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  1. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source   
    There is no evidence provided that Aaron was in fact the person who did it during that time, and as such he wasn't banned for it. There were multiple other Staff Members on, and it could have been anyone; we can't just single someone out because he was most likely to have done it. Most cases are handled with factual information.
    The only time Aaron was guilty of doing so was after posting a vote to see if the Players would agree to it in which it was captured by the plugin (as well as seen in chat logs). During no other time (that I know of) did Aaron blatantly ban @ all.
  2. Ding!
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    Thing is, you can't post a thread without trolls posting in it. It's bound to happen. Just post in General, because honestly, any of those topics are in General. Some people will take it seriously and post their opinion, while others won't, and there really isn't anything that can be done about that (aside from Higher-Ups deleting posts that are either irrelevant or there to intentionally de-rail the thread). As far as I'm concerned, the internet is a difficult place to just sit down, throw out a topic, and expect 100% mature answers and attitude, no matter where you are.
    Also, @@xShadowSpyx the original intention of the /xG/ section was for Players to post Abuse reports or Member protests without fear of being judged or singled out as the "tattle-tale". Unfortunately, it quickly went down hill and was used for ridiculous and un-needed threads. I will however point out that a few threads posted there are useful, especially when showing criticism of a Higher-Up. Lets us know when we're doing something wrong or are lacking in something, and players/members are able to express their opinion.
    My opinion would be to notify a Forum Moderator (Typically Division Manager+) that you would like to post a thread (In General section) that is to be treated seriously and request that any invalid or irrelevant posts are to be deleted. That's what I would do at least.
    - Dat guy, Forest
  3. F!$k Off
    diabeetus reacted to LeToucan in Uhm.   
    I dont people are getting the picture
  4. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Brian in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    So just because people don't complain about someone blatantly breaking the rules it's ok? Seems legit.
  5. Informative
    diabeetus got a reaction from Brian in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1. It's getting seriously out of hand as of recently. I've had to gag him several times today for spamming nigger. Despite me gagging/kicking him several times he isn't seeming to get the message to stop. xG members shouldn't be acting like this and we need to put a stop to it. A 1-3 day ban would be appropriate in my opinion. It isn't just today, I've gagged him plenty of times in the past for spam.
    EDIT: I understand he's been gagged, but he clearly doesn't care and just isn't getting the message to stop. The screenshots below are of his chat from only the past 6 hours.

  6. Bad Spelling
    diabeetus got a reaction from LeToucan in Uhm.   
    Can we please add xG > Life to the motd, I don't think (are you happy bleed, ARE YOU HAPPY DAMMIT?) people are getting the picture.
    Jk, good luck with college and moving
    Inb4 meganramen gets DM
  7. F!$k Off
    diabeetus reacted to xGShadowSpy in Uhm.   
    Diabeetus for DM of Fatties
  8. Not Funny
    diabeetus got a reaction from Tsuchikure in Uhm.   
    Can we please add xG > Life to the motd, I don't think (are you happy bleed, ARE YOU HAPPY DAMMIT?) people are getting the picture.
    Jk, good luck with college and moving
    Inb4 meganramen gets DM
  9. Bad Spelling
    diabeetus reacted to Kyoko in Uhm.   
  10. Like
    diabeetus reacted to MineCrack in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    What does that have to do with this thread? All you're trying to do is make OP look like a bad person when in reality this is a thread about you, not him. You've simply displayed child like behavior and attitude by saying that.
  11. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Ribbit in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    So just because people don't complain about someone blatantly breaking the rules it's ok? Seems legit.
  12. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to DrLee in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    On this note; People aren't compaining bout the 'nigger' thing- they know it's a joke or don't care- it's just you, OP. -1
  13. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from SuperMaddud in xG:HAPWHS| Hex - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1. It's getting seriously out of hand as of recently. I've had to gag him several times today for spamming nigger. Despite me gagging/kicking him several times he isn't seeming to get the message to stop. xG members shouldn't be acting like this and we need to put a stop to it. A 1-3 day ban would be appropriate in my opinion. It isn't just today, I've gagged him plenty of times in the past for spam.
    EDIT: I understand he's been gagged, but he clearly doesn't care and just isn't getting the message to stop. The screenshots below are of his chat from only the past 6 hours.

  14. Informative
    diabeetus got a reaction from Brian in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    In my opinion, making a serious subsection anonymous would just encourage people to troll even more. Let's just temporarily create a public debate subforum for 1-2 weeks, and see how it goes. If people are being trolls to the point of ruining the subforum then we just close it down. To be honest I don't really see why people are so afraid to post more serious topics in General, if people troll or argue excessively then forum ban them for said trolling/instigating.
  15. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to Forest in ItsAaron - Counter-Strike: Source   
    +1. Although he was demoted, it was for something that was not directly associated to his ability to moderate or to do his job. Aaron was a fine Staff Member, and from what I've seen is hell'a active (especially around the odd hours cuz #britswag).
    I don't see why he shouldn't be back in power, however I will note that he should check with Higher-Ups in the future before doing something that may be questionable, no matter how frivolous (if and when he does get his position back :p)
  16. Agree
    diabeetus got a reaction from Genesis in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    In my opinion, making a serious subsection anonymous would just encourage people to troll even more. Let's just temporarily create a public debate subforum for 1-2 weeks, and see how it goes. If people are being trolls to the point of ruining the subforum then we just close it down. To be honest I don't really see why people are so afraid to post more serious topics in General, if people troll or argue excessively then forum ban them for said trolling/instigating.
  17. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to xGShadowSpy in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    If anything, an anonymous section would work better for serious topics, because we all know if someone bring up a controversial topic then all it end up as is a back and forth arguement (Like when someone made a George zimmerman trial thread.) That, and if its something serious then they wouldnt want to put it on a public forum with trolls.
  18. Agree
    diabeetus reacted to Genesis in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
  19. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to MagicalPurple in Concerning a more 'serious' subsection.   
    Someone made a thread about me in that section ;D! I'm popular <3
  20. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to MagicalPurple in Purple Wins   
  21. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to ShyGuy in Matsi Is Dumb   
    i have no idea whats going on in here, im just here to say ass
  22. Smelly
    diabeetus reacted to MagicalPurple in Purple Wins   
    Purple wins <3
  23. Like
    diabeetus reacted to DeathGod in Matsi Is Dumb   
  24. Disagree
    diabeetus reacted to Matsi in I quit <3   

  25. Ding!
    diabeetus reacted to Brian in Matsi Is Dumb   
    Oh look, more xG drama. Oh look, it's caused by Matsi. What a surprise.