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Friend of xG
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  1. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    We need to practice!
    Who else is hyped for this next match :D. SO EXCITE!

  2. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Forest in Lets go back   
  3. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Flareon in Well, sorry for the inconvenience.   
    Bye Snips :c. You will be missed.
  4. Sad
    Ohstopyou reacted to Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    bad news i wont be getting a monitor that has HDMI slot yet. Maybe if im lucky ill get one 2moro, if not then next match ill be carrying
  5. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to Moosty in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    Thank jesus for the incoming picks
  6. Like
    Ohstopyou reacted to Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    Good news @all
    Finally got my gaming PC built and will be confirmed that ill be getting more than 20 FPS :D
  7. F!$k Off
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Rabid in Lets go back   
    There was a TF2 boom just as much as there was a CS:S boom <3
  8. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to ChickenPanda in Lets go back   
    Renakane. @Colorparty. @Ohstopyou @me rip saxton hale old days. <3
  9. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Well, sorry for the inconvenience.   
    Bye Snips :c. You will be missed.
  10. Sad
    Ohstopyou reacted to Snipes in Well, sorry for the inconvenience.   
    So cooly left xG. Now i'm going too, sorry for getting your hopes up by saying i was back and then leaving the next day. I have more reason than just "cooly left". I always felt i was treated more as a mexican terrorist child, ( @FoRgE ). I never want to be the stupid little Arabian hooker boy. I really do love all of you (except for @Hachi , no offense but your a full on attention whore.) Like really, i super love @BelloWaldi @ChickenPanda @Ohstopyou @RinAoi and of course @CoolyCooly tons. Please don't be offended by the gestures of anger that may seem to be imbued in the way I'm writing, or by my shitty ass grammar.
    And please don't be offended if i remove you, I just need to distance myself from tf2, and I've decieded only to keep some of my friends who would talk to me as if I was another human being. And not to say everyone i remove wouldn't, as aforementioned I just need some distance from the clan. I sincerely hope all of you understand my decision to leave and can respect it without stirring shit up.
    It was fucking amazing to meet all of you in the past year or so since I've started playing on the servers, and I wish everyone the best course of life from this point forward. hachi your a cunt
  11. Friendly
    Ohstopyou reacted to Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    on a more positive note... WE WON OUR FIRST GAME OMMMMGGGGGG
    GJ by everyone who played on monday :D practice for the next map :D
  12. Funny
    Ohstopyou reacted to Snipes in Here we go again   
    Don't know if i should start a new thread but after a little under a month im coming bback for you very attractive orifices :3

  13. F!$k Off
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Rabid in Lets go back   
    Nty ;)
  14. Like
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Flareon in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    Happy Birthday, Insane. A lot of Birthdays this month, yours, Bach's, mine. :D
    Let me know when the match is set on Monday. I'd like to be able to practice with everyone, but I need a little bit of a notice so I can finish all of my work.
  15. Like
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    Happy Birthday, Insane. A lot of Birthdays this month, yours, Bach's, mine. :D
    Let me know when the match is set on Monday. I'd like to be able to practice with everyone, but I need a little bit of a notice so I can finish all of my work.
  16. Agree
    Ohstopyou reacted to Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    Fridays 5:30 - 10
    Sat 2:30 - 10 (maybe)
    Sunday 5: 30 - 10

    Same here m8
  17. Sad
    Ohstopyou reacted to Dethman in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    Can't make it tonight, if I miss 1 more after this I am going to drop out of the highlander team for good. Sorry for the inconvenience. My dad is a computer-nazi so probably will not be online at all
  18. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from realBelloWaldi in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    What is the next map?
  19. Sad
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Kypari in Super mario theme - piano (by yours truly)   
    I cried...
    It was so bad...
    I'M KIDDING. Gud jawb.
  20. Sad
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Insane in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    Go to your web browser and type in either or . It should pop up with a little login thing that requests an username and password. If your parents didn't change it, it should be either:
    user: admin
    pass: password
    user: admin
    pass: admin
    If they did change the password, you're out of luck unless you know what they changed it to.
    If you are able to get into it, let me know what brand of router it is (Netgear, Cisco, Linksys, etc.). I can help you get rid of the schedule that turns it off, or at least extend it.
    Please note: This will only work if you are connected to your router via a wired or wireless connection. If you are out of your house, it will not work, but I bet you knew that.
  21. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Tf2 highlander team ?   
  22. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    Last time, we were overly nice. We waited PAST the time, and then between rounds we let their engie join. If they are going to abuse our courtesy, we shouldn't provide it. I'll give them atleast 5 minutes after the scheduled time, then we should start.
  23. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    So lets clear this up for everyone. The match date/time is:
    Monday, February 2nd @ 9:30 PM EST?
    If so, tell them we are sticking to the time. If they aren't ready by then, we are starting. No more of this waiting until 20 after the planned time to begin.
  24. Informative
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from ChickenPanda in Bye!   
    That's kinda not the right way to put it, but okaaaaaayyyyyy.
  25. Agree
    Ohstopyou got a reaction from Dethman in Tf2 highlander team ?   
    So. Someone needs to explain what the new roster is, what the day/time of our next match is, and when/if we are practicing. Let me know what is going on, please. :thinking: