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  1. Like
    diabeetus reacted to MineCrack in @Bleed   
    So let's get this straight. You're telling me that you have to hide behind an alternate account on the forums so you can talk trash. Not only that, you're too sensitive to own up to what you say so you won't reveal your real identity. Are you fucking serious right now?
  2. Bad Spelling
    diabeetus reacted to woodytree777 in @Bleed   
    xG has 9 css server and 8 usually empty all the time? Presuming its all ran on nfo individually thats a lot of waste of money that can be put to good use in obtaining supportive stuff for the clan,
    8 tf2 servers, several low pop and others highly pop
    2 gmod server completely dead
    6 l4d2 server which are pointless right now because of wasting cash
    2 dead ns2 server
    1 newly brought up csgo server
    Css - 1$ per slot/9$ higher cpu/20$ ultra
    Tf2 - same
    Gmod- same
    L4d2 - 15$ for 8 slot+ 10$ cpu
    Ns2 - 2.50$ approximately per slot
    Csgo same as css
    Thats alot of money wasted, yes money isnt important for having fun but is to keep of the server and can be used to get great things for server for boosting gaming experince in the clan
  3. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to Rhododendron in @Bleed   
    That's the sort of attitude that leads to empty DarkRP servers that are as generic as the rest of them. Maybe things like RP servers shouldn't take 5 minutes.
    You're the kind of person that bitches at someone to get a server up super fast, then complains about how boring it is.
    Complaining how people don't know their specified division is BS, because it's a learning process. While it would be nice to actively seek out people who know how to run a game server, allowing people within the clan to do it is far less risky and much more productive. Also, said people are usually a bitch to work with, since they try and influence their agenda, resulting in devolution of the entire clan. <cough> Prius </cough>
    While I love feedback, saying that we are destined to fail and that there's no hope is hardly helpful at all. If you feel that we aren't doing the best we can, SUGGEST WHAT WE CAN DO IN ORDER TO FIX IT!
    Seriously, your post was insulting and to make matters worse, you knew it was insulting so you're using another account to post it. Another reason why to disregard your post unless some feedback is introduced in a positive fashion (or non-positive, it just needs to be coherent and suggest ways to fix said problem)
    We've been around for 3 years now (xG's 3rd birthday passed a few weeks ago, #noregrets) and it's unlikely we are going downhill. It's merely an evolutionary shift for new people to learn how to help out the clan. It takes time to learn, and xG isn't anyone's full-time job. I can only assume you think this is srs busness and that we nolife the clan's progress since you're 'scared' about people on the internet. It's not like we're gonna find where you live and eat the eye gunk from your eyes using soup spoons.
    I'm getting pretty upset at how people want us to control everyone verbally, like their property. That's pretty atrocious and anyone who does that should be mauled. While we have some rules in place for taboo actions, we generally allow people to speak their mind. While there might be backlash, that's life. If you make a video on YouTube saying you hate asian people in the library, expect backlash.
    Grow up.
  4. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to Audible_Savage in @Bleed   
    You have started a FLAME WAR!
    Want to get Moderator?
    TOO BAD!
    There are a few ways to earn admin!
    1. Don't Be a Baddie
    2. Don't Make fun Of leadership!



  5. Winner
    diabeetus got a reaction from MineCrack in whitestar - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Didn't we just deny Gustav's ban protest because he intentionally massed? Wasn't it also decided on Eden's last ban protest (in which he was permed from CT for intentionally massing) that all future intentional masses would be denied? I like Whitestar and all, but we need to quit the favortist bullshit when we unban people just because we like them a little better than the last guy who intentionally massed. -1, he intentionally massed on a noballs and should stay permed (I understand that he was egged on to do it, but everyone knows the consequences of massing and he shouldn't have given in), sorry bud. Dura lex sed lex.
  6. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from MuffinMonster in whitestar - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Didn't we just deny Gustav's ban protest because he intentionally massed? Wasn't it also decided on Eden's last ban protest (in which he was permed from CT for intentionally massing) that all future intentional masses would be denied? I like Whitestar and all, but we need to quit the favortist bullshit when we unban people just because we like them a little better than the last guy who intentionally massed. -1, he intentionally massed on a noballs and should stay permed (I understand that he was egged on to do it, but everyone knows the consequences of massing and he shouldn't have given in), sorry bud. Dura lex sed lex.
  7. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from MrJeeblez in whitestar - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Didn't we just deny Gustav's ban protest because he intentionally massed? Wasn't it also decided on Eden's last ban protest (in which he was permed from CT for intentionally massing) that all future intentional masses would be denied? I like Whitestar and all, but we need to quit the favortist bullshit when we unban people just because we like them a little better than the last guy who intentionally massed. -1, he intentionally massed on a noballs and should stay permed (I understand that he was egged on to do it, but everyone knows the consequences of massing and he shouldn't have given in), sorry bud. Dura lex sed lex.
  8. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from DrLee in @Bleed   
    Please grow some fucking balls you stank-ass bitch nigga and show who actually are instead of cowering behind some fake profile. If you wanna be a pussy and hide behind anonymity go to /xg/ ya goddamn mouthbreathing fuck.
  9. Creative
    diabeetus reacted to DeathGod in Xeno Gamers Logo   
  10. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in @Bleed   
    Please grow some fucking balls you stank-ass bitch nigga and show who actually are instead of cowering behind some fake profile. If you wanna be a pussy and hide behind anonymity go to /xg/ ya goddamn mouthbreathing fuck.
  11. Like
    diabeetus reacted to Vector in So I found the config for !classes   
    [Name of class] Bitch
    [Primary Weapon] none
    [secondary Weapon] none
    [HP] 2000
    [Armor] 0
    [Medic] No
    [Limit] 0
    Give this to people who complain/break some rules and have a day call bitch day where all ts attack the bitch and then it becomes a freeday
  12. Drunk
    diabeetus got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Bleed   
    -1 disney? More like shitney.
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)this thread is worse than the holocaust( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  13. Friendly
    diabeetus reacted to SyrJirk in xG Nostalgia Thread!   
    Playing the shoot down a line game to see who got LR.
    When @@diabeetus joined xG <3
    Mohommad being a whoreden.
    being feg
    Any game that included Smoker.
    Late night tiny chat parties w/ u sexy maddar fockers
    Almost always having a full server in JB and MG servers
  14. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to xGShadowSpy in Player Trails [Beta Stage as of 10/16/13]   
    This, I donated back in 2011 when I applied for mod, and once more when I donated under whitestars account so he could get mod (Dont have any way to prove I did it under white's account.)
    But yeah, if we had applied for mod we HAD to donate, if we didn't it'd be closed.
  15. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to DaddioDoug in Player Trails [Beta Stage as of 10/16/13]   
    lets be honest i think i should get access
  16. Ding!
    diabeetus reacted to Voly in SELLING MY MINECRAFT ACCOUNT DONE PLAYING   
    Why would anyone in their right mind buy another person's account?
  17. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Jaybreeze in BBQ_Badger - Team Fortress 2   
    They have the same policy as us. If he wishes to be unbanned he can leave the group/clan and repost a ban protest.
  18. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Sliver in xG Nostalgia Thread!   
    when LoL wasn't a thing.
  19. Winner
    diabeetus got a reaction from LeToucan in Bleed   
    -1 don't hate bleed because he's bootiful.
  20. F!$k Off
    diabeetus got a reaction from MagicalPurple in Bleed   
    -1 disney? More like shitney.
    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)this thread is worse than the holocaust( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  21. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to MrJeeblez in So is CS:S div dead or what   
    If you are going to abandon a division just because it isn't popular, why have any division but your most popular one? What is the point?
    I enjoy CSS far more than TF2, CSGO, L4D, etc, etc. I've been playing CSS for years. You have the potential to have a fun, populated server if you just put some effort into it.
  22. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to Temptedguy in [Suggestion] Community Singing Event   
    Or we can sing Don't stop believe in by Journey
  23. F!$k Off
    diabeetus got a reaction from xGShadowSpy in xG Nostalgia Thread!   
    the point of the thread was to post your favorite memories during your time here at xG. OP even said it didn't have to be stuff that was from a long time ago, it just had to be a moment you look back at as good times. Also like 99% of xG could be considered newfags (including myself) so get with the program ya old coot.
  24. Creative
    diabeetus reacted to DeathGod in xG Nostalgia Thread!   
  25. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in GustavKozlov - Counter-Strike: Source   
    I remember you. You were attempting to mass freekill all of the Terrorists during orders but were slain (by myself) before you could kill 3, so I week CT banned you. That was months ago.
    If Serb perm'd you from CT for mass freekiling, then I don't doubt that you did, however; for the sake of needing factual information I'd like to hear serb's side of the story.