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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. +1




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  2. Now unload gameme and remove him from banned_users.cfg

    If he's still there after a map change it's not gameme.

    its not gameme, ill test more plugins tonight

    KK I'm happy we solved that :p

    If you need me I'll be on later tonight!

    actually, i unloaded it and changed maps, he was back. I didnt remember that the plugins are refreshed after each map change, so it was re-enabled. Then after coming back i decided to put gameme in disabled, changed maps, he didnt return in banned_users. it is gameme.

  3. Change the map and see if he shows up again. Also try restarting the server if that doesn't work.

    changed the map, hes back in it again.

    Now unload gameme and remove him from banned_users.cfg

    If he's still there after a map change it's not gameme.

    its not gameme, ill test more plugins tonight

  4. GameME has zero access to the banlist, it merely scrapes data from SourceBans. It's incredibly unlikely that this is the issue. Are you sure it's not a plugin forcing ban consistency?

    Im pretty sure its not a plugin forcing it.

    Did you remove him from csgo/cfg/banned_users.cfg?

    Yea, just a minute ago

  5. Wait what's up? I thought I fixed this like a week ago :C He was locally banned on CS:S Jailbreak and I unbanned him from there!

    I removed his steam ID from the CSGO banned_users and when i checked the next day it was back, something (my guess is gameME) is constantly re-adding him to it.

    GameME has zero access to the banlist, it merely scrapes data from SourceBans. It's incredibly unlikely that this is the issue. Are you sure it's not a plugin forcing ban consistency?

    Im pretty sure its not a plugin forcing it.

  6. Wait what's up? I thought I fixed this like a week ago :C He was locally banned on CS:S Jailbreak and I unbanned him from there!

    I removed his steam ID from the CSGO banned_users and when i checked the next day it was back, something (my guess is gameME) is constantly re-adding him to it.

  7. my 2 cents is it looks like he was legitimately browsing the forums and rated them how he felt.


    idk who banned him or if it was for this reason, though im going to assume this is the reason.
