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Reputation Activity

  1. Drunk
    diabeetus got a reaction from Necromancer in Cool Guy? Cool Guy.   
    So if I'm a cool guy I have skill?
  2. Useful
    diabeetus got a reaction from Princess_Celest in Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Continue to act like a child and see where it gets you.
    @@Forest @@Rhododendron @@DarkWolf6052 @@Gkoo @@Hidingmaster please resolve this thread.
  3. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to kona309 in Member Tag Discussion   
    I am dah Traktor
    But srsly, I think fake or replicating tags like Gx or exG should be disallowed. We are trying to build a community for all, and those fuckups just make life more confusing and could cause some people to shy away from playing in xG servers. That is where the CSS div is losing people. Not in retention, but in player acquisition.
  4. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to xGShadowSpy in We're fucked   
    +1 C00l Guy @@Forest accept plz
  5. Ding!
    diabeetus got a reaction from Forest in Cool Guy? Cool Guy.   
    So if I'm a cool guy I have skill?
  6. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Priggles in Chubs_Panda   
    Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1 Cool guy; +1
  7. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Brian in So is CS:S div dead or what   
    At least put a basic version on there. Then, after you continue adding more plugins, add them after you test them. I don't mind having a very sup-bar server plug-in, just as long as we have some type of progress in it. If you did that, would it attract players even more, since they want to see which features would be added next?
  8. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Brian in ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Funny thing is, I was there when it happened. I'm sorry that I can't remember the situation with crystal clear accuracy like you seem to be able to, however, freesmiting 7-8 people is still abuse, just slapping on the excuse of "he was handling the situation as he saw fit" or "he handled it poorly" does not in any way nullify the fact that he still abused by freesmiting 7-8 people. There is no justifiable reason that I can think of that would excuse why any T was smited on that day, the problem that occured was entirely the fault of the warden and any other CT's that may have freekilled due to the warden's invalid orders. Personally, I find it incredibly unfair when we demote people for abuse that I personally don't find as severe, while we give incredible amounts of leniency when someone screws up on how to handle a situation with the result intentionally freesmiting 7-8 people in order to end a day that was boring.
  9. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Brian in ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source   
    @@Forest, how could anyone comprehend that freesmiting 10+ people would be beneficial towards the server? I was there, he did it because he got killed just before the invalid wasd freeday was called and got bored (which he also did without consulting any of the other staff members on at the time, myself included). Anyone with half of a brain would know just to call an invalid freeday and possibly slay the warden for giving invalid orders. You can try to sugarcoat up the obvious favoritism towards warrior (a staff member who rarely gets on the division he's supposed to be monitoring mind you) and the whole situation regarding his freesmiting, but we can all see the deep layers of pure bullshit underneath.
  10. Creative
    diabeetus reacted to Hidingmaster in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Well considering this thread has gone nowhere and has done nothing but created fighting and flaming for a crap-ton of posts, i think i'm gonna close it, unless @@DarkWolf6052 wants to say something else.
    The div leader has CT banned you, there's almost no chance of getting out unless he was trolling on banning you, which he most likely wasn't. Sorry, but wait it out.
  11. Informative
    diabeetus reacted to Chrono in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Well considering this thread has gone nowhere and has done nothing but created fighting and flaming for a crap-ton of posts, i think i'm gonna close it, unless @@DarkWolf6052 wants to say something else.
    The div leader has CT banned you, there's almost no chance of getting out unless he was trolling on banning you, which he most likely wasn't. Sorry, but wait it out.
  12. Winner
    diabeetus reacted to LeToucan in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Well considering this thread has gone nowhere and has done nothing but created fighting and flaming for a crap-ton of posts, i think i'm gonna close it, unless @@DarkWolf6052 wants to say something else.
    The div leader has CT banned you, there's almost no chance of getting out unless he was trolling on banning you, which he most likely wasn't. Sorry, but wait it out.
  13. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to Warriorsfury in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
  14. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to Warriorsfury in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
  15. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Monkey in So is CS:S div dead or what   
    So does this make our jailbreak subgeneric level?
    It may not solve all the problems but it will significanlty improve the situation whilst someone (no one?) works on hub.
    if you are worried about losing regular donations why not raise the price for credits or even disable the ability to pass credits onto other people. You could make it impossible to buy credits forcing people to earn them in game as well. All This is all a lot better than nothing and will restore some moral to the remaining loyal members you have.
  16. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to xGShadowSpy in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    This shouldn't even be closed for being derailed, It should be closed because it's been resolved >.>
  17. Bad Spelling
    diabeetus reacted to Lemons in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Thats only because you braught it up first. and im talking about the time you have been on you have acted extreamely immature and trying to start arguments. If thats way your going to act on servers, then i truely think you should be banned off of CS:S servers.
  18. Bad Spelling
    diabeetus reacted to Lemons in DerpO_o - Counter-Strike: Source   
    Ah, my bad thought you where.
  19. Ding!
    diabeetus reacted to Chrono in Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    If you are going to take offense to it though, you are not allowed to go around saying "I AM A PROUD FURFAG" just like if you are going to gag someone for saying "nigger" in admin chat, I expect to NEVER see or hear you say the word nigger with the other people in that admin chat. (oh wait, that happened.)
  20. Bad Spelling
    diabeetus reacted to Lemons in Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    You where talking why round change and continued to talk at the beginning of the round so it gave you warden
  21. Creative
    diabeetus reacted to Ribbit in Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 Seems like a pretty cool potato. :);):(:mad::confused::cool::joyful::greedy::hail::huh::watching::hungover::dummy-boy::banhappy::zehdari::duckiijr::blackeye::banghead::inpain: >.<:coldfeet::depressed::loldidntread::Depressed::smug::confused::hungover::watching::huh::cool::greedy::joyful::hail::disbelief::lockme::borg::p:D:eek::mask::hungry::brb::snaphappy::snaphappy::grumpy::grumpy::poop::poop::android::wacky::llama::artist::artist::bucktooth::smuggrin:
  22. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to Lemons in Minecrack - Counter-Strike: Source   
    -1 for extending the ban
    +1 for taking action towards his attitude lately. He has done nothing but troll or be a complete ass hat on CS:S servers lately. like when he spammed for warden he opened cells and gave T's a freeday because he couldent have warden.
  23. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to MagicalPurple in So is CS:S div dead or what   
    Just let Purple warden.
  24. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Brian in So is CS:S div dead or what   
    Sounds to me like somebody's afraid of some hard work.
    Populating servers is not an easy task. If it were, all clans would be populated. We need something that keeps players coming back, something that makes our servers actually rewarding. The ranking system helps, but fails in comparison to store. With hub, plenty of players had something to look forward to, and the clan actually cared about features. Now, the CS:S servers are mostly bland that nearly everyone could copy. No unique maps, very little custom plugins, no custom skins, etc. If we had some sort of gimmick, something that encouraged playing, then we would be more successful.
    Most people still play CS:GO. Hub will only become more popular. Many of the features that work for CS:S work for CS:GO. If you don't want a game that a majority of the community wants, then you lose members of the community. For small games such as Killing Floor and other small games, if the population died down, many wouldn't care. However, when you removed one of the big four then you lose members. I tried to salvage what was left of CS:GO by giving them TF2 mod, and hoping they would wait it out.
    So, don't stop developing hub for CS:S because you don't think it will work out. That sounds like a sorry excuse. If you have school stuff and other issues that's fine, but don't tell us it's because you're afraid "I'll be wasting my time." You might be the leader, but we're the community, and although you have a greater say to what has to be done, doesn't mean there won't be members leaving.
    Oh, and another thing. What happened to hub being out early Spring 2013? Summer 2013? We're still waiting.
  25. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Brian in What does the fox say?   
    It got old after the first viewing.