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Everything posted by diabeetus

  1. This right here is the pep talk that xG needs right now. Yeah, we've lost a lot of good and dedicated members, many of which got us to the point at which we're at today. But we can endure, and we can continue to carry on, but it's gonna take a hell of a lot of work, especially on the side of some of our higher-ups. If you need a little more motivation, here you go: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MkTw3_PmKtc
  2. See you around Warrior. Never really got to know you extremely well, but you were a good admin for CS:S in my opinion. Good luck with whatever you decide to do from here. By the way, how's the butthole hair?
  3. The thing is, many of the people that do this are inept or just plain bad wardens, many of whom wouldn't even be able to think of something like this to keep their clock running. The big problem here is having T's in front of cells for several minutes on end, which seems to be happening more and more lately. This is why I suggested putting the limit at 1 minute, because if warden is going to space out and not give orders for that long, he's probably not paying attention and won't think to give any new orders, even ones that are just pointless orders like "spam left-click" or something like that. An alternative we could implement (though this would be easier with a plugin but I think we can make do for now) is to have warden auto-pass to someone else if the current warden is taking 1-2 minutes just to get 1 order out. The downside to this is that it's putting a lot of trust in the hands of the CT's to recognize when a warden is spacing out. For example if a CT notices that warden really isn't doing anything for the first minute of the round, he can say something like "since you're taking too long to give orders, I am relieving you of warden, and I am now warden." Until we get a plugin that could support something like this (if it even exists) this would have to be done with admin/mod approval.
  4. diabeetus


    mười ba 13 in Vietnamese
  5. I personally would like to see a rule regarding this too. There are many times when an inept warden will basically have the T's just sitting in front of their cells for a good minute to two minutes. If anything, there should be a rule that makes it so new orders have to be given within a certain time frame (ex: 30 seconds, 1 minute). However, there would have to be obvious exceptions (opinionated days, disco day, simon says,fr:lr, etc.) +1
  6. Welcome back man! Hopefully you'll be able to get on Jailbreak so I can hear your shmexy voice again!
  7. [video=youtube;-Gtk_vTsLtI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Gtk_vTsLtI @@Warriorsfury Thought you'd like to see this.
  8. Ban Protest Follow that link (it should bring you to ban protest) and create a new thread about why you think you should be un-ctbanned. The process of getting unbanned is up to the community itself (and a final decision from higher-ups)
  9. diabeetus


    chwech or 6 (Welsh)
  10. then he got 360 no-scoped to the back of the skull on April 11th. #360yolo420blazinnoscrubsallowed
  11. So, @@trinindol was a little nervous, so he allowed me to post this for him: [ATTACH]4569.vB[/ATTACH] Isn't she just stunning?
  12. Yay, Deceiver's back! Glad to see you didn't just wander off into the abyss like some of our other members. *Cough Cough @@VanillaGrape and @@Jordozombie
  13. EDIT: Changing to a +1. Wow, have you improved a lot since I originally posted. Very mature, respectful, knows the rules just about perfectly, and would make a great addition to xG. Very active and certainly mature. A: 7.5/10 M: 8/10
  14. lol such a great moment. Gotta love stealing the Harlem Shake from Gkoo.
  15. See you around buddy. Hope you can get on whenever possible and good luck friend.
  16. diabeetus

    Harlem Shake

    Nigga you got to go with the original, FILTHY version.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8vJiSSAMNWw @@DeathGod
  17. @@IUDesigns and @TheLostCause *facepalm* the only person of major authority to leave the clan within the past month or so was Neo, while McNeo was part of the tech team, tech team doesn't technically have superiority over a div or a co-leader (and McNeo was an admin on CS:S, not a DM or higher). Anyways, it definitely sucks to see you go McNeo. I always thought you were a pretty cool dude, and a good admin for CS:S. Good luck with whatever you pursue bud.
  18. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dZLfasMPOU4 Best. Song. Ever.
  19. EDIT: Personally, I think I can now overlook the slight post spam after a little bit of thought. I understand completely the feeling of wanting to get mod, but simply not having enough posts. While I've been in the clan for significantly less time than you, it's still a tough feeling, and I get where you're coming from. Changing to a +1. You definitely know the rules very well, and you clearly have a genuine dedication to the clan. You're also a pretty chill guy in-game, and you are certainly material for a great mod.
  20. This fucking title... Anyways good luck with airsoft. I play a little from time to time, but haven't been able to in a long time. Have fun! EDIT: lol, don't know why It quoted Forest, just quoted the title and it must have glitched.
  21. -1. The thing is, what does Peppermint bring to the server that is beneficial in any way? Does he help out other players? No. Does he try to respect other people? No. Has he a been a constant problem on the server for a long time now? Fuck yes. Plus, it's been what, maybe 12 hours since he was banned? Maybe in some time we can consider to let Peppermint back in our servers.
  22. diabeetus


    Lol so I come to the forums and I'm logged in as Pinoy. I heard this was happening to a lot of other people too. Pic Below: [ATTACH]4507.vB[/ATTACH] Once I refreshed the page it went back to Diabeetus, but that was really weird. [ATTACH]4508.vB[/ATTACH] Refreshed the page again, this time I was logged in as Serbian lels.
  23. ....... Wow, I'm honestly kinda speechless. We had some great times together, and I won't forget those (unless my medication turns me into an irradiated beast, in which case I'll use all the effort of my fragmented mind to hunt you down) I'll miss you bud. Oh yeah, my pool was waaaaaaaay better than your's, I think we all know that. By the way what the fuck is this? And you never told me what a "work" was. Again, I'll really miss you mang, try to get on ts or CS:S when you want/can. <3 #2 /7/2013NeverForget.