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Posts posted by LeToucan

  1. This map caused problems in the past. Silence denied another map that had the Cyanide logo on it. Doesn't this map belong to them?


    It was a good map, but due to it belonging to CN and they caused major problems in the past.

    Its fine to use the map, there is (might be was by now) a cyanide version of it by the same person (122jimbo), but this is just the normal version.

  2. Alright so this yesterday, everyone was having a grand old time on jb_avalanche. The warden ordered us all to "shift walk to the bottom of cell STAIRS," and I as a massive prick, started wandering aimlessly yelling "Tarp!" because there's a ramp, not stairs.


    However, after I was inevitably freekilled, I talked to Warriorsfury asking for the warden to be slain for tarping before 5 and freekilling. Warrior said that stairs and ramp are one and the same and that it was basically right so don't get mad.


    I'm not mad (I'm pretty mad) but I want Warrior to be wrong so could anyone clear up this rule?


    My understanding is that stairs = ramp and ramp = stairs so long as both are not present such as in the castle guard map which isn't even on the CS:S and i can't think of one that has both off the top of my head right now.

    matsi is spreading more lies! jb_castleguarddev (Counter-Strike: Source > Maps > Jail Break) - GAMEBANANA

  3. It looks as if it was wiped, though (I believe) there was a recent server upgrade/downgrade. They (NFO) might have messed something up, or fuzz/skitz might have changed something. @@SkitZoFrenzly. @@Fuzz @@Rhododendron

    Is it in your server list? Cause I just moved it 2 days ago and now it's completely gone. It's most likely NFO's end but I don't think I did anything D:

    I'm in contact with them so bear with me.

    Yea, its NFOservers.com - new server

  4. It looks as if it was wiped, though (I believe) there was a recent server upgrade/downgrade. They (NFO) might have messed something up, or fuzz/skitz might have changed something. @@SkitZoFrenzly. @@Fuzz @@Rhododendron

  5. Leaving bye guys.

    personal reasons btw and school :(

    have a good year school buddies if i dont see you in ts.

    Love you all


    Man warrior do you ever read posts?

    But still he could have just gone inactive and not left the clan is what he is saying.

    you might have been onto something if he wasnt already wearing another clans tags



  6. Have fun checked EACH day for EACH person for a REASONABLE amount of time (I would expect to be atleast 2 weeks)

    You need to think of a better idea or talk to silence about it, when I see him I will bring it up.

    Its not hard. It's a chronological list of the days you connected with the total time next to it. 30 seconds to see if you're active or not


    Show pls









    Death God




    I could go on if i wanted to

  7. Er me gaw.


    For some reason I keep coming back to read these threads. Hi, I'm CPMaverick, I was a regular and moderator here as some of you might remember. I didn't stop playing JB because of hub, or plugins; it just got boring. I think a lot of you guys probably feel the same way. Sometimes I'll jump on to CS: GO though, and xG is always dead while a couple other jailbreak servers are still chugging along. I think a lot of it was to do with a general failure a few months ago with terrible new policies like dead chat removal and assholes like Line.


    All that said, it was a lot of fun, and I really enjoying playing with the xG staff and regulars. Hopefully when CS: GO inevitably goes FTP, there will be a resurgence of activity. Until then, I think it's pretty much dead.

    i thought you were dead

  8. i wus only 9 yrs old, i luved forests so much. I had all the leaves i could get. I preyed to forests all day for the lyfe i wus given. forest is luv i sai. forest is lyfe. My dad hears me and calls me a hippie. i new he was just jelus of my devotion to forest. I called him a tree killer. He slaps me and send me to go to bread.


    My fayce hurts. I lay in bread and its really cold. A warmth is moving towards me. I feel something touch me. Its forest! im so happy. He whispers into my ear "This is my forest." He graybs me with his powurful tree haynds and puts me on my hands and nees.


    I am redy.


    I open my lightur for forest. It hurts so much. But i do it for dad. I can feel forest burning as my eyes start to watur. I run away from the burning forest. Forest roars a weak roar as he burns to the ground. My dad pulls up. Forest looks my dad in the eyes and says "its all burned duwn now." Forest falls to the grund. Forest is h8. Forest is deth.