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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. so does jonathan write his own descriptions?
  2. Who does this? honestly, no friends on css mention to not go on a server, it's what you think about the server yourself.. Like what has been said, We've told the people who join multiple times of what's going on, if they can't read it, nor take it for one night out of seven, that's their fault and they can come back in the morning... (Plus the only person who went overboard was daddio) :D
  3. Photons/Protons
    1. xGStumpy


  4. Because i'm fucking stupid, The Sun. :D
    1. Hidingmaster


      Wrong, try again
  5. I only caught him doing baiting, freekill and breaking a vent.. And.. The reason i didn't teamban him is cause he doesn't seem like he was trying to break rules, unlike the other two ones. Later on that night he seemed to know a little bit more, and started doing things more correctly. Plus it was just a couple minor ones, nothing huge. Just what i think, I don't know what @@DarkWolf6052 thinks about it.
  6. I didnt really care... but people were mad about it last time Looked like only cristo cared, because he was confused about the day.. afterwards he found out it was approved O.o (that' the ONLY person who i've seen complain about it)
  7. Well, What happened to jordo that made this thread.. A T rebelled, got a gun, and ran into the vent cell, camping and waiting for us to enter to slaughter us After a while, Jordo got killed by the camping T and slayed the T for "Vent camping" The vent was most likely not open, as far as i know I didn't really know, but what made most sense for me is just to say OK. Yes, the cells were open for quite a while, and the Ts were suppost to do other orders. The T ran in, camped, and did not wish to come out/break & go into the vent.
  8. ..What? Without knives our characters just look plain retarded.. Jailbreak would be boring without knives.. -1
  9. People seem to be either ignoring, or not seeing this, so i will just quote it.. again.. Anyway, Stop worrying. The night the "Late Night Jailbreak" happened... The server's population increased overtime quite a lot.. There was no complaint from members in-game, Just a lot of laughter.. Most of the slaying, freekilling was on other staff members, Because staff just like to freekill eachother.. This day was approved, apparently.. No staff are gonna do anything to affect the server majorly (constant smite all, kick all, etc) with common sense, Plus we can just kick another staff member if we feel they are going too far, which they are probably allowed to do(?) Everyone was having fun, It was something different than constant rule following all week long, It's one night.
  10. None of us are just gonna ruin everyone's fun by mass kick/ban/smite/yolo everyone, We let them know and they know, They can complain and we'd stop. We know better than to do those kinds of stuff.. Plus like Hiding said, Everyone only got smited very little, and those were 5-10 minutes at least apart As long as people (Especially the staff) know what's going on, There will be hardly anything excessive or abusive going on.. It's just all to relax and have fun for a night, that's all guys.. (And uh, just to an addition..) (I'd still kick the guy (since i can :D) who constantly mass smites, IF there is one who would do that, however) It may be a day where we might be able to do anything (As i read.. i thought rules were just much less strict, not completely removed), But we can also use our powers to defend people from baddie badmins who do whatever they want :D[smite all] TL;DR: your all gay
  11. Exactly. None of us were going way too far, Only what we think would make everyone laugh and make a time enjoyable. It's been a long time since there's been something as fun as this and honestly, some people wouldn't give a crap and just laugh it off.. Plus it's just one night.. Also this.. (Because everyone knows that dying every round with a big *BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANG* [smite] would not be very fun, we need lotsa funny attitudes goin' on Last night, Before people like @@Cristo , @@Warriorsfury and @@payturr logged on, It was what i think the best time on xG i had.. I +1 next week's night
  12. +1 A: 7/10 M 8/10 Good person, mature, pretty active, knows MOTD, was a good mod before.. asfadfsdfsa
  13. i never seen this game before. i blame chuck for its appearance
  14. Wat, already? STEAM_0:0:41657686 Congrats to those promoted, oh god this is weird. i was a derpy enough mod..
  15. This.. +1 for reduced ban time (3 days-2 weeks)
  16. Tsuchikure


    oh crap, i accidentally voted "yes", i read "do you want ads to fund blablabla gay blablabla" disappointed pls
  17. fine, i had a bacon sandwich this morning. this lunch anyone else can have some ramen(NOT A LOT) after that its all mine