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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. Gyazo - bf33ac2d70a1ab1766de6e20122d83d9.png
  2. Honestly, i would liek to see the cs:s div finally be put down. I Really enjoyed my time on jb and minigames. But It's pretty much a dieing dog at this point and needs to be put down.
  3. Kyoko

    New Computer Ideas.

    i've always loved the logitech mouses and cyberpower is a really good site for buy a computer, you can also get some free games too i believe
  4. but, Love Stage is too funny and free is too... FREE
  5. Kyoko

    Urgent Bad

    actually it's him spending all of his time with holly. #Puppyluv#yolo#swag
  6. Kyoko


    bye. You dongus
  7. half alive i think, just waiting on haax's idea to pull some peeps back in.
  8. holy fuck bby, i meesss u welcome back my sweet child, btw, tf2 is only active div, besides the League div hue
  9. So our great Co-Leader @Forest was walking home to his british canadian land in the forests of England. As he walked into his home, the @Forest , he heard a whisper in ear "Don't turn on the lights." Forest being his beautiful self decided to not turn on the lights of his home but instead is oven, a gas oven no less, to make some crumpets. After lighting the oven @Forest starts to make his tea and a bit of hot water hits him and he falls backwards and hits his light switch. The lights turn on, and @Forest smells some smoke, its not any smoke though, its Smokey the Bear coming to rain down upon @Forest for hbis insolence on almost starting a @Forest fire. Smokey takes his big bear claws and picks up @Forest and throws him outside into the raging inferno. @Forest quickly says a prayer and in that prayer he wishes for his clan XenoGaymers get hub for the Counter Strike: Source division.
  10. omg faggot christian nigger. GO watch Jesus sucking god's dick. bby, i'll miss you
  11. Kyoko


    Our lord and savior is back. @Forest forever co
  12. Kyoko

    Question Game

    hub in 5 minutes because mommy said no abbreviations Why does Megaramen change his name every month?
  13. Kyoko

    Question Game

    A: Because I'm a magical fucking girl Q: Who smells worse Teezar or Shadowspy?
  14. I am the swag mastar. Bow to me your Lord and Savior
  15. Kyoko

    Rabid - Mmo

    +2 bigger communist than muffin
  16. I am the CS:GO carry @[106409:@FoRgE] @[51299:@Yu_Narukami]
    1. Insane


      pl0x i can carry just as well.
  17. Ok so talking with my irl buddy today, and he tells me of this fun server he plays on which has capture the flag, before i implement this how many of you would play it? If you guys want i'll post classes later
  18. right, yea put it into your saves folder like adam here said, I think i was going with an older version of minecraft
  19. put it into your worlds file i think it is. I'll check on it later and that may be like 20 mins or 5 hrs
  20. Kyoko

    Be Back

    have fun bby @ThePenguin now, when are you goin to your niggeraguan friends?
  21. grats to the baddies who gots dem skillz to be promoed
  22. Kyoko


    I'll be working at a gas station, playing league, and working out (running for X amount of miles) Oh, can;t forget getting out of bronze