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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. MineCrack

    Great Job

    You're jumping to conclusions, as you always do. I never said nothing is in the wrong. Morally Silence is wrong, he lied and used a map he was told not to use after asking the creator. Technically he can use it, 8bit should've read valve's ToS before putting that map up.
  2. MineCrack

    Great Job

    Can we get some people in this thread with an IQ of over 2 digits please They're here right now. Sorry m0t, is my simple logic too much? It's a guy freaking out about a map which is technically publicly available.
  3. MineCrack

    Great Job

    He used a map, so what?
  4. MineCrack

    Great Job

    Well xG deserved it, that's what we get for being retards. Glad I left I wish someone can just ban you.
  5. MineCrack

    Great Job

    tells me he simply will not accept this fact and anyone who uses his content is taking advantage of him, which is downright false. Most people would fine comfort in a large amount of people using their creations, and the more people who use it, the more feedback the author will get and recognition. However, with him, it is the exact opposite and he doesn't want his work spread around, nor recognition from the TF2 community, which is completely fine! But inhibiting me for using the content that you uploaded to the internet is crazy, especially since my usage of it is completely legal. Finally, although what I did might be frowned upon, I have done nothing illegal or violated VALVe's ToS. The main reason for going out of my to add the map was that I want the best experience for our players, and will achieve it without breaking the law. I have not done that, so I see zero reason to remove the map, other then from the author's moral standpoint and not my own. The only thing I have done was lie, and I apologize for it. Well said. (y)
  6. MineCrack

    Great Job

    He blocked me as well. Was going to ask him to re-word his blog because it's one person, not the whole community.
  7. MineCrack

    Great Job

    Ouchie, that's rude.
  8. It's been like 3 months. Maybe less, since I was unbanned in march. (towards the end too) No decision as of right now.
  9. MineCrack


    Learn C++/Source Pawn 2 help silence make css cp.
  10. ? You shouldn't have been doing what you described. I remember it too.
  11. Who is this directed to, and what did you do exactly?
  12. brockkkooobbbaammmaaaa Add MinceCrack on league
  13. MineCrack


    Learn some web dev languages.
  14. Probably one of the bronies I've gotten permed.
  15. Time to catch up on my how to basic.
  16. +1 fuck bitches get money forest
  17. +1, they say it's another way to contact you. For what though..? Nothing is really life or death. There are forums, game servers, and steam.