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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. I understand that, it's just, most people don't come to the general section for political, religion, or even life opinions. Or if they want more serious advice, which would be more of a requirement in this subsection. And even if I do post it there, let's be honest, it won't start a conversation at all. It'd be taken more as a joke, while people who'd be in this subsection would know what they're going into.

    But here is an example where when something super serious was posted in general, it was taken 100% seriously. Just post whatever it would be in here.

  2. I know you guys have been waiting for DarkRP for a while now, so heres a little update on some current issues.

    - Most jobs are finished.

    -needs balancing, shipments need to be finalized.

    - There's 1 issue of a missing model fixed

    - I haven't been able to track down a bug that's preventing me from using the rest of the M9K addons. doesnt matter, see below

    - I cannot change the NPCs' locations NPC quest done.

    - When adding the (somewhat) working M9K weapons to shipments, it spawns it as a prop instead of a weapon. Fixed

    - I cannot get force download from the workshop to work fixed

    - Undercover officer shows in the scoreboard, effectively breaking it. Undercover officer will be temporarily removed until this can be resolved

    - Other minor glitches

    - If i had you force download M9k weapons, you would need to redownload it each time. 2 options, download it each time or i can try to figure out how to locally host the weapons we will use and then have you download them via fastDL It will be downloaded via fastDL Due to numerous glitches with M9K packs, default CSS weapons will be used until i can crush bugs

    -Add more CSS weapons

    ETA: Latest: October 25th, earliest: 5 min

    Also ask about anything you want to know about here.

  3. I dont really care if you slaynr 103123421321 to each other as long as you remove it and dont spam it. Also, refrain from spamming tsay (@@).


    Everyone involved is getting a firm spanking as punishment. also @@Snarkbite & @@Tittiesprinkles Remember what happened to slap before, dont make me do it again.

    ps everyone here is british


  4. ur all baddies. there is no reason for you to be using slap. slap in itself on our rule set is considered abuse, as there is no justification for you to slap them, and there is even less justification to slap after you already told them what they are doing wrong and need to fix.

    k brb removing slap from gmod (again)

  5. @@Bleed so umm just a few minutes ago a ct massed, he left and i tried perming him through disconnected players, and it said it permed him, but it didn't, thank god death god was there to do it for me since i CANT perm.





    So how dont perms work for mods *via disconnected players?

    Also how did death god ban him? I dont see him banning anyone permanently today.



    Edit 2 - also your ban that "didn't work" is there.

    *was edited in












  6. @@DarkWolf6052 in cstrike/addons/sourcemod/configs/admin_overrides.cfg

    When sourcemod was updated, overrides was overwritten. You should be able to open up the file manager from your phone and edit cfgs. I dont know all of the commands that used overrides, but here's all of the fun commands.

    "sm_beacon"   "z"
    "sm_blind"   "z"
    "sm_timebomb"   "z"
    "sm_burn"   "z"
    "sm_firebomb"   "z"
    "sm_freeze"   "z"
    "sm_freezebomb"   "z"
    "sm_gravity"   "z"
    "sm_drug"   "z"
    "sm_noclip"   "z"

  7. I thought they get an M249 when they choose the rebel option? Also he can just lower it from like 100 (if it IS this, can't say for sure but i definently have not seen a rebelling T with over 400 hp) per CT to like 20-30 or something.

    I'm not trying to get tasers allowed and not trying to be a dick of any kind, just wanted to say this.

    Also, unless silence does this, i doubt anyone will be able to since Darkwolf's laptop got nuked.

    He can edit cfgs/txts through the web panel (Which he can do this from his phone, ive done it before) But i dont think its in the config for hosties and im too lazy to check. If it is in the config, he can easily change it. If it isnt, he would have to go into the source for hosties and change it (Which is just finding where it changes the HP and change 100 to X)


    Edit: He would have to edit lastrequest.sp, the line that says

    >                        SetEntData(LR_Player_Prisoner, g_Offset_Health, numCTsAlive*100+25);

    So right now its (CTs alive)*100 + 25. He can change it to this for (CTs alive)*50 + 25 by replacing that line with this

    >                        SetEntData(LR_Player_Prisoner, g_Offset_Health, numCTsAlive*50+25);

    Or if hes too lazy, here's the .sp he can use (I dont want to update my sourcemod/sm hosties to compile it)