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Posts posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. >Implying CTs don't start with guns

    Default starting weapon is Auto Shotty. A lot of people don't like those. If you spawn with sniper class, you get Awp and deagle, if you spawn with swat class, you only get a deagle. If you spawn with medic, you get a P90. Support I think you get an M4 and deagle. Sniper class has a limit.

    Auto shotty is a worthless weapon in a warday.

    >Ts only get a knife

    >CTs start with guns

    >Still not fair

    I'm just messing with you guys, lol. However, the problem isn't that CTs won't get the guns they want, it's that Ts won't be able to arm themselves in the off-chance of a Warday.

    I know, but like if you use a teleport into somewhere as a T, and its warday, you have an auto shotty, chances are you'll be sniped before you're able to make any kills.

    I say add maybe.. a gun dispenser? Like the one on ProGamers jail map.

  2. @@Rhododendron please add to map rotation @@I_live_in_america please add more weapons into armory because if there is a lot of cts and ts, there might not be enough guns for everyone

    >Implying CTs don't start with guns

    Default starting weapon is Auto Shotty. A lot of people don't like those. If you spawn with sniper class, you get Awp and deagle, if you spawn with swat class, you only get a deagle. If you spawn with medic, you get a P90. Support I think you get an M4 and deagle. Sniper class has a limit.

    Auto shotty is a worthless weapon in a warday.

  3. So what if he's gay? There is nothing wrong with being gay.

    I didn't say there was anything wrong with bein gay or a furry I was just saying he is just like matsi without the gay/furry part

    I don't see why you would describe someone by their sexual orientation.

    Me neither, it was an unnecessary comment @@ForestJr.


    Also, OP requested close.


    -Dis furfag be closin' ur thread

  4. Keep active on our servers and on Teamspeak. Get to know some of the other players so they get to know you. Your Member Submission can stay open for up to a month, so in that time, hopefully you can get some valid vouches.

    Anyway, for myself,

    +/- 0

    I haven't seen you on really that much recently myself. I'll change my vote once I see you on and can give my vote.

    M: ???/10

    A: ???/10




    Alright so I've seen you on a bit more recently, and can now give a valid vote.


    M: 8/10

    A: 8/10

    Mature, active, friendly player.

    Get more active on Teamspeak though

  5. Hmm.. after reading up on this error a little bit, I'll quote a post from another forums, basically...

    sv_pure 0 has now included small "consistency" check.

    It currently not allow players to use few custom models+skins.

    These are player models+skins and weapon world w_models, and few files more.


    You can check yourself by typing sv_pure in your console.

    If your custom files not match with server files, it prevent you to use those.

    But problem is that game not replace them with default ones.


    You find your all old custom files from ...cstrike/download/ folder after game have convert itself to steampipe version.

    And you download all server files inside ...cstrike/download/ folder.


    All kinds custom files what you want install in your game should now on install ...cstrike/custom/extrafolder/ destination






    You can disable sv_pure from yourself when you play game local, either you type in console on menu.

    >sv_pure -1; sv_lan 1; bot_quota 6; map de_dust2


    add in your game launch options -sv_pure

    and in ...cfg/autoexec.cfg add sv_pure -1

    Apparently, that fixed the console spam. And I found out if it happens like this too much, your game can crash from too many console errors.

  6. Active, mature, knows how to moderate a server, extremely tiny cock. +1


    Anyway, I've seen you on Teamspeak and Jailbreak plenty for a while now, and while you don't come to me for help(I don't hear you asking for help too often actually), you seem like you are mature enough for it.

    I believe we were moderators together for a time, and you did a great job when you were one.


    M: 9/10

    A: 8/10

    Make sure you read over the MoTD, and keep up the activity.

  7. I don't need to. I get no problems.

    If I DO delete them it kills my fps.

    Really? I forgot to do it and my skin turned black/purple checkers. Lol. So this is resolved?

  8. If you get into the clan however you'll break that combo.

    im in the clan so gg.

    I love how you throw away the topic at hand lmao.

    Erm.. he didn't change the topic, you both are on the same topic there.

    Guys, how about you stop arguing with each other? This wasn't directed at me originally. There isn't a reason to try to flame up Businessman into raging on the forums. That's like trying to bait him into getting banned. Come on now.

  9. They're skins.

    I was looking for a post I found previously.

    It is a server problem from what I hear.

    Did you remember to delete your world models for your weapon skins?

  10. I had this problem even before I added my skins. By what I can see, its something with your USP, AK47, and Deagle skins. If they're still default, don't know what to tell you. Reinstall?

  11. Sorry to post in a closed thread Forest, but I want to make this clear. The whole deal, @@I_live_in_america, was that we added a map belonging to NO3 on CS:GO, and it caused a huge problem that involved a Staff Member being attacked in real life over cyber terrorism. If this map didn't belong to that group, I'm sure I'd love to have this version added, since it has a few more things on it, but due to NO3 being on it, that could cause problems.

    -Dis furfag be keepin' ur thread closed