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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. -1. I've seen you on the server for the past two weeks or so, and I've slayed you many times. You really just don't seem to know the rules that well, and on a couple of occasions you've come very close to getting a CT-ban. Read up on the motd and you could very easily get on the road to membership. A: 6/10 (Fairly active, but I've only really seen you in the past two weeks) M: 7/10 (I haven't really seen any disrespect come from you, you seem fairly mature)
  2. -1. I really don't see a reason to unban Peppermint. He has been given countless chances, and has blown each and every one of them. He was lucky not to get a perm server ban for this. If Peppermint finds that he can't enjoy playing on the Jailbreak server anymore because he can't be a CT, good, let him find another server, and be someone else's problem, and not our's for once.
  3. I have so much swag, holy crap
  4. Finally! Glad to see you back Startnow. Time for some fun times on Jailbreak hopefully! Oh yeah, and kill yourself
  6. Look at this: +1 We should ban and then sodomize. In the butt.
  7. After I saw this my Doctor diagnosed me with Stage-5 Terminal Downs Syndrome, with a side of Parkinson's Disease. Thanks.
  8. Hope your family issues are resolved soon. Good to see that you're still dedicated to the community though, and I hope to see you in-game soon.
  9. diabeetus

    Shout box....

    I got about €20-30 laying around in coins and bills at my house, if needed I'll donate some of it, as I got no real use for it unless I go down the currency exchange and turn it into USD.
  10. +1. Warrior was outstanding as Division Leader of Minecraft until he left, and was a fine admin for CS:S. Whenever I get on Minecraft, he's usually on, and hell, he somehow convinced his mother to let him out of school early to get the Tekkit server back up. He's fairly active as well on CS:S servers, and obviously knows the rules well. Very mature (other than deep-throating a Popsicle from time to time, but I can overlook that) and respectful. Can't think of any reason why he shouldn't be allowed back into xG. He's given the community so much, even when he was a Non-member he still helped out. A: 8/10 M: 9/10
  11. As for wearing [xG] tags a while back, that is true, I remember you wearing [xG] a week or two ago, but I can't exactly remember how long ago it was. Proof: However, you do seem to be pretty active on the Jailbreak server, and you've logged in a pretty good amount of time. I've never seen you cause any problems, but kind of like Leotekk said, I really haven't encountered you enough to make a decision on which way to vouch. I'll gladly change my vote to a +1 once I see you more, but for now it's staying a 0. A: 7.5/10 M: 7/10
  12. I'm going to -1 right out of the gate. First things first, you aren't registered on teamspeak, and while that isn't huge, you have to be registered to join xG, and it's fairly easy to register. However, you flat out lie by saying you've been in xG. Your account was created literally today, nice try though. Plus, it appears that you run your own community (Professional death dealers) so you'll have to leave that community to join up, due to the fact that you can't dual-clan. Lastly, I've never seen you once in-game, and I doubt you've even gone on any of our servers. A: ?/10 (Never seen you once on any of our CS:S servers, and I kinda doubt you've connected to a single one) M: ?/10 (Never seen you in-game, once again I doubt you've even connected to any of our servers) Proof of complete inactivity in-game: I could be completely wrong, please correct me if I am
  13. Adios, friend. This is probably the first person to leave that has actually affected me emotionally since Sham. See you around, hope to see you in game if possible. Good luck with whatever you do from here on out, whether it's in-game or in real life.
  14. Personally, I think we should have some auto-messages (kinda like the ones that flash at the beginning of the round that says who made the map you're playing on) that would promote our other servers. For example, a message could say something like: "Try out our ZM/ZE server here: <Server IP>" and could flash a every minute or so. Now, while this would ideally be featured on all our CS:S servers, it should at the very least be included on Jailbreak, considering it's our most popular server. People playing on Jailbreak might get bored, and then would see this message and decide to check out the ZM/ZE server, gradually drawing more and more people to it. EDIT: @autumn (to see if something like this is possible right now)
  15. Buy the entirety of the earth, invent Faster-than-light technology, create genetically-enhanced Super-Soldiers named the Children of Brimely (or the Adeptus Diabeeticus, can't decide which I like better), create a time machine to go back to the time of the Dinosaurs and breed T-Rexes into war-horses for the Adeptus Diabeeticus to ride upon, engage in a campaign to conquer the known Universe, and lastly declare myself Emperor of Time.
  16. I honestly see no reason in having it on the server. 99% of the time someone chooses it, it just doesn't work whatsoever (All that happens is that the fruit will never spawn, and the T and CT are just kinda stuck awkwardly staring at each other until an admin/mod aborts the lr). And if you're lucky, the planets will align with the center of the galaxy, and then Santa Christ will bestow upon you the gift of having the fruit spawn, but just out of the map (I believe this can happen only on ba_lego_jail [probably got the name wrong but you know what I meant] however.) +1. @@Bigga @@Duckii @@serbiansnaga @autumn
  17. Happy Birthday man! I give you 69 YOLOswags as my gift. Remember to keep them in the fridge after you open them up, because they spoil quickly.
  18. Seriously? This movie looks like the stuff that comes out my asshole after I eat Indian food. Well it's your opinion, and you're entitled to it.... even if your opinion sucks
  19. diabeetus


    Looks good to me, I actually like it more than the previous theme. Much more smooth and clean-looking in my opinion.
  20. Adios Mike Hunt. See you around hopefully.
  21. -1. Nerfing the tazer would drastically weaken one of the CT's only advantages over rebelling T's. Not only that, but from my experience with the Tazer, most CT's that use can't use it right, and only a select few have been able to master the art of tazing.