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Everything posted by LeToucan

  1. @Rhododendron needs to fix adding CT bans via sourcebans first.
  2. I know @DrLee's http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFZ7bBaYpcw
  3. I'm going to do a complete re-work of the last CT music (Soon™), in which all last CT songs are going to be replaced. Post any suggestions for new songs here. The ones with the most likes will be added. If you guys post troll songs and they get likes, they might get added (@Chrono ;))
  4. Another question. What modules do you want? Depending upon how many custom modules are wanted, depends upon the date (And how quickly i actually get access to work on it)
  5. I need to know what this means. In your opinion, which part is not polished?
  6. this is rigged even more than @Chrono's giveaways
  7. Bank changes: Max money is now 50K Interest is disabled Lowered starting money to 100 Reset Money to Reflect the new max Warden changes Now uses the dialogue box by default. You can switch back to the old hud or disable both in !settings Now before i even consider working on things like hub/skins/custom lrs I need to know the decision about this thread
  8. EZ CASH EZ LYFE @Hexx
  9. On iPad and this is really laggy, I'll fix typos tomorrow 1 ill kind of give you the one, as someone fucked up the map group effectively breaking it every mapchnge. 2 it has more custom content than CSS 1 we should work on servers we already have before expanding to new servers 2 not only should yo refer to 1, but to compete with other servers we would need a 128 tick server which costs even more money. I'm not surg what servers you play on but the menu works fine for me. 3 you contradicted yourself with serious casual. 4 I need access to a database, right now the hub is setup ghettoly by usin clientprefs to store credits, equipt items, and purchased items. The modules would need to be completely remade. 5 I don't know what glitch you're talkign about. True Holy shit this is so annoying to type with.
  10. It might be the fact that staff are no longer picked on the basis of how they act in the server, knowledge of the rules, or how helpful they are, but of how active they are. I won't name names, I just would not have promoted many people over the past few months.
  11. Before i start working on anything more for CSS, I need to know there's a demand for it. If we chose Option 1, I would not transfer all the staff. Honestly, there are people I don't feel deserve moderator/admin, and I would not promote them (Not promote whoever is active @DrLee ;) ) Everyone would have to get active on CSGO and earn it again. If you're looking for a MG server on csgo, i would need another server to put it on. However if we choose option 2, We need to start reworking things. As I've said before, hub isn't going to be the Raptor Jesus we need to fix the servers. For one, the MOTD needs to not be one of @Forest 's posts (;)) It would have to be simple enough for people to actually read, yet still have fair rules. We should also being back things like community night, but actually have it consistently (Every week or so). I would be willing to help manage them. As for adding more custom plugins, just message me more ideas. (Side note, I'm waiting for a gamedata update for voicehook which was updated today for talking to get warden to be fixed.) At the very least, i need to know the natives/forwards for developing hub modules. Is it the same as the store plugin? Can i get access to a database to actually use a hub that doesn't use clientprefs to store credits, and items people have bought? Can i get access to the hub source code? You've been bitching at me for hub for a year? What? I haven't even been developing plugins for a year. I haven't even had CSS server access for over a month. get rekt
  12. Added checks to make sure the beacons sprite is precached, tell me if it happens again.
  13. >Yes, they are my accounts >You dont have proof im evading the ban just ban those accounts, or is it 3hard?
  14. Type "status" in console (No quotes), Heres an example of what a line looks like. The very first number is the persons userid. To target that specific person, you can type <command> #2 You could also just use the admin menu, or #<exact name>
  15. #rekt #1weekfordisrespect #swag #shouldbeabanprotest #moreswag #hashtag http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHrMkAsGFlE but really why a whole week for disrespect
  16. i would have been the only one to notice, goodbye sweet cheeks. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HHrMkAsGFlE
  17. Looking into recent crashes it hasn't been from beacons but models not being precached (Though, the sprite for beacons not being precached could cause this as well). As a temporary solution, I've removed the models that don't precache correctly (Vending machine, headcrab, breen's chair).
  18. You must be a member to apply for mod. Click here to apply for membership (Must be 14 or older to apply).
  19. i think you're implying i have any access to change that.
  20. #postinginclosedthreads 3rd person might cut it for blatant hacks, but not for others #justpointingthisout #swag #420blazeit
  21. @DrLee is going to be screaming about how rekt he got once i join.
  22. LeToucan

    Donator Sh**

    Added you to everything, for future reference please just tag someone in the existing thread. ~closed