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Everything posted by DarkWolf6052

  1. 2/15/2013 Credits are working again I believe, but only 1 credit per minute right now I am aware that credits are not working right now. This doesn't mean once its fixed it can't be implemented into it. I had this idea a while back but never got to discuss it. This is mainly for CS:S, my main division, but I'm sure CS:GO can also work the same [Not sure how the credit system works there if there is free credits or not] Okay so I decided I'll go ahead and bring this up in Admin Discussion and possibly move it to public area if you guys want others to discuss this. But this post is concerning the xG-rep versus xGLeadership tags mixed with the in-game HUB credits. While in game and on a team [both T or CT] you earn credits, and the number of credits change sometimes[buggy] between what clan tag you wear? [xG-Rep] tag gets you 1-2 free credits per minute while on T or CT team, not in spec. xGLeadership tag gets you the same 1-2 free credits per minute while on T or CT, and no sitting in spec. Sometimes this will bug and even if you're not wearing the clan tag, as long as your steam account is linked with xG and the HUB, you'll earn credits. The amount earned also varies depending on the number of people on. Having less than 4 people won't earn you any, I believe under 12 gets you 1 free credit, and more gets you 2. This does glitch occasionally though. My thoughts for the free credits earned. Admins sometimes have to sit in spectate, and while sitting in spec, you earn 0 free credits. I was wanting to bring up a discussion of credits for admins. The [xG-rep] tag should stay the same as its been; giving 1-2 free credits per minute on T or CT, The xGLeadership tag should give admins who wear it more credits per minute, while on a team, not in spec. I was thinking maybe whoever wears it should earn 3-4[or more even] free credits per minute. What are your thoughts?
  2. I believe the glitch has been fixed. Are you one of those special cases? Link me to the thread saying you can be unbanned and I'll try unbanning. Or message me via steam, probably easier that way.
  3. Is it bad I want this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iuRSxrYVNQs Or of course this could work, nothing bad with a little Splash http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_n_TnJNoZA
  4. Overall knows the rules, a little disrespectful to an extent, but that's how some members are. I know a few other members got in who were quite disrespectful, but the majority of the disrespect was because people were either A. Disrespectful to them; or B. Gamer-type disrespect(Normal) M: 6/10 A: 9/10 +1 Try to keep the disrespect down a bit UPDATED. I'm going to change this to a -0 for now. Arguing with admins when it was a freeday isn't that smart. I'll have to see how you act before changing this back.
  5. I may be inactive for a little bit. I'm not leaving, let me point that out. I can explain the reason why I'll be inactive. Basically, I just went down to the Fairfield County Courts today and met with my Probation Officer. My parents used their tax refund and paid off the rest of my fine. It was $571.85 plus $7.95 for the drug screen. I'm set for termination from probation as soon as the judge sees my file. I'll be playing CS:S a bit less for a little bit, and am most likely going to be inactive enough to be demoted from DM(I'll still be getting on whenever I can! @@HighSociety ) If anyone is wondering what I did, I'll go ahead and say; back in 7th grade I decided to join in on the bomb threats going around the juinor high and high schools around here, made a bomb threat, got caught, and taken to court for it. Originally had around $1300 dollars and a F5(Felony 5 charge) for inducing panic in a school zone and an M1(Misdemeanor 1 charge) for a note containing the threat. A word of advice to everyone. Don't do stupid stuff you will regret later. It's not worth it. Ever. You will be caught and you'll be punished. I want to help you stay out of trouble. -DarkWolf6052 See you guys around
  6. @@HighSociety Omg remember the other night? :D Death God was high as FUCK while we spoke with him :D
  7. He's been a very active member on our Jailbreak server, he's already met all the requirements. Although he did spam for post count, he's been a great member, active on both servers and Teamspeak, and a friendly player, I'll go ahead and +1 this. M: 9/10 A: 9/10
  8. I've done that before. I got high and played JB, and apparently did some things; abused? broke rules? Not sure, Serbian talked to me about it, of course I don't remember what, I was high as fuck then.
  9. Okay so I didn't realize you had a member application up, or I couldn't find it, either way, I'm glad I did +1 I saw you before on Jailbreak and you were a fun player, you're active, deserves to be in. M: 9/10 A: 7.5/10
  10. Delete System32 and your troubles will all go away
  11. I've been losing credits, and asking around, other people are losing credits as well. Instead of earning 1-2 credits per minute, we lose 1-2 credits per minute. Seriously needs fixed.
  12. @Brian @@Rise Only two I can think of that play the TF2 Div that are high up.
  13. I received a reputation notice. Thread: "xG| Nom De Guerre" Multiple rule breaking no experience in JB or affiliation with Nom de Guerre. biased post This was the original post. Giving me a reputation mark for this? I have no experience in JB? I played CS:GO JB for 25 minutes during a free weekend I had a few months ago, but I'm a CS:S Division Manager. I play CS:S JB a whole hell of a lot more. So saying I have no experience in JB is completely stupid. I am not doing anything wrong by giving an input here.
  14. He said he plays CS:GO a bunch. He didn't say he plays CS:GO xG Jailbreak. Pay attention.
  15. Lol guys. Honestly, I don't care what people think of me for being a furry. Yes, a lot of people hate furries because they consider us animal fuckers, but if you actually would look into the furry fandom, you'd find there is amazing pieces of art, including fursuits, which a lot of people spend plenty of time and money making(An average fursuit from FurrHappens.com costs anywhere from $2000 to $3000 for a basic canine; dragons and others cost up to $5000). I'm not in for the porn. I'll admit I do look at plenty, but I love the art, being different from everyone else. I don't care how you judge me. And me in a fursuit, I would love to make or buy one, but I don't have the money to do so. I wouldn't even be sexual in it, I've even considered how it would work, I would end up hugging everyone, acting like a hyperactive canine, wanting to meet everyone and greet them all.
  16. D: Oh noes, I'll be missing you D:
  17. I don't even know who kicked him D: But I saw my name in the video :D;
  18. I don't see why you guys say he never gets on, @@Duplolas I don't believe you can really give him a valid -1 because as far as I know, you don't play Gmod or CS:S, @@Lonewolf1925 does he play on Gmod? Or anything else you moderate? - - - Updated - - - I don't see why you guys say he never gets on, @@Duplolas I don't believe you can really give him a valid -1 because as far as I know, you don't play Gmod or CS:S, @@Lonewolf1925 does he play on Gmod? Or anything else you moderate?
  19. DarkWolf6052

    Cars similar to

    Fuck those, go with a good Nissan or a Toyota, seriously. My dad had a 1992 Nissan Sentra 2 door with a 1.6L engine, manual transmission. Paid 200 bucks for it about about 8 years ago. It was falling apart, door was broken, window wouldn't stay up, the exhaust had a hole in it, but the thing ran. He put 7 dollars a week in gas in it going to work and back. My point of this one is Nissans hold up even after they are wearing down. It had over 500k miles on it. And Toyota, seriously, we have a 1992 Toyota Camry wagon. Its got a hole in its exhaust, the door handles broken off, the air intake has a hole that causes the engine to lunge forward when taking off, the hatch handle is broken, the gas cover is broken off, and its got 250k miles on it. Toyotas the main one I would honestly suggest, because its one of the only names known for having the million-mile club. They last up to 1,000,000 miles. Sure you'll sometimes have to put some work into them for slight problems, but they hold up. If you're looking for something like the Honda Civic though, you could try the Toyota Corolla, or the Nissan Maxima. -I am aware my family has old cars, we aren't rich. Most they spend on their cars is no more than 2k-
  20. @@ItsAaron Give your side of the story here please. Okay let me try and sort this out, we have to come and physically see the offenses happen to act upon them. Even if 5 people were to come to us saying "This guy just freekilled" or "This guy mass freekilled" we can't go on witnesses. People can lie. They can get their friends to lie. Now, if someone has a demo(Possibly someone who was in game with you at the time) of around this time, maybe you can get them to contribute to this. Since this wasn't my division that this happened in, I don't have much say, I'm just giving an input.
  21. Can someone please tell me what is so catchy about it? Seriously, I mean its only Loud Electronic Furry. Okay yeah its fucking catchy as hell, and I've had so many people tell me they can't stop watching it. Here is another video from the same artist, if you're into hardstyle. Its pretty catchy, but L.E.F. is better, in my opinion. I WANT THE FUCKING DISCO BALL IN THIS VIDEO, HOLY FUCK, ITS LIKE THE BEST PERSONAL DISCO BALL IVE EVER SEEN. FFFUUUUU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6obTtQXqx3A
  22. I don't know Hawyeyes forum name but I do know that he came on Teamspeak last night in CS:S JB channel and asked me if I was able to come on CS:GO, I told him no, why? He replied with there were like 3 freekillers on, so I told him I could get ItsAaron, because Orange, Aaron and I were on CS:S JB at the time, Aaron immediately disconnected, launched CS:GO and got on Teamspeak with us. After that it went quiet for a bit, and I checked the bans about an hour later to find a list of bans, asked him about it, and he said there were like so many rule breakers. After that the conversation stopped, and I went to bed.
  23. Even if you got 20 +1s for getting back in, you'd still have to have @@HighSociety @@Duckii or @Brian give 2 of 3 votes wanting you back. @autumn said no :P
  24. Fire! Slay! Kick! Ban! Perm! Demote! Deport!