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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. @@Matsi


    I dont see why it wouldn't be worth his time, he's div for a reason

    You must go through source code checking for what silence presumably added. Now once you find it, remove it. Now you must recompile the plugin. But wait, now you need to find where silence put the source code online, if he even did. Now darkwolf must compile it. If he removed anything that he shouldnt have, it will no longer work. All this because mods cant take 30 extra seconds to kick and then ban the person.

  2. @@Forest Instead of removing perm for mods, remove something like smite that we dont NEED.

    Like diabeetus said, we all earned our mod (Unless you paid for it or humped a higerups dick), we should still have access to the commands we need, like perm.

    Again i'll say this, you have access to ban disconnected players. Its truly not worth darkwolf's or silence's time to go into the source code and remove it when you can by-pass it. Smite is literally just a drag and drop plugin with the option of changing a translation file, 2 minutes tops to install.

  3. That's stupid, might as well give us our perm back if we can kick them and perm anyways. To obviously make it easier we should be given perm back so we don't have to waiste time kicking and just go straight to the banning.

    back is implying you ever had it. Instead of having darkwolf track down how to change this (Which silence might have edited the source code to basebans and/or sourcebans to do this very thing), just kick then ban. Honestly, its such a small thing i dont know why its even a problem.

  4. seriously wtf is the problem with getting something installed, why does everyone say it "has to be coded by someone".... it doesn't.... just use something already fucking made... Here use this one it was updated 4 days ago:


    Plugin: [Release] Store Release [1.1 Final] [sourcemod 1.6 or lower] - AlliedModders

    It even has a webpanel for all you lazy people... [Release] Store WebPanel - AlliedModders



    Get the modules for the things you want in the store here:

    Store Modules - AlliedModders


    if you want to make custom items people can buy here's a fucking tutorial to add them:

    Creating items for Store · alongubkin/store Wiki · GitHub



    Ya'll a bunch of fucking lazy bitches! All you guys do is complain that there's no HüB but noone puts any effort to fix it... if I had access to the server this shit would be done so fast, but my time is spent doing better things... like browsing furry porn!

    im pretty sure ive said this before and was told something like its not as user friendly (?), honestly i dont know why we dont just use that.

  5. im going to assume the server was set up the same way the CSGO server was set up. Mods never have been able to perm someone who is currently in the server. Though, they can use ban disconnected players to permanently ban. If you truly need to perm someone, kick them and then perm them with ban disconnected players.

  6. lol totally.... nah, I don't need anyone to tell me how great of a badmin I am. :)


    I also learned a long time ago not to trust the opinion of a brony :p and a brony that is rainbowdashie.... I mean that's like double crazy...


    And then it's like some random award like... "ganja you win my random I wanna suck your dick award!"


    At least make it involve more than one person's opinion

    fixed because of all the times i was called a badmin by you

  7. When I get home I'll check on what all of them are, including the ones I added. Right now I think there's like, what, 7-8 in the cycle? I don't want to cycle too many, but I'll see what else there is.

    More suggestions?

    as the great flatline once said,

    This is what I imagine my xG Sounds folder will look in the future. :eek:


  8. Yeah but by the time Ts get lr theres like 2/3 CTs, and with 250 hp+ the m249 when they have to follow you around and be close to you, CTs have almost no chance.

    EDIT: @@mtown81 You can do it with any number as far as I saw

    @@DarkWolf6052 line 467 or control F "sm_hosties_lr_rebel_cts" we set it to 4 on csgo


    edit cstrike/cfg/sourcemod/sm_hosties2.cfg