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  1. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Tsuchikure in Oh Geez' Departing   
    Wouldn't this be considered leaving, though..?

    Last time i checked, you don't need to do anything in this clan anyway. No need to be so down about it
  2. Sad
    Ohstopyou reacted to OhGeez in Oh Geez' Departing   
    I flucking love you too.
  3. Winner
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Hype in Oh Geez' Departing   
    I don't appreciate you laying the salt on me anonymously. I created votes and gave the entire server some fun things for a couple rounds, but you and a couple others turned around and abused what I had given you, so I then removed it from everyone. If you think that is abuse, it's not. I try to be nice and allow people to have a little more fun, but when that is thrown back at me, I won't be so courteous.
    Also, if you think I'm not doing my job; all I can say to that is "K". I barely play on Jailbreak, and when I do, I do my best to uphold the 50000 rules we have. However, I mostly play on the trade servers, Saxton Hale, and Deathrun.
    From what I have seen, you have changed your name many times in the past to so many things that it is hard to keep track of all that you have said and done. I do remember that you have said racist and sexist "jokes" to many different members and staff members. I was willing to let it slide a couple times because I thought you were joking and that possibly you would get better. It clearly never has, and I'm sorry that we seemed to have a fallout.
    Also, anytime there would be "abuse" it would occur when we create a vote and get enough yes's (70%) to do whatever was stated in said vote. But in that case, it wouldn't be abuse.
    I'm sorry that you didn't have fun in our clan, and that you found our staff to be too harsh and our servers "useless". That is an opinion you can have, I don't mind. However, it's not okay to bash admins for doing their jobs.
    Finally, as a note to everyone. If there are rule breakers you need to do one or a combination of these three things:
    1. Gather evidence and create a ban request profile
    2. Get on our Teamspeak server <voice.xenogamers.com> and get an admin or moderator.
    3. Message an admin or moderator on Steam.
  4. Drunk
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Tirisgarde in Oh Geez' Departing   
    I don't appreciate you laying the salt on me anonymously. I created votes and gave the entire server some fun things for a couple rounds, but you and a couple others turned around and abused what I had given you, so I then removed it from everyone. If you think that is abuse, it's not. I try to be nice and allow people to have a little more fun, but when that is thrown back at me, I won't be so courteous.
    Also, if you think I'm not doing my job; all I can say to that is "K". I barely play on Jailbreak, and when I do, I do my best to uphold the 50000 rules we have. However, I mostly play on the trade servers, Saxton Hale, and Deathrun.
    From what I have seen, you have changed your name many times in the past to so many things that it is hard to keep track of all that you have said and done. I do remember that you have said racist and sexist "jokes" to many different members and staff members. I was willing to let it slide a couple times because I thought you were joking and that possibly you would get better. It clearly never has, and I'm sorry that we seemed to have a fallout.
    Also, anytime there would be "abuse" it would occur when we create a vote and get enough yes's (70%) to do whatever was stated in said vote. But in that case, it wouldn't be abuse.
    I'm sorry that you didn't have fun in our clan, and that you found our staff to be too harsh and our servers "useless". That is an opinion you can have, I don't mind. However, it's not okay to bash admins for doing their jobs.
    Finally, as a note to everyone. If there are rule breakers you need to do one or a combination of these three things:
    1. Gather evidence and create a ban request profile
    2. Get on our Teamspeak server <voice.xenogamers.com> and get an admin or moderator.
    3. Message an admin or moderator on Steam.
  5. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Tsuchikure in Psa: Don't Be An Ignorant Betch   
    From what i've experienced, it takes little to nothing at all. It's like it's not even there (to me, i have a decent [50/50] pc)
  6. Winner
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Oh Geez' Departing   
    I don't appreciate you laying the salt on me anonymously. I created votes and gave the entire server some fun things for a couple rounds, but you and a couple others turned around and abused what I had given you, so I then removed it from everyone. If you think that is abuse, it's not. I try to be nice and allow people to have a little more fun, but when that is thrown back at me, I won't be so courteous.
    Also, if you think I'm not doing my job; all I can say to that is "K". I barely play on Jailbreak, and when I do, I do my best to uphold the 50000 rules we have. However, I mostly play on the trade servers, Saxton Hale, and Deathrun.
    From what I have seen, you have changed your name many times in the past to so many things that it is hard to keep track of all that you have said and done. I do remember that you have said racist and sexist "jokes" to many different members and staff members. I was willing to let it slide a couple times because I thought you were joking and that possibly you would get better. It clearly never has, and I'm sorry that we seemed to have a fallout.
    Also, anytime there would be "abuse" it would occur when we create a vote and get enough yes's (70%) to do whatever was stated in said vote. But in that case, it wouldn't be abuse.
    I'm sorry that you didn't have fun in our clan, and that you found our staff to be too harsh and our servers "useless". That is an opinion you can have, I don't mind. However, it's not okay to bash admins for doing their jobs.
    Finally, as a note to everyone. If there are rule breakers you need to do one or a combination of these three things:
    1. Gather evidence and create a ban request profile
    2. Get on our Teamspeak server <voice.xenogamers.com> and get an admin or moderator.
    3. Message an admin or moderator on Steam.
  7. Winner
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Possible Inactivity.   
    Going 2 go crei nao.
    I feel like Chicken is just duping us and he's just going to jump out and be like:
  8. Winner
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Waimalu in Slender Fortress Update?   
    A lot of people are asking for more bosses and maps to populate the Slender Fortress Server. The bosses are available if the community wants to look through them and pick more.
    Home · KitRifty/slender-fortress Wiki · GitHub
    They have new glubable maps and bosses, so take a look everyone!
    @Marceline @Liekos @Dethman @Bryan @Rogue_Skittle @Flareon @Diamonde @kbraszzz
  9. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Bone in I Was Looking At A One Dollar Bill And I Saw This   
    Wow, that's really weird. I took a look at one of mine and just looks like it normally does:

  10. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to ChickenPanda in Possible Inactivity.   
    Never bby.
    Just dumping @Liekos and @Gr8_Butt_M8 c;
  11. Friendly
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Flareon in Possible Inactivity.   
    Going 2 go crei nao.
    I feel like Chicken is just duping us and he's just going to jump out and be like:
  12. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Possible Inactivity.   
    Going 2 go crei nao.
    I feel like Chicken is just duping us and he's just going to jump out and be like:
  13. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Flareon in Possible Inactivity.   
    Pls don't fall in to the salty water and catch a waimalu.
  14. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in The Weird Rock I Found Today   
    Y. Yu just violated my eyes.
  15. Not Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Kypari in Coolest Thing You've Found On The Internet?   
    This clan
  16. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Dethman in Slender Fortress Update?   
    Steam Community :: Guide :: Slender Fortress 2: Bosses (Pictures Included) Here is a hell of alot of bosses we could add (not all but at least a couple handfuls c; )
    Also, they have a list of servers that we can most likely be added to, so we might get a population swarming
  17. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Haruka in Slender Fortress Update?   
    Well, I figured since it doesn't get much attention; maybe we should update the plugin and add new content. I don't see a reason why we shouldn't.
  18. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Slender Fortress Update?   
    Well, I figured since it doesn't get much attention; maybe we should update the plugin and add new content. I don't see a reason why we shouldn't.
  19. Useful
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from DemonicDisaster in Slender Fortress Update?   
    A lot of people are asking for more bosses and maps to populate the Slender Fortress Server. The bosses are available if the community wants to look through them and pick more.
    Home · KitRifty/slender-fortress Wiki · GitHub
    They have new glubable maps and bosses, so take a look everyone!
    @Marceline @Liekos @Dethman @Bryan @Rogue_Skittle @Flareon @Diamonde @kbraszzz
  20. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Tf2 highlander team ?   

  21. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    We really should practice as a team :c
  22. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Flareon in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    I am bæ :3
  23. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    we will rekt next team and go to finals
  24. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to Moosty in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    can confirm
  25. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    We need to practice!
    Who else is hyped for this next match :D. SO EXCITE!