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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. lol he got a week ban because he was previously banned if it was his first it woulda been a day, and no i can't recall who was on that day

    So you week banned him for him supposedly camping medic. And the reason for the extended ban is because you banned him a week ago for one day because he broke minor rules.


    Do you know how stupid that sounds?

  2. I personally play an instrument (guitar) and like to listen to the extensive riff's and solo's they play. What music do you listen to and I could try explaining from there.

    Pretty much all music other than metal. A big one would be rap I guess.

  3. what exactly makes it crap?

    I just find it extremely incoherent and unpleasant to listen to. It's the equivalence to pots and pans clattering with a person screaming. That's just my opinion though, why do you like metal?

  4. That reason is used a lot, It's basically for rules that we don't want to explain but we know are bannable (It's not a big deal), Or the reason is too long. I'd assume either the rebel didn't pick the gun up (if it really was a map gun) and had his own, or it was for another reason in the past just before it. We still don't know exactly why he was banned. But i think it's fine.

    If you think it's fine you're lazy. It's not hard to type in a simple reason. Not only that but the admin who bans for "read motd" would have to explain regardless if the ban is appealed or if the person asks in game. Your excuse for using that reason is pretty awful.

  5. he got a week ban because i previously banned him for a day, im not gonna keep re-banning them for a day over and over they get the punishment 1st ct ban is a day 2nd ct ban is a week and so on that's why you have received a week ban instead of a day, i strongly suggest you learn the rules cuz we don't need bad cts

    Because he picked up a map gun from a T who died?


    Also what has fraggot done previously? You put read motd for the reason on his first CT ban which is clearly not a reason.

  6. In the member guidelines it DOES say however that members will not be accepted if they are annoying. If people become annoyed with his behaviour, whether it be harassment, asking for +1s, spam, etc. it's a legit reason and should be counted.

    Whether he is annoying or not is a personal opinion and isn't the reason on everyone's decision.


    Though I find it kind of ironic a jailbreaker is calling another jailbreaker annoying.

  7. Okay this has really turned into a circle jerk rest over several things.


    1) He jokingly said nasty things to puppy, it's pretty pathetic but it's nothing new. Members and nonmembers alike have been harassing puppy throughout her playtime on xG. I don't see why it's such a big deal of a sudden.


    2) He wore tags. So what? It's not like he knew he had to apply, there are communities where you can wear tags without applying. It's an honest mistake which was fixed.


    3) He asked for +1s which isn't really stated anywhere saying you can't ask for them. If it is, my bad. But realize the membership guidelines state you can't -1 just because they asked for a +1. It will be counted as invalid.

  8. CTS GET KILLED BY BOMBS because they can't keep their distance, when we had bomb back int he day the code was much better and it actually took 60 seconds to arm now its instant, people have to fix the code for the bombs or you make one for us, but bombs have been a big part of JB for a while and i don't think that people don't want them, bomb have been expected for a while now, its a new add-on that some people have not seen or used in css yet so you just have to get used to it

    It was 15 seconds.