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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. I actually do know what I'm talking about. I have spoken to you guys once about Prius, and how he was apparently multi clanning (which was a pathetic case, you didn't even do any research). Also, I'm not insulting the GMOD division. When did I ever offend it? I have several friends that might still be in power in the gmod division. I'm talking about you children who rushed into the room and began talking shit+mic spamming. Yes, you left after calling people in the channel faggots. A+
  2. So, we are the immature ones when you go onto the mini-games server and pretend to be 12 by making your voice high pitched. Use some logic What does that have to do with this thread? It's a joke and only my friends were on. Use some logic.
  3. How do you have a twin brother that is 16, while your profile says you are 23? o_O I know him in real life. He has a twin brother. If you can't keep your cool when referring to a ban appeal, then obviously he's not he only immature one. We were working on some stuff for the TTT server and his brother said "LOL i'm gonna go mess with Aubri". Giddy got blamed because they sound identical. Look Giddy did nothing wrong, he was in Warrior's room just hearing what was going down, and I feel like its not right that he's getting blamed and bashed by all of Warrior's room. I'm keeping my cool, just telling you how it is. The majority of you guys came into the room and started screaming. I'm almost certain Giddy started screaming "faggot." It's also kind of ironic how you say he's getting bashed by all of Warrior's room yet you guys are ganging up on me ^_^.
  4. -1 Just another immature group of childtrolls who go room to room looking for attention by mic spamming.
  5. One, at the most he would lose his xG membership. Two, who are you to even say that? I very much doubt he will change his attitude. He still has his friend Jacob or whatever the fuck his name is, coming on the server using the name PlebWolf6052 #FreeMyNiggaBusiness. He's probably doing it on his free will. I don't see why you're getting so offended.
  6. Are you drunk again? Hold on, let me check my PokeDex! ... [attach]5092[/ATTACH] MY GOD! HIS BAC LEVEL IS OFF THE CHART!!! What. The. Fuck.
  7. That's a good point. My dad walked in on me and saw that pink shit and thought it was a porn website. lol... My mother asked me if I was gay.
  8. This I highly doubt... I still stand.
  9. Change it back and don't be a Christian.
  10. Actually, he mentioned he mass freekilled, and that was discussing about a CS:S server. So get it right and stop trying to say it isn't fucking meant for a DM. If he mass freekilled in CS:S, that would VERY MUCH involve CS:S Staff. No it is not meant for a DM, and I will continue to say it. and quite frankly if you the DM in question, are going to be ignorant enough to not even read the thread in the first place, and only a final post by M-Town who you don't even know, I have no clue why the fuck you are even DM. Read the thread, or shut the fuck up. It was a mistake. :)
  11. He makes xG look like we're a bunch of faggot kids who don't give a fuck about each other We should put a member protest on all the people who hang out in the homeless penthouse who decided to join a server, change their names in game, then decided to break rules. As long as it's on xG servers, it doesn't really blemish xG's reputation with all the other children acting up ^_^!
  12. -1 Although business went over board with his disrespect+spam, he's still a good guy. After this experience he will MOST LIKELY change his attitude and stop his previous actions. Really, with the exception of a few people it seems like the furries got pissed off by business and are ganging up on him. Someone should simply have a talk to him about his attitude instead of just out right throwing a member protest up. Once you get to know him, he's not that bad of a guy. Trust me (which you most likely won't).
  13. 1 member who is highly disliked vs xG community. I'd rather not embarrass myself anymore buddy. Just do it, make your possible last moments funny One, at the most he would lose his xG membership. Two, who are you to even say that?
  14. MineCrack


    MineCraft is boring, everyone should play me instead.
  15. Your boyfriend? Or...
  16. @@Rhododendron A lot of the good maps on MG are "already played" and become playable. Yet, some of the maps are playable and continue to be playable. tl;dr restart server so we can play good maps and server can be populated again. And possibly remove the maps I said?
  17. I'm doing nothing :(. My father is doing stuff with my step mother but she's a bitch, no thanx.
  18. I don't know what would indicate he's banned for less than 24 hours as of now but okay. He still needs to defend his case. When it says "hours" its less than a day, if longer than a day, it says "days" That is terrible indication, but okay. He still needs to defend his case.
  19. It's okay bb gurl. On another note, he should be unbanned to defend his case. Only people that have unban powers on the forums are @@serbiansnaga and @@Rhododendron because we don't have a forum moderator control panel yet. The only mod options on BusinessMans profile is "easyban_user_already_banned_hours" so I'm guessing he's banned for less than 24 hours as of right now. I don't know what would indicate he's banned for less than 24 hours as of now but okay. He still needs to defend his case.
  20. It's okay bb gurl. On another note, he should be unbanned to defend his case.