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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. It couldn't have been earlier in the round. If you read up in the console you can see those messages there are the ones you get when loading the map, so he had just joined. @@Cristo Need some input
  2. Something about the map actually does lag my frame rate, even with r_3dsky 0 set. I think it may be the snow, any suggestions as to what might be causing it? I'm fine on most other maps, just something about the cell block kills my fps
  3. Not sure if this rule should be added or not, I know you don't have to ask to search for rebels, but this is the warden, who is ordering Ts what to do. As long as there are CTs watching the Ts, I think it should be fine for the warden to go after a rebel that he saw, but honestly I don't know, because it is probably better for the warden to see the Ts so he can know if they rebel or not.
  4. I'm going to give you an honest +1 because you've stopped spamming your HLDJ like you used to. I actually haven't seen you play anything recently with HLDJ. I think you deserve a chance at being in xG. +1 M: 8/10 A: 8/10
  5. [CN-] is Cyanide Gamers, correct? They are all to be banned and not to be unbanned by request of @@Starbuck due to what happened back in the fall with the swatting and DDOS over the CS:GO stuff. @autumn Sorry, but Starbucks decision was final as far as I know. Gotta get input from Starbuck and Silence.
  6. You've been a great member and enforce the rules fine as far as you can. I haven't had much of a problem with you, and would gladly +1 you, but unfortunately, what Tree said is true, you have to have donated, been in the clan for 2 months, and 100 forum posts. Don't go spamming, but you gotta get the 100 posts. Sorry, reapply once you meet the requirements -Dis furry be closin your thread
  7. The same case came up tonight, this is the second(?) time its come up, so I'll refresh this thread. Case: Lollerskater and 2 other CTs were alive on Avalanche, 3 Ts alive, 1 was non-rebelling, the other two were rebelling up inside surf. The rebelling T was inside the CT-side of surf(where the auto-sniper spawns) waiting for a CT to come up. Lollerskater, as warden, ordered the two CTs up into surf. One immediately went in, died within seconds after killing one of the Ts. Then the other went up, still under orders from Lollerskater, and was killed. In doing so, last CT was forced upon Loller. Wondering about this rule, but I don't know
  8. Normal days of credits, you get... 1 per minute - 60 minutes = 60 credits - small bomb = 50 credits 2 per minute - 60 minutes = 120 credits - medium bomb = 100 credits So to get a large bomb from 0 credits, you need 9 hours (9 hours at 1 credit per minute gets you 549 credits)or 5 hours at 2 credits per minute to get 600 credits)
  9. I'm assuming this is for the CS:S division? If so then +1
  10. When I say "Higher ups" I am speaking of all staff. Paid moderators, moderators, paid admins, admins, Division Managers, Division Leaders, etc. Everyone who is a staff member [mod+] is required to be in xGLeadership.
  11. I know we spoke last night but still.. [GLOW]D:[/GLOW]
  12. Bump because it is going to show as a non-new post due to being moved.
  13. He used to be a mod and went inactive, so was demoted due to that. I'd gladly accept him as a moderator again, he was always a great mod when he was one. Just be more active, you've been back for a few days, keep it up +1
  14. That's because the plugin used to do that for us. If no one on CT spoke/called warden, it would automatically call freeday. It hasn't changed, just the plugin isn't there to do it. So admins have to pay attention
  15. CS:S staff doesn't have as much say in unbans from CS:GO as CG:SO staff, but from what he is saying @@speedlimit56 a T imitated the warden, made his voice sound pretty much like his, tarped, said "Go" sounding like the warden, and caused freekills. I believe that's what he saying.
  16. This means.. !spam :D 3. @@DarkWolf6052 Total Posts 309 Posts Per Day 1.25
  17. +1 Get rid of the Christmas server, change it back to Scouts Knivez.
  18. #ShouldGetAroundToRevisingTheMOTDForYouGuys
  19. Welcome back, we'll have to discuss you getting moderator status back, you were demoted for inactivity, I'm sure you could easily re-apply if you talk to myself, @@Bigga @@PiNoYPsYcHo and @@Forest
  20. Holy shit I want a license plate like that too xD I plan on buying custom decals myself though
  21. You're not fooling anyone. Stop posting +1s on the same thread acting like he's getting more +1s than he actually is. As of right now, with the -1s and +1s he has, he's got a total of [7] +1s.
  22. CONGRATULATIONS! You have been accepted to join Xeno Gamers! To begin your membership, familiarize yourself with our rules listed here. This is highly important and knowing these rules will keep you safe from bans! Want to get Moderator? There are a few ways to earn admin! 1. Be active on TeamSpeak! To download TeamSpeak click here and then click 'Download Here' and download the appropriate client for your OS. Then just install, follow the 'Easy Setup' guide, and finally, click 'Connections' and 'Connect' and enter 'voice.xenogamers.com' in the 'Server Address' field. 2. Be active on the forums! This is one of the best ways to get your voice heard in Xeno Gamers! 3. Be active on the servers! This shows that you are committed to the clan! For a server list, click here. Come check out our staff list to see who is who on the servers, click Staff Roster WE HOPE YOU ENJOY YOUR STAY! -This furry be closin your thread. [13]
  23. DarkWolf6052


    5 because I want to break the combo before it starts :D