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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. What cabin? Your backup may have included several spawns you never remembered you added in, particularly around the armory area, and perhaps even the whole map.

    I hate you so much.

  2. Just like it's not my fault you set 6-7 spawns in the cabin on avalanche.

    Too bad i had to constantly add my backup of the spawns for what you added to the cabin.

  3. I can tell you how. @@Bleed was helping you. that's the problem, he couldn't restart a server without breaking it!

    Its not my fault he set spawn points in the air and then set the gravity to 9999999!

  4. To fix the plugin you just have to tweak the settings, the jihad one should work fine, that's the one we used on csgo and there were literally no issues with it, the only thing is we didn't have small medium large, because there were issues. so it was essentially a 1 person per round medium bomb for 10k in game cash money


    I don't have a copy of it, bleed should. I wasn't wasting my time backing it up on my pc

    we once used it, it was in the disabled/old folder. We used bomb.smx. Anyway, heres the config for it

    >// This file was auto-generated by SourceMod (v1.5.0-dev)
    // ConVars for plugin "hub/JihadMod.smx"
    // Damage of small bomb.
    // -
    // Default: "300"
    sm_jihad_bomb1Damage "300"
    // Whether the small bomb can be bought.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    sm_jihad_bomb1Enabled "1"
    // How many total small bombs CTs can wear.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    sm_jihad_bomb1LimitCT "0"
    // How many total small bombs Ts can wear.
    // -
    // Default: "2"
    sm_jihad_bomb1LimitT "2"
    // Base price of small bomb..
    // -
    // Default: "50"
    sm_jihad_bomb1Price "50"
    // Radius of small bomb.
    // -
    // Default: "400"
    sm_jihad_bomb1Radius "400"
    // Damage of medium bomb.
    // -
    // Default: "400"
    sm_jihad_bomb2Damage "400"
    // Whether the medium bomb can be bought.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    sm_jihad_bomb2Enabled "1"
    // How many total small+medium bombs CTs can wear.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    sm_jihad_bomb2LimitCT "0"
    // How many total small+medium bombs Ts can wear.
    // -
    // Default: "3"
    sm_jihad_bomb2LimitT "3"
    // Base price of medium bomb..
    // -
    // Default: "100"
    sm_jihad_bomb2Price "100"
    // Radius of medium bomb.
    // -
    // Default: "550"
    sm_jihad_bomb2Radius "550"
    // Damage of large bomb.
    // -
    // Default: "600"
    sm_jihad_bomb3Damage "600"
    // Whether the large bomb can be bought.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    sm_jihad_bomb3Enabled "1"
    // How many total bombs of ANY size CTs can wear.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    sm_jihad_bomb3LimitCT "0"
    // How many total bombs of ANY size Ts can wear.
    // -
    // Default: "4"
    sm_jihad_bomb3LimitT "4"
    // Base price of large bomb..
    // -
    // Default: "150"
    sm_jihad_bomb3Price "150"
    // Radius of large bomb.
    // -
    // Default: "700"
    sm_jihad_bomb3Radius "700"
    // Chance (from 0.0 to 1.0) that the bomb will start smoking and blow on its own
    // -
    // Default: "0.10"
    sm_jihad_brokenbombrate "0.10"
    // Whether the wearer of an armed bomb changes color.
    // -
    // Default: "0"
    sm_jihad_coloronarmed "0"
    // Delay (in seconds) before arming the bomb.
    // -
    // Default: "15.0"
    sm_jihad_delayarm "15.0"
    // Delay (in seconds) before detonating the bomb.
    // -
    // Default: "0.0"
    sm_jihad_delaydetonate "0.0"
    // Whether the plugin is enabled or not.
    // -
    // Default: "1"
    sm_jihad_enable "1"
    // Chance (from 0.0 to 1.0) of exploding an armed bomb when its wearer dies.
    // -
    // Default: "0.25"
    sm_jihad_explodeondeathrate "0.25"
    // Chance (from 0.0 to 1.0) that the bomb will fail to detonate.
    // -
    // Default: "0.0"
    sm_jihad_failrate "0.0"
    // Chance (from 0.0 to 1.0) that the bomb will malfunction and start the player on fire.
    // -
    // Default: "0.03"
    sm_jihad_malfunctionrate "0.03"

  5. I was eating ._. I was playing with 1 hand -.- I needed to move the mouse to get on the button and then press "e" That takes a long time D:

    And its not my fault people are yelling in teamspeak and i cant hear crap

    Your first sentence is one reason why im talking about you being a constant troll, and no one was yelling at the time. His orders were very clear. As i said before, my -1 stands.

    edit: if you want more instances of constant trolling im sure @@Matsi could supply MANY examples.

  6. I said i didn't hear him ._.

    And from what i remember i was trying to open the door, but i couldn't find my e button ._. But when i did people where blocking me from opening the door.

    Since i really dont want to deal with this right now, you clearly heard it and you're clearly lying about it now, just like you are lying about the blocking the button for the door. my -1 stands.

  7. -1

    The warden (@@TheBasedGod ) said "Do not press the button. Purple, dont even stand near it" he then proceeded to almost spam CTs dont press the button. Then guess what you did? pressed the button. Not to mention, this was following all the trolling you have done in the past such as standing in front of the button in armory so CTs cannot leave, and in general being a constant troll.

  8. [CS:S] Suicide Bomb - AlliedModders[/url]

    Here's the current config I had set for it,


    >bomb_plugin_enabled 0
    bomb_enabled_t 1
    bomb_enabled_ct 0
    bomb_1_price 7500
    bomb_1_damage 1500
    bomb_1_radius 100
    bomb_1_time 0
    bomb_2_price 15000
    bomb_2_damage 2000
    bomb_2_radius 150
    bomb_2_time 2
    bomb_3_price 25000
    bomb_3_damage 2500
    bomb_3_radius 250
    bomb_3_time 0
    bomb_damage_explode 0


    I'm considering setting it back to default, but I don't want it too underpowered or overpowered. Still though, there's no option to let it show in the killfeed as an actual "kill" like the old plugin we had with my abortion. It used to say "<name> killed <name> with env_explosion, but this one just shows the deaths as suicides and in console "world" damage.

    the very last part of the thread for that plugin says

    its a dead plugin as far as I know, better post here : [CSS] Jihad Mod (Update 29/01/2011) - AlliedModders

    try the jihad mod instead


    EDIT: bomb_damage_explode 0

    try changing this.

  9. Tested adding models on the Test server, for some reason it turns us into error models.

    I'm trying to work on the bomb plugin, it's got its own problems, it worked the first map I added it, then suddenly stopped doing damage next map. The bombs still exploded, and large was over powered as FUCK the first time, but I think I fixed that.

    Only problem with this bomb plugin I added is it doesn't register as a kill, and there isn't an option to do that with, so basically the kill feed shows the T and CT(s) dying.

    Is the plugin the Jihad Mod or the Suicide Bomb?

    Try googling some of the errors. 90% of the time there's a fix for it.


    edit was fixing links

  10. disrespect is a big gray area, and we had to define it last time because this. you people take things way too serious, someone calls you a "bad mob"? get over it, and deal with it, if you can't take someone calling you a bad mod in anger when you just freesalyed him, you probably should not be mod. sad to see how bad it got again.



  11. ^ This, They are meant to be permd, they can protest that perm.

    99% of the time they get it changed to a X week CT ban, so why even bother with perming them, and instead just doing the X weeks

  12. give penguin DL and volt/nick k DM and the rest of the oldies Moderator and get the servers back up when possible then populate the shit out of it


    If Penguin knows how to code then I second this

    i swear, if you say if X knows how to code then i second this one more time, i will march up to canadia and smash your computer

  13. why is your name molesto chivo?

    because matsi told him to and he didnt even check what it meant

    I knew what it meant

    so you decided to change your name to the (I believe to be) grammatically incorrect annoying child?


    *edit was fixing typo