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Everything posted by Kyoko

  1. Wow, that took way too long for me to be demoted. Congrats to you promoed fags
  2. All hail Forest, Great-Leader
  3. hope your mom does well man. <3 best of wishes
  4. @[3389:@Tsuchikure] the jukes are real
    1. Kyoko


      isnt the jumpy thing your e though?
    2. Tsuchikure


      Q = ball of doom, W = teleport / jump, E = chain which slows then snares
    3. Kyoko


      ahhh i seee. I havn't played her yet so i do not know her kit
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  5. Ok i believe our good friend cookie banned you at the time. If someone could tag her maybe pls. Idk her forum name atm ps @Tsuchikure
  6. But i can
    1. Kyoko


      You sure? what did that Kha evolve first of all and Riven hns? idk how i feel about it.
    2. Tsuchikure


      You mean with penguin + voly going those 2? i wrecked them, they gave up at like 25-35min
    3. Kyoko


      i have never seen penguin play Kha'zix and i dont think riven is that good of a seaker
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  7. Haaaalp, Haaaaalp. Bronzies make me cri
    1. Marceline


      I know you pain
    2. DrLee


      I crai, only level 10
    3. xGShadowSpy


      Haaaalp. Haaaaalp. League make me cri.
  8. nope dmt come back, i need you
  9. Cum at meh Brah
    1. xGShadowSpy


    2. DrLee


      What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills.
    3. DrLee


      I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words.
    4. Show next comments  21 more
  10. he has been around for a long time, was on when was really active hes been here for atleast 6 months playing CSS Jailbreak. @MrJeeblez
  11. +1 he been around for awhile. He's been pretty good with the rules from what i've seen. He'll be calling me on when needed and stuffz. I Think he would be a fine addition to the staff.
  12. gl man, you were too damn cool. Love your voice btw
  13. bbbbbut Chrono... Your still Gold 5 scrub
  14. many alerts, much reports. Halp
  15. because the new xG is a bunch of butthurt faggots.
  16. Kyoko

    Rp Giveaway

    Go crits only on soraka
  17. 2-3 in provisonals... halp pls.
  18. Not happening. Fun to screw around with. But it is not happening atm
  19. you make me cry spermy. You were cool. COME BACK YOU FUCKING WHORE ~Application denied. You may post another application to leave in 3 weeks 6days 23hrs and 69 minutes
  20. Kyoko

    So Sad..

    whai tag meh @Tsuchikure