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  1. F!$k Off
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from John in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Do you have proof that he did this? If you do lets ban him. I know you said "reportedly", but if there is a chance he didn't actually do it, why use that as a reason to +1?
  2. Agree
    MuffinMonster reacted to Forest in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Alright so, here's the deal. Whenever something like this is done, it almost entirely depends on the context, scenario, motives and etc. Before going any further, I am going to say now that the Cons heavily outweigh the Pros.
    First, From what I heard, this was done upon a "No-balls" request, and because of that, it already isn't looking good. This isn't something like killing a T upon "No-balls" request, not only was it considered a mass-freekill/teamkill, but it was also an abuse of power and rank.
    Second thing I will point out is that it was recorded and posted on YouTube. Normally that wouldn't be an issue, however it was being done on an xG server, with the offender wearing xG tags, so not only does this give our Server a bad name, but it also gives our Community a bad name.
    Third, I understand that Sinly was given leniency when he did it, however he has been a long-time member who had done a great job as an Administrator in our CS:S Division. Also, don't think he got away scot-free, because he will never have the chance to achieve Staff Powers again, at least not in the CS:S Division. I will also point out that our CS:S Div Leader (@@HighSociety) carried out the ban, and he believed it warranted a 2 month period. In this case with Mythic, the ban was given out by our Leader (@autumn).
    My Fourth and final point. Recently, Mythic had intentionally trolled on TeamSpeak, and it wasn't even done on Our TS3 server. It was done on another TS3 server that had ex-xG members present during the time. This caused a demotion from Div to Member status, and after being discussed amongst our Co-Leaders, was given leniency in which Mythic kept a Moderator position and was allowed to remain an xG member. He was given a second chance to prove to us that he wasn't immature and could remain such a position. Now because something like this has happened, he has given enough proof that he is not ready for a position of power nor is he mature enough to handle something such as a "No-Balls" request.
    My final decision; I'm going to -1 the request to be unbanned. I am in no way saying this with any intention of Completely hindering any chance of Mythic being on our servers, but it is our responsibility to weigh the situation and decide whether or not it warrants an unban. I want everyone to be aware of the amount of Cons there is to Pros, and to consider what I have said before coming to a conclusion. I have Nothing against Mythic, I think he's a great guy, but when something like this happens, it's just not tolerable. Sorry buddy, but not this time.
    TL;DR - Being thorough is what is needed as a Higher-Up. If you Actually care about the subject at hand, then you'll take the time to read all this.
    - Dat guy, Forest
  3. Dislike
    MuffinMonster reacted to LastGame in Regarding GMOD Division   
    Oh thank jesus, that made my day
  4. F!$k Off
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from John in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You are seriously one of the most annoying and immature staff in the CSS division. You really fucked up when you slayed all.
  5. Like
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from MrAwesome104 in Mythic - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You are seriously one of the most annoying and immature staff in the CSS division. You really fucked up when you slayed all.
  6. Like
    MuffinMonster reacted to Forest in Trading!!!   
    DayZ > WarZ
  7. Optimistic
    MuffinMonster reacted to Chrono in African Rating.   
    My dick is bigger than an africans
  8. Like
    MuffinMonster reacted to DerpO_o in Rant on Member Subs   
    cool guy, mature, and active
  9. Agree
    MuffinMonster reacted to Rhododendron in Superkiller67 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    He's not getting unbanned.
  10. Agree
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from Brian in F2P players and the trade server.   
    And that is the reason why we have mods and admins.
  11. Like
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from Chrono in Salty Spitoon Entrance   
    How tough am I?
    I've fought the urge to dream about Nicholas Cage.
  12. Dislike
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from StartNow in Superkiller67 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Duckiijr. was my friend at the time he was hacking and I -1'd his unban request.
  13. Like
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from MineCrack in Superkiller67 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Duckiijr. was my friend at the time he was hacking and I -1'd his unban request.
  14. Agree
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from Brian in Superkiller67 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    My god, to all the people saying "You can't just randomly ban someone," take a look at the servers. Do you warn people that start hacking that they are about to be banned? No, because that makes them do something really stupid before they kick the bucket. If someone had a valid reason to ban someone, they don't have to tell them that they are being banned most of the time. Plus, Duckiijr had so many warnings against him, which Chrono has been trying to get into your heads during this whole thread.
  15. Like
    MuffinMonster reacted to diabeetus in GXT   
    You're posting on our forums why? Oh yeah WD's forums are completely dead.
  16. Like
    MuffinMonster reacted to Chrono in Superkiller67 - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I pointed it out, because I have been here, and I even specifically said:

    It is because we are older we are giving the -1 instead of the +1 like the new members are because we know of your past, we were here for it, and that kind of attitude is something that does need professional help, not us, and the fact is that you have threatened suicide numerous times on our forums and teamspeak, to your "friends" and nobody wants to receive messages like that.

    Everything was taken into account on this ban. Your "shitty past" was a big problem considering you have threatened numerous times to commit suicide, each time you were told after you calmed down not to ever do it again. That is something that is just wrong and we wanted no part of someone threatening it, nor did we want that to be messaged to our members. It is also not based off rumor, if it were based off rumor then there would have been someone obviously trolling saying what went down to us in teamspeak without anything backing him/her.

    "I never did anything wrong." Is a bit of an overstatement, you have done many things wrong, whether it be personal life, or your "internet life" with xG, from hacking to trolling to being a straight up nuisance, as well as the suicidal thoughts that are harmful to not just yourself but everyone around you. even if you were applying that statement to just this scenario here, it doesn't work, you did do something wrong. You had those suicidal thoughts you were warned about several times in the past to not bring up again and that if you were being troubled by something there are always professional counselors you can talk to at school, or a trustworthy friend here you can just vent frustration to, but not suicidal feelings.
    Bottom Line: (for this post) Your negative attitude overall and your trolling others is a problem that you had been told about several times, as well as the suicidal thoughts both past and present. You had gotten down in your life again, and when that happens it seem like "suicide" is the best option to you each time, i put suicide in quotes because luckily you have not actually commit suicide but you have threatened it numerous times. That is not good, not for your health to even be thinking about it, not for others health to be thinking about you and your attitude towards life if you are going to it fairly commonly, and that is not healthy for this community to have someone like that before you even take into consideration that that same person also posted about it many times on the forums and talked to numerous players through steam and teamspeak.
    For those reading this other than Duckii Jr. because I know he will actually read the whole post, do not complain about there not being a TL;DR actually read the whole post, there is some very important information in it not just as to the reason why Duckii Jr. was banned, but as to why the ban is sticking so far. It may seem a bit harsh that he is being banned, but it is in the better interest of everyone, It helps the community, it helps the players, and it even helps him because he cannot come on the forums and vent out his thoughts it almost forces him to seek outside help, like a counselor.
  17. Informative
    MuffinMonster reacted to House in Sham - Counter-Strike: Source   
    forest is going to fist you if you dont use the vouching format
  18. Like
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from Forest in Hey   
    Not yet.
  19. Like
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from Ohstopyou in We need a DM   
  20. Disagree
    MuffinMonster reacted to SonicRainbow in Charrax   
    +1 I dont like disrespecters
  21. F!$k Off
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from whitestar in Well....   
    Scrub, you better be back.
  22. Optimistic
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from Aegean in Unban   
    I think this April fools joke can last forever.
  23. Agree
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from Chrono in Unban   
    I think this April fools joke can last forever.
  24. Funny
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from Rhododendron in Unban   
    I think this April fools joke can last forever.
  25. Winner
    MuffinMonster got a reaction from RazorCookie in Charrax   