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Everything posted by MineCrack

  1. Did you catch it?!?!?!?!?
  2. Everyone you don't like is considered a troll to you.
  3. How about you stop acting like a child and stop giving bleed's personal info out. How about you stop being gay, a dick, and a retard. Child.
  4. How about you stop acting like a child and stop giving bleed's personal info out.
  5. How dare you forget Derp. That man is a national treasure. Yeah, I thought I added him. I play games with him err day :I
  6. MineCrack


    Try downloading that map off of gamebanana then dropping it in your maps folder. I spoke in a private channel to someone trying to help me. Going through Steam/Steam Apps/etc. Recently, Steam made a change of the HL2E (Half Life 2 Engine games) and it is no longer located through your user folder. It is located in the Common folder which is where I went to locate it and I only found the pre-installed maps. So I'm not really sure. Lol Maps - GAMEBANANA Just download the maps the server is on and put it in the folder with the pre-installed maps. And you're done : p
  7. Oh shit, I thought you were just savage. Sorry audible! :(
  8. MineCrack


    Try downloading that map off of gamebanana then dropping it in your maps folder.
  9. Silence has the choice to ban Charrax, and his members, for his actions. Charrax should have thought out his actions before acting like a immature child. On another note, when I was on GFL MG you began to harass me for no reason at all. Your ways have not changed bud. EDIT: If anything, only audible/no1dead should be unbanned as they were some of the few people who continued to play on xG servers after the split.
  10. MineCrack


    Welcome. You'll find your group around xG eventually, it's very diverse :).
  11. It's just music you would listen to personally. It doesn't even fit in with the last CT experience.
  12. MineCrack


    Not suggest it and try to get other people to do it? What rank am I? A moderator... I'm not a fucking DM I can't do shit as a mod. You CANNOT do anything without a voice, and that "voice" comes with rank sadly. Not saying im power hungry, I tried my best but it did not work as you can see. So all i'm going to do is sit back and watch. It doesn't take DM to make a community night. All you have to do is say hey guys we are having a community night. this server. this time. join it or forever be a faget. just ask someone to make an event. community night does not necessarily mean you have to offer credits for the non-existent hub. There is no regulations on it. Though, since I needed DM permission for a comp. night you would jump to the conclusion you would need permission for a community night. Warrior is simply preventing the possibility from looking like a fool by scheduling his own community night, he's just a moderator.
  13. MineCrack


    I literally leave CS:S open and go to sleep most of the time. I'll win.
  14. @@Rhododendron I believe you wanted the map names before adding them in? //random maps mg_31_bhop_battle_lite.bsp mg_castle_war.bsp mg_fred_v4.bsp mg_grand_puzzles_f.bsp mg_kennys_multigames_x1.bsp mg_lego_multigames_v2.bsp mg_matrix_trilogie.bsp mg_multimap_orbital_fix4.bsp mg_sg_allinone_skill_v2.bsp mg_ski_mountain_resort_fix.bsp mg_somethingfun_v4_ns.bsp mg_twotowers.bsp mg_warmcup_headshot.bsp //course maps mg_100traps_v2.bsp mg_beast_course_v5.bsp mg_bobiii.bsp mg_bobiii.nav mg_cbble_course_beta3.bsp mg_city_course_version_2.bsp mg_dinks_course_finall.bsp mg_dr_minis_course_v5.bsp mg_gore_course_b1.bsp mg_ifionly.bsp mg_justacourse_v2.bsp mg_kegs_course_v3_fixed3.bsp mg_kegs_course_v3_fixed3.nav mg_saw_3_fix.bsp mg_scari_multigame_v3.bsp mg_scary_course_2012_v4.bsp mg_sohigh_course_v3.bsp mg_sohigh_course_v3.nav
  15. Click servers then search for your ban. Once you find it you'll see the reason, after go to Applications | Xeno Gamers and fill out a ban protest form.
  16. So recently I've been over the top with my disrespect and it's grown to a problem that even I realize. I just want to get this out there that I will do my best to change this and become a better member of the community too stop conflicts between me, and other members. And to those members I've gone to far with the disrespect/racial slurs, I am sorry.
  17. Thats minecraft, he acts fine on CS:S (which is what hes applying for anyway) +1, he's fun to pla with, was active and still is mature. A:7 M:8 Did you know he was banned from GFL for having a friend DDoS them and scripting on their servers?