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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. It gives the furries power.
  2. It's a community channel, if they want to keep you blacklisted they can. Personally I don't like blacklists. Most of the time if that channel is populated, you'll most likely have friends in there which can't be accessed. But, you shouldn't have done what you did to get blacklisted in the first place. I remember you being quite annoying while you were in one of warrior's channels once.
  3. Lol this is what I'm talking about. My disrespect is higher than yours. Make sense please.
  4. A friend bought me skyrim, hitman absolution, and scribblenauts. Paying him back when I get to my dads house :p
  5. So I was talking to Prius about hub, and he said the final hub wouldn't be done quick enough to please us. It has a lot of things to be fixed/done etc etc. Then I asked him how long for what was originally on the servers (hats/trails/colors) and he said a day or so. All he needs is support from the community (+1) and Silences approval. Note, the hats/trails/colors would be temp until the final hub is done. @@Rhododendron
  6. You should link to your ban for others to see. NOTE: What you did was very immature and blemishes this community, you're lucky it's even 2 weeks and not longer. If the bans are broken you probably need to wait regardless. Also, why say "GG everybody?" It's useless/irrelevant.
  7. 1) Please make sense when you reply. 2) You griefed tekkit spawn, and griefed multi-verse. 3) I can't make sense of what you said. I can't tell if these maturity ratings are trolls.
  8. Just because you've seen a xG member do something bad, doesn't mean what you did isn't bad. You act like it isn't a big deal.
  9. What's your level? I'm new but I can manage. Almost a level 20
  10. -1 Griefed the MC server several times, and bhop scripted in another community which escalated. You have no self control, no offence.
  11. Alright I'm done replying, too much typing.
  12. Think about what you just said before you talk out of your ass about running a server. It shouldn't take two weeks to follow a guide. "What's up, I'm a division leader."
  13. As a division leader you should have stopped them. Instead you sat there and laughed and the feminine child scream in his mic. -1 for him joining in and screaming "faggots" before leaving.
  14. Actually, I haven't. Now you're just putting words in my mouth. Also, I never called anyone immature for defending themselves.
  15. I'm so sorry! Following a guide on how to setup a plain TTT server! You guys did a lot. I'm referring to the people who spent hours watching over the server despite being bored or not just to make sure rules breakers are not running rampant. I have no reason to let it go.
  16. If I said I was positive, I would need proof. Make sense.
  17. What does that have to do with this thread? It's a joke and only my friends were on. Use some logic. You are calling us immature when you never talk to the gmod division. how would you know if we are immature. "Gmod division." Funny term. Refer to my previous post on who I was referring to.