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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. After reading the input from the community, you have -15 votes from the community, I'm going to go ahead and close this. You may re-apply in 2 weeks from today. Anything sooner will be closed.
  2. [ATTACH]4644.vB[/ATTACH] He was warden, gave the order to spray before a certain time (2 Ts left). While they were side by side, he shot them both in the head, killing them at the same time, killing both and not activating LR. Then was teammbanned by myself for a day for doing so, complained abuse, and then said its called a loophole by killing both at the same time, thus not activating LR. Disregarding my previous post, -1 for you. M: 2/10 A: 8/10
  3. Aww man, I'm gonna miss you. See you around man.
  4. Well when a man and a woman love each other very much..
  5. Are you a non-member? Lol, sorry, I'll set you if you are
  6. This thread is arguing about people trying to decide if its blue or green. Yay colors!
  7. Stahp. I want your home address so I can get a pedo van and drive it around you. ----- So what you're saying is.. -Age restriction [around 15-16; use photo/state ID if questionable] -Maturity test [including their response under stressful situations, as well as previous actions/reactions taken into consideration. -Referral program [Requiring 3+ active members from the community, who have played with them, to write a paragraph about why you think they're worthy of buying paid moderator. The age is honestly a good idea most of the time. I'm not bashing on any of our younger members or staff, but sometimes people don't like when someone with a higher voice tries to enforce rules. I honestly don't care for the sound of their voice, they're doing their job and doing it well, enforcing rules. The maturity test would most likely have some extra parts to it, but finding out how they react under situations such as mass freekillers, disrespect[This is something important, you need to know the difference in disrespect and people annoyed at things.] The referral program I think is a great idea. Having a minimum of 3 MEMBERS of the community, or maybe only staff members[This can be debated] give their input on why they think this person should get a Paid staff member position. I don't think that it should be homework and end up being an entire paragraph, but that honestly would help more than just Just my thoughts -Dis furry DarkWolf
  8. The thing about that is Silence, or whoever else has access to that, would have to edit the file for the intro. Seems like doing it weekly would take longer.
  9. Oh damn, I hope he gets better and your sister gets better as well. Sorry to hear.
  10. God that made me laugh a bit more than I should have. I feel terrible
  11. I don't even know, I just thought of doing that.
  12. Its this way to the homeless shelter! Run!
  13. I've missed hearing this song as our intro song. Anyone else? I know we had the Fantomenk - Playing with Power for a while, but this one has been missed [video=youtube;X6KejyuqJmw]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6KejyuqJmw
  14. You play CS:S Jailbreak, and while its a lot less than CS:GO Jailbreak, I can still speak for this. You actually do know the CS:S rules very nicely, figuring the CS:GO rules are pretty much edited from the CS:S rules, you should be able to switch between servers. It still can be a little bit of a challenge, I'm sure, with the rules differing, but seeing how you've acted on CS:S, M: 8/10 (For CS:S)A: 4/10 +1
  15. I have a bind for it, but only had to "spam" it a couple times, when it wouldn't open the doors. I would press it like 4-5 times, and nothing would happen. Even pressed right up against the door. Then, on certain maps, I'd be hugging the door, do !open, and I'd get door'd from my door, but none others would open. It's sometimes a weird command
  16. Yeah, you troll the hell out of everyone on Teamspeak. Not sure how many times you were banned or kicked from rooms for being annoying. Glad to see you leave
  18. So looking over chat logs, this wasn't abuse, learn not to be stupid and spam "Nigger" Think about what you do before you do it. -Dis furry be closin your thread
  19. Hopefully this gets re-added, and I hope it isn't what was causing the physics to break. I did notice, that sometimes this command was a little "buggy" if you want to call it that. It didn't open the doors you were near. Sometimes !open @all would open all the cells, sometimes the same command wouldn't do anything, sometimes it would open any door you were near. -Edited Wait, the physics just broke like, two days ago. You had the command removed for a few days now. Physics seem to break every couple nights, but no one pays attention because it happens late/early in the morning, then at 8:00EST, the server resets[some auto thing you have set up] which fixes it.
  20. That's why they need to not interfere with the LR.
  21. -Moved to CS:S Discussion I think this would be a fun idea, we definitely need more LR options, and if this can be added, would be fun. Start at normal HP, and maybe not have the knives be OP; do like, what, a certain amount of damage each hit?