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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. -1 A: 7/10 M: 0/10 Griefed the tekkit server, scum.
  2. Do not take this as disrespect daddio, but have a backbone. You are saying that if you slay someone and it turns into an argument to just "slay yourself" or "be the bigger person and say you were wrong", well sorry but I'm not gonna sit here and seem like a little bitch because someone is arguing. You don't see people in court when they are arguing just all of a sudden go "I'm sorry, I was wrong. I shouldn't of brought you to court for raping my child. Judge, I would like to take the blame for the rape of my own child because this man was arguing with me." If you are right about something, don't give up. If they keep arguing and you KNOW that you are right, then warn them to stop, and if they don't, further actions will be placed upon them. Disrespect has been going on since this whole clan started, no way to stop it, or fix it unless you wanna ban the whole fucking internet from xG. Try your best to solve it yourself, whether it be; 1: Ignoring said disrespect 2: Reporting to a staff member 3: If you are a staff member, deal with it appropriately 4: Don't take it personally. I understand there are some limitations, but come on, if someone can really make you cry, and make you that upset, you are not mentally stable to be on the internet. It is as simple as that. kike.
  3. What's the point of this thread now? It derailed to a clan dispute.
  4. All he had to do is sit out the ban. (IM EDGING YOU TO)
  5. how many teams do we have if you include my team Read the thread and find out.
  6. I didnt know what was going on at first. i thought it was someone else because i didnt know it that. Again it was in the end an accident if what you say is true. The ban should just be shortened perm is kind of ridiculous for something not intentional.
  7. This event probably won't happen due to the lack of teams.
  8. It's a ban protest, I can I leave my opinion here if I want. Mmk?
  9. Yep. Sorry, what type of reaction do you want to here? I don't care. I said we but that represents the clan badly but in reality no one cares. It's fun to pretend though, right?
  10. Apparently everyone disrespecting Jericho.
  11. We don't care. We? Who the fuck are you? EVERYONE EDIT: I may have offended Aegean, I did not mean to disrespect a one man clan! Accept my apology oh great sirs!
  12. http://xecc.webs.com/apps/forums/ What a shitty site. 0 members l0l
  13. 0 He didn't fess up at first, if it was just an accident it wouldn't have been a problem.
  14. 1) You broke server rules. It doesn't matter how long you played on xG, or who you are, rules are rules. 2) Even if your "IRL" friend did it (which I doubt you have any with your attitude) it's still your account so you're liable. 3) No one is disrespecting your clan members, you're just hutt burt. If you truly are leading "XEC" (I have not a single clue what the fuck that is) you represent them like brats who act up when they don't get something. I think it's best you keep them off xG servers anyways, saves the staff from dealing with babies.\. Good riddance, I hope you don't come back.
  15. We don't talk about that time anymore... that was a dark time. stop quoting me you stop quoting me.
  16. OP never experienced hub. #Tool Life
  17. MineCrack

    Great Job

    http://www.8bitsandwich.com/content/dont-bite-hand-feeds-you >downtime Pretty sure he mentioned he always has downtime.
  18. MineCrack

    Great Job

    Are you fucking retarded? Seriously? You're implying things again. It's not a big deal, really. It's a video game.