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Posts posted by MineCrack

  1. I was wrong on the slay. i give you that but there are verying levels of disrespect. Your level is obviously higher than mine, as i am sensitive to it.

    Why would you be sensitive to someone calling you a bad mod over the Internet after you fucked up doing your job?

    I try and do my job and when people bitch at me over one screw up calling me "bad mod" I think it's disrespect.

    I would repeat my previous post but its clear your fweelins get hurt easily.

  2. -1. You don't seem to know the motd very well at all, as I've personally had to slay you many times. You also don't have much time in-game, only about 1 day total played which isn't quite enough to get member status. Plus, I don't know if you're the correct age to even apply. On your first application (which was about 3 weeks ago) you said you were 13, on this application you're saying you're 14, but on your account you say you're 15. So if you could actually tell us how old you are or at least try to be somewhat consistent with your age that would be nice.

    A: 5/10

    M: 6/10

    Since when was there a standard for play time to join xG?

    I never said there was, but just having 1 day of total play time on the only xG server he's ever connected to, which he has also been playing on for the past few months isn't much. If someone has barely played on the server it is harder to get in as less people will know who you are, as lots of activity never hurts, and shows that you are at least somewhat dedicated to the community.

    That's exactly what you said. Depending on how that person acts, and when he plays on the server can greatly effect his chances of getting into xG with a day of total play time. Some people have a social life not online, so they can't always be playing jailbreak (lol).

  3. Im sorry but ezreal is considered hard to most people because everything is a "skillshot" but imo one of the easiest people to play considering his q does too much damage for being on 2 second cooldown. Wont be fun 1v1's no trading skills and all inning. Just gunna be a poke battle and a race to tower kill or 100 cs



    You can easily all in as ezreal.


    Teach me the art of all inning another ezreal if theyre low, they e and flash away if they have flash or barrier under tower. If you can show me how that works i would be glad to play 1v1 ezreal. And if they were to all in its going to be after 5 minutes of trying to poke through minions.

    Not everyone is going to bring flash and barrier, you're saying that based off your play style and how you would go about winning this tournament. Also, all inning doesn't necessarily mean you're going to pick up a kill. Depending on the situation you may, or may not get a kill.

  4. -1. You don't seem to know the motd very well at all, as I've personally had to slay you many times. You also don't have much time in-game, only about 1 day total played which isn't quite enough to get member status. Plus, I don't know if you're the correct age to even apply. On your first application (which was about 3 weeks ago) you said you were 13, on this application you're saying you're 14, but on your account you say you're 15. So if you could actually tell us how old you are or at least try to be somewhat consistent with your age that would be nice.

    A: 5/10

    M: 6/10

    Since when was there a standard for play time to join xG?

  5. Im sorry but ezreal is considered hard to most people because everything is a "skillshot" but imo one of the easiest people to play considering his q does too much damage for being on 2 second cooldown. Wont be fun 1v1's no trading skills and all inning. Just gunna be a poke battle and a race to tower kill or 100 cs



    You can easily all in as ezreal.