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Everything posted by Vector

  1. Sad to see you step down. If you still need me to test maps or whatever for jb. Just hit me up.
  2. So what you're saying is that he would never get mod and only way he would, would to buy it and now that he bought it he is not upset that he wasted a lot of money for powers that he has had for less then two weeks. Alright.
  3. What did i fucking tell you?
  4. Jesus christ he can still say something for himself wether it would help him or not. But looks like he has already given up. +1 typical.
  5. That is no reason at all for him to not speak up when his JOB is on the line. He is a paid mod no less so he NEEDS to say something to have any justification for what he did. Tell him to comment if he really wants to stay staff because it just looks like he doesnt care.
  6. Why doesnt the offender deffend himself on the forums and not have people talj for him? +1 for just being a pussy
  7. HAHAHAHAHA i have played Css enough with you and you were a pain in the ass then and are still now. You have been denied multiple times for massing, permed for advertisng with towlie in your failed shitty group and decide . Oh maybe they'll take me back...Again! Yeah. Fuck that. Also keep in mind of your shitty attitude in game and towards other people in Jb and mini games. You contributed nothing and it will be only a matter of time till you get banned or piss someone off where you will be gone for months again. Good luck lol.
  8. Please be valid? I probably know him better than you lol
  9. No fucking way. We need to stand clear of cancer. Almost as bad as @TowlieTheWizardd, @Forest's future husband amiright?
  10. @Kittylicious @BonfireCentipede @Moosty @Kypari
  11. Is a nice guy. Very friendly and is really into our servers. Love to see him join M: 8 A: 9 +1
  12. Pretty much this. After 8-bit sandwich got all analy fustrated everyone is a bit afraid to do things because even after he took his blog post down, there are still people (who play kn our servers) still think xG stole maps and or dont understand the story. AKA retarded babies who follow a person blindly.
  13. People always say stupid shit like "oh old tf2 was better" or "god the game is so boring they dont do anything" no one is gonna be happy no matter what anyone does. The new taunts are great and the game is just to fuck around and have fun. If they are conga lineing or whatever, just kill them. Eventually they will get frustrated and proceed to attack which will cause a domino effect. Also keep in mind not one single entity ruins a game.
  14. Vector


    Awe fuck man. Thats bull shit. Lost a great member.. Rip. Stumpy doesnt take shit from scrubs
  15. Vector


    gonna be gone for a week. I'll be in South Carolina so i won't be in game. but i might be on the forums. @Nomulous @kbraszzz @ShockeDeel
  16. +1, It's great, the server has a solid frame rate, multiple locations with buildings you can go into, it's being updated, and this would be incredibly popular as Clock town is on Gaming History. Nice find African! Also the no was me, i was retarded and accidentally clicked. it should of been a yes.
  17. Origins thats funny you say that. Because i remember you kicking someone for killing you on rotation and then running away like a little bitch when @kbraszzz saw. And then you kicking someone for saying fuck u admn. You're a top notch admin who knows the rules inside and out! Right @Hachi ?
  18. +1 20 people have been banned for it.
  19. woona is very nice, and has been on the server longer then most. would be a great addition. +1 M:9/10 A:7/10
  20. it's like people like @FoRgE @John_Madden love sucking each other off because they are upset and don't have the cojones to actually talk to me whenever i confront them. What a bunch of pussies lol. kids, amiright? origins and Forge are faggots Xeno Gamers are the champions. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jmd4OLzhQw0 USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST
  21. You're late to the party dude.
  22. We are the champions