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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. pls. the ads make me wanna shoot mahself
  2. thank you based poncher Hail Poncher :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail: :hail:
  3. Kyoko

    Clan Growth

    your not as new as me though, You were in the clan before i was
  4. Closing this thread. Not getting unbanned for now. ~Added to the Soul Gem
  5. before anyone asks. No i'm not doing this because he is my friend. +1 shorten ban/unbam. I didn't know that the rule was changed either until @Chrono told us about it today. shortened ban time maybe like a week to 3 weeks?
  6. Kyoko

    Insert Demotion

    not allowed to be demoted
  7. Kyoko

    Insert Demotion

    Sorry sir but you application for demotion has been denied. You must now wait at least 1month 3weeks 6days 23hrs and 59minutes to apply for demotion again
  8. you know you can host your own server off of your comp right. I'll try it out as well with my irl friends maybe
  9. Offcial FTB Server Plugin thread! | Feed the Beast i founded soem plugons
  10. yea, when we tried FTB, and @Warriorsfury can confirm this for me. It was laggy as balls there were very little plugins for it, (idk if their was essentials for it) and gregtech(makes it really hard to make basic machines)
  11. Nukes- too destructive, can lag the server Gem Armour- very hard to kill someone with this armor, can get past anti-grief plugins Red Morning Star-bypass anti-grief plugins, destructive Red Katar-too destructive Ring of Ignition- can lag the server, too destructive Zero Ring-bypass anti-grief plugins, lag server Both of the amulets- too destructive Harvest Godess band?-can lag server, I havn’t seen it been used so don’t know to what degree Pretty much any explosive more powerful than tnt Terraformer-bypass anti-grief plugins Energy Collector MK3- too good for getting emc. Right clicking with philosopher stone- bypass anti-grief plugins Destruction Catalyst-bypass anti-grief Mercurial Eye- bypass anti-grief Catylic lens-bypass anti-grief Transmutation tablet: dupeing with it has been banned Void Ring: Dupe with Alch bag has been fixed ~Note this is subject to change
  12. @[3389:Tsuchikure]
  13. but then we could "take care of" Silence
  14. Mundo, i shall be mundo. that is all i have to say
  15. eeew canadia #MeetupinNewyork @Drendan @diabeetus @Rhododendron
  16. ok, we can restrict that one spot for the dupe on the tablet, and i guess we can ban those maybe. I'll ask @SuperMaddud and @WhyJewMad what they think Edit* adding that to my list, and any objections to keeping MK2 collectors?
  17. i am banning the combined version of the tools as well, you know how destructive they are. and probably the hammer as well
  18. is says MINECRAFT 1.2.5 thats the version of MINECRAFT tekkit runs on. the server's TEKKIT version is 3.1.2 the mods are updated but its still MINECRAFT 1.2.5
  19. thats the Minecraft version you silly goose. The TEKKIT version is 1.3.2 or so
  20. warrior that is in an ealier version of tekkit. that was a glitch that has been ironed out in the recomended version of tekkit 3.1.2 being recomended i believe Edit: I currently have a list of my own that I'll post later when i have finished it, reasons will be on it as well
  21. Kyoko


    hi:pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon::pigeon: @Tsuchikure