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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. -sniping my own quote-

    poncher has enough experience to lead the CSS division which was why he was made DL, also how is one to learn to operate a server when he doesn't have the tools to do them? i suppose you could create your own server as a test but at the same time this is much more convenient.
    I'm not questioning his ability to lead the CSS division, but since he has (as to my knowledge) never worked with a server before, he would probably want to work on a test server/entirely new server. Its much better to wipe a server that isnt important than to wipe the most populated server.

  2. When silence gives poncher powers and actually listens to us then maybe we can get things going again. but, with the things are looking like right now i doubt it.

    Just so you know, he has to actually learn how to operate the server (For example, i had to create a gun game server) Having server access doesnt help if you dont know what to do with it.


    *expanding on what i meant with i had to create a gun game server. I was given FTP to the server, then i created it. I wasnt given complete access until afterwards

  3. I started playing CSGO around the start of October. I played TONS of the jailbreak server. At this moment, i have about 60 days played. I no longer have the passion i once had for this game. I really havent touched the servers in a while, and i feel as if i just havent done much recently. I'll still be around, ill still play on our servers, you just wont see me banning chrono for whispering me too much.


    PS A51Nova and Ronaconda shouldnt have powers anymore


    Side note, @@Rhododendron CSGO does play sound differently than CSS. I put the old last CT plugin in the server so everyone could hear it. If the songs are put in the music directory it appears to be glitchy for spectators, and is dependent on music volume. wiki.alliedmods.net/CSGO_Quirks# for more info on it

  4. +1 I always wondered why they treated you like crap. I understand why now. That's a pretty terrible way to be to people just because you can be. I could understand being an ass to someone who has wronged you but.. I don't see any of that here.

    I only started doing it because people started making fun of me and disrespecting me because of my age and my voice.

    most dont care about your voice as much as what you say, the actions you make, and your terrible additude