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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. I would suggest reading the previous statement again, as Forest clearly states that our staff positions are not given to us for us to feel empowered or strong, but instead to help other people have the best experience they can. As I said in Chuck's thread, I'm seeing more and more staff complain about positions that they were graciously given. If you feel that having your position is too much of a burden/too boring to handle, Then resign from your position. Feeling put-upon or sorry for yourself for having too much work from something that was given to you essentially as a gift is unacceptable. There is no problem with going on T/CT and playing for a while, but if your time playing greatly outnumbers your time actually moderating the server as you're supposed to, then there's a serious problem. Also i'm gay. I don't try, nor want to feel "empowered" or "strong". I just want to have fun while moderating the server, Having the occasional laugh here and there, But it sounded like he was trying to get us on 24/7 doing nothing but moderating. I try to make the server the best as possible for other people, Including myself. No problem with that, right? It's just when i get more then i can handle in a short time, Then i start to speak up.
  2. So our positions are just to ruin our fun? We never wanted to not have fun in the first place, otherwise we would quit. I've already been told to get on 5 times today (Not kidding). Some were within 5 minutes of just leaving because the server was just fine after a mod had logged on. I left it up to him after another hour of moderating and clearing up the problem. Why not be on TS? It's actually one of the most fun things to do when you don't have people bitching "name freekilled me, slay him" and spend 10 minutes doing something, while other people are asking you to do something for them? It seems this is one of the major things about our inactivity. What i think our inactivity is caused by: Boredom Annoyance Busy working/at school I've already done enough right now. I'll come on today if i want to have some more fun and/or am asked to come on because of a rule breaker. EDIT: Also i'm starting to go running/walking with my sister now. May be even less active. :P No guarantee i won't be active, though
  3. -1 nazi warden Jk, + 1 A 8/10 M 8/10 Active, Respectful, Mature, Good player.
  4. I have had a discussion with this already with someone. The reason for us being less active, (as far as i know) is because the server is getting repetitive and boring. Something needs to be added to get us back in, Because joining the server, with 1 other staff member on, Then them leaving and you getting stuck in there is kinda terrible. Since no other staff members will want to join because.. as i said.. "the server is getting repetitive and boring" Plus i try to at LEAST be on for 1 hour a day. If that's not enough, then just demote me. (Not saying i will ONLY be on for 1 hour a day, Just when it's really boring then i'll leave sooner than normal.) Edit: CONGRATULATIONS FATWOLF ON BEING THE 1,000TH DISCUSTHINGYMABIGGY CAPS CAPS
  5. Active, Mature, Has a funny voice, Good player overall. A: 9/10 (y) M: 9/10 (y) +1 lol its still a + 1.. whitetext whitetext whitetext
  6. It's all Forest/Rhoukar's fault
  7. I think it's already been done somewhere.
  8. I think you have to wait a bit before you can apply.. ._.
  9. lol thats what i tried doing but nooooooo he wants me to reply on the forums Don't you two have your steams? If not then just make something called a "conversation" on the forums, Or what i call a private message.. It is the forums.. :3
  10. Can you both please talk privately? This is a thread about somebody else, Not you two.
  11. How long were you gone? I don't remember this name.. ._.
  12. Since apparently i didn't get to say this earlier, unless something fucked up.. I'd say put JB just before Gungame/AWPScout Most familiar servers in a row, then the crappies!
  13. zeal is younger than you and has a higher pitched voice.. yet no one makes fun of him? WONDER WHY I don't have to wonder why. I know why. Because he doesnt use his mic so he doesnt have to try to defend himself. Actually i've heard zeal. As long as they are not TRYING to annoy/troll people with their voice and attitude, Nobody really cares much. Zeal does not annoy me, He's actually funny.
  14. From now on, I'm ignoring anyone who calls me Mega, Robin, or just plain MegaRobin.
  15. Kept giving me a java script error when I tried posting, so I clicked It a few more times then they all posted at the same time >·> I know, I was getting a javascript when i tried to rate you and it only appeared when i refreshed the page...
  16. Hey yo, I think i've seen you once or twice before (I'm not counting every time i saw you in-game within a range of like 1-3 days or anything.. Nice to see you back. :D
  17. Tsuchikure

    Forums Rank.

    All i want more of forum ranks are something like "(division) mod/admin" ...