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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. Alright, the big thing you have to realize shadow is that as a staff member you are a representation of xG, you are the role model. The argument of the punishment being different is attribute to the fact that you are one of the faces of xG. If a non-member did these things it doesn't affect anyone else, but when an admin does it, it can affect everyone who is a staff member. When you got admin you knew that you are in a different spot that is much more important and visible.



    If all of the things you did were in fact breaking the rules, then it would be a legitimate punishment... But I do question a few of them.


    1) FR:LR.. I don't see how what you did was wrong at all. It clearly states you cannot do it for lr. In no way did he do it for lr, he did it so he could get it down to a final t, with the two that were exempt. There are 3 left... Did he or did he not do it for lr? He did not.


    It would be about the same thing though. If you exclude a T, whether they're there or not, having two Ts participating in the FR/LR would be very similar to determining LR with it. It would pretty much be a loophole on how to do it down to LR, while not activating LR by playing it.



    2) wardays: technically the areas were valid as they has 2 entrances, but the one on medic was very cheap and asking for freekilles. I personally don't have a problem with the one in race that dark showed, but this doesn't excuse you from doing it after him telling you not to.


    The first warday inside of race on Tiles, was not valid at all. This was already determined. Two doors can't be open at the same time. One closes, the other opens, and vice versa. This means its a one entrance area that he was warned not to do again.



    3) Ignoring DM's: can't say much about this since I wasn't there, but you gotta listen to them. If you disagree with what they tell you, have a civilized discussion with them. If they ignore you and say your wrong without answers or explanation, bring it to the forums. If you did blatantly ignore them, that can warrent a demotion if its a bad enough situation.


    4) Trust day: Eh, doesn't bother me very much although I don't like them in general. You know they are going to rebel though, so don't try to make it seem like you had no clue what was going to happen. Yes, it is their choice to rebel, but seriously? Everyone knows that you are doing it to make them rebel.




    I don't know if a demotion was necessary or not, I wasn't there in the discussion between you and the DM's, so I may be missing some information. In my opinion it would have been much easier to give you the ultimatum of: you will be demoted if you do another invalid warday or trust day. At least that is a very clear warning and had you been demoted then, it would have meant that you had no room to argue it. Again, it was up to them to decide at the time the best course of punishment. I just sense that a lot of this occurred out of dislike for each other, so the big question is... Did the bickering and dislike for each other influence the punishment?



    +/- 0 right now until I hear some more.


    I don't have any problem with Shadowspy. Gkoo and I both agreed Shadowspy was ignoring us after we warned him previously, and finally decided to take action. Shadowspy is pointing out that Serbian said not to treat different people differently; well we aren't. He is being treated the same. We gave our warnings. He ignored our orders. Just because it was done as a CT doesn't make it different. He was a staff member who we expect to be a role model to the lower ranks and other players.


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052

  2. On the race on tile, yeah I disobeyed what you guys said , and did a warday there once after you said no.

    This. You disobeyed Division Managers warnings.


    I broke rules as A CT, nothing I did related to my admin powers in any way, It's like if a CT freekills, but you gag him for freekilling instead of a slay, the gag is something COMPLETELY irrelevant to the freekill, just as a Demote is irrelevant to me breaking rules as a CT(Unless CT banned first). I'd gladly accept a week, or even month CT-ban rather than a demotion for something that has nothing to do with my admin powers.

    There is no set "process" for demotion over rules such like these being broken. You were warned by Division Managers to stop doing these days and yet you continued. You ignored Division Managers. Why would we keep you as an admin at this time if you ignore us more than once? It was a perfectly valid demotion.

  3. Sometimes when joining or changing maps to certain maps my keyboard won't let me backspace, and when I hit the A key the message resets.


    I've asked other's if they've had this problem and they said they did.


    This only bothers me because I'm a mod and have to slay/gag/mute or whatever else needs done, and I can't. Does anyone know of a way to fix this immediately? It does go away after a while on it's own. But, an immediate fix would be nice.

    Press right alt twice. Not sure why it does the same thing for me.

  4. You were warned previously twice about the invalid warday spots. After us discussing the first time, involving the discussion about your "trust days", which you did stop, you continued the invalid warday spots. You even chose a spot that we said the first time was invalid.

    This is the first invalid area you chose that you repeated after us warning you not to do so:



    And then, the next time you did a warday, you did one on top of a medic station. This was on the same map. It was yet another invalid area; on top of a prop.



    Now, we had warned you previous through the race warday, because the race can only have one entrance open at a time.


    Also, days you have stopped, but we also had to warn you multiple times in the past were "trust days"


    Location on a certain map was in front of armory on Station, and you mentioned you "trusted" the Ts not to run inside. All but 3-4 of the Ts ran inside of armory, and the 3-4 non rebellers that stayed on your spray, were freekilled. Here is one of the locations. My spray is where you put your spray and had them stand.


    Aside from this, the next round you tried the same thing, but had them stand right at the black/yellow line at the same place. This was after I told you not to do this again.


    And then, on BlackOut, you also did the original "trust days" in Death Run, standing on this location, and "trusted" the Ts not to run and activate the dinosaur. One time in the past, a CT ran in there and caused a mass map kill, which resulted in a teamban on his part.

    My spray was on the part around where you had them stand. The red line represents around the trigger for the dinosaur.



    About your FR/LR day with two Ts involved, having two others sit out, here was my previous reply that I still stand by.

    You can't do FR/LR to determine LR, meaning two Ts can't be the only ones playing. That's exactly the same thing. You had two Ts sitting out so they didn't have to play, and two Ts actively participating in the FR/LR. I'd call that a loophole because you're finding your way around the rule not to play for LR.


    -1. I don't plan on immediately re-promoting you. You are a very good admin, yes. But, you ignored us after warnings. We shouldn't have had to tell you more than once, especially on the same map spots. Gkoo and I had discussed it together on Teamspeak and finally had enough. You had been warned, and ignored our warnings, so we demoted you to moderator.

    @@Hidingmaster @@Gkoo


    -Dat furfag DarkWolf6052

  5. Sir, this is a christian server. We don't believe in abortions.



    -1 I don't think it would be a good idea. Just like MegaRobin said, it can be abused. They lose LR and abort it. Should just keep it admin access.

  6. Division:

    Counter-Strike: Source

    In-Game Name:

    Onward To The Edge

    Steam ID:



    Ok, so I was warden. The T's were at the bottom of the cell stairs, and I said 2 times, clearly. T's must be facing cells at ALL TIMES. Then, after 5 o'clock, i said "Turn face me and shift walk follow me". Then I killed them all because they did this. I acknowledge I made a mistake in killing the last T. Afterwards, I was perma-CT banned. They say it was "mass freekill" because the order made the other one invalid? How is it any different than saying jumping is restricted, and then after 5:00 saying to jump.


    There were like 3-4 Admins/Mods online, and they all had differing opinions on what happened.


    EDIT: Also- Even if it was considered "freekill", Mistakenly Killing 4 T's warrants a permanent CT ban? There are people who INTENTIONALLY freekill and are given a maximum of a 1 hour CT ban

    You said that you originally said face cells at all times, then gave another order stating to face you and follow you. It was another order, they didn't have to face cells anymore.

    If it was a mistake on your part, I might consider shortening the ban to maybe a week.

  7. 687474703a2f2f6934312e74696e797069632e636f6d2f7335776270732e6a7067




    Your Moderator Submission has been accepted!



    Please remember to be...

    -Active on teamspeak, forums and servers

    -a Positive role model to the other players in our servers

    -Taking initiative and making sure our servers are #1

    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread

  8. +1 Active, Mature, isn't annoying, knows MOTD, has the least problems and cool with everybody.


    I agree with moderator for him, we need less Christians...uh... I mean people who abuse their power or do nothing and have more guys like MrAwesome to actually do things right.

    The video in your signature says it all.

  9. -1

    A: 8/10

    M: 0/10


    - You have no self control, you griefed the minecraft servers SEVERAL times.

    - Your attitude is awful.

    - You blatantly disrespected warrior several times, don't even deny it.

    - Went on other servers to massfreekill.



    This would either be directed toward myself, or @@Warriorsfury because we are both CS:S Staff and have rooms.

    Cool? That's not my main point.

    No but he was disrespecting the certain staff member he was targetting with this.