in my eyes. You went on shoutbox yesterday saying "I will never comeback to teamspeak" "I will come back if anyone care (they probably wont)." Jesus christ that just seems like someone just begging to get comments like "I will miss you flareon" because frankly that is just fucking stupid. I have done my fair share of stupid attentionwhore shit but this is honestly so bad for me to ignore.
    I barely see you do anything on the servers. You only go AFK when I am on and if there is a problem i have had to come on just to do it because you decided to go afk in spctate while someone is blasting moonman over there mic. When I kick you for 1. Time hoarding and 2. AFK slot hogging and you come back and say "Why did you kick me? I was running errands." I come back and you doing the same exact god damn thing. I recommended you for mod because i knew that you could enforce rules and actually be active on Pokemon a lot but now that you have it, you never do anything. Yes you occasionally ban someone or you kick someone but you don't seem to care. Do what you are supposed to do and log out of TF2 or the server if you want to go AFK.
    EDIT: You make made an attention scene before your promo saying how you where depressed that you were not promoted. Tough shit, people who have been in the clan longer then you have never been promoted and they are 10x more active than you. Learn that not everything is going to be given to you especially when you don't do much anyway.
  24. Like
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Criticism: Let It Flow   
    Eh. The three of us are agreement on this so I'll say it. He'll understand.
    @Dethman we hate how you delete comments you don't like, you were a huge part of the toxicity reform, and you overall act like a CL. You're supposed to be developing our Minecraft server, but instead, you're busy worrying about doing the CL's job. Hachi was also annoyed on how you deleted EVERYTHING from the Minecraft server, rather than just the stuff Rhodo told you to. It's not your place to close TF2 or drama-related threads. We would appreciate if you would do YOUR job, and not Moosty's, Kbraszz's, or any of the CL's.
    No hard feelings. <3
  25. Useful
    ChickenPanda got a reaction from The_Unlit_Torch in Toxicity Reform   
    I do have a buddy who met his girlfriend of a few years on our servers, (they're moving in together soon I believe) and Vector ran both of them away from our TGH server.