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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. Do some research. EDIT: Btw, don't take that like i'm just trying to be a dick or anything.
  2. I'm someone, other people will likely tell you. But yes, I have reasons for -1ing you, and him getting 20 +1s, But you'd probably get mad as hell or say some bullcrap which will take this ENTIRE thread somewhere else if i told you.
  3. I'm looking for interesting animes to watch, if you'd mind, What's your avatar/signature from? Looks like something Genesis/Blackrock would know but meh, he's gay.. I want to watch some interesting animes.. :3
    1. xGShadowSpy


      I was wondering the same thing, thanks
    2. Genesis


      I knew Nichijou before he did.
    3. Genesis
    4. Show next comments  108 more
  4. This status thingy fills up fast, so i'm gonna put useless crap here to take up your time. (wat)
  5. +1 your app. count it No valid reason to +1 it right there, it would be funny if it did, though. :p
  6. I think you just said "guys go +1 me or ill kill jesus" or something like that, and then went on your mic and said the same thing, thus posting your thread, and everyone said -1 after that. I was obviously joking ;P, sounds pretty accurate though. Well, it was quite clear you were joking about it, But you still told us to +1 your app. All i'm saying. :p
  7. A majority of the -1's are from trolls because I spammed my thread on a tinychat. Ended up being a stupid decision, lol. I think you just said "guys go +1 me or ill kill jesus" or something like that, and then went on your mic and said the same thing, thus posting your thread, and everyone said -1 after that.
  8. I also have a question. If they don't get special treatment during LR then do we slay the ct's who bait or gunplant? It would be unfair, As the T can still walk around freely not following normal orders. Gunplanting may be slayable, but definitely NOT baiting. The T can just walk around freely baiting all the CTs and just forcing them to be slain..
  9. Gib me steam games from bundle pls. :3
    1. Cloud


  10. lol +1 for permanent forum ban -1 for server unban gg
  11. I'm sorry you feel that way. Admins are usually not "power hungry", Try being one yourself. You'll probably freeslay everyone considering you bitch to us about every kill, which you think is a freekill. You will go crazy seeing everyone complain to you with no proof, just accusations. Don't act like a child, Everything you did was spam and annoying. Hub probably won't be back, It probably will. I'll go along with the fact it takes a while to code a lot of stuff and that we don't have a lot of money to fund it. Bye.
  12. Darkwolf is gay, He's funny, I don't know who'd take his place, honestly. -1 for whatever the hell everyone else said (If i didn't already) Did i forget to mention that he's gay?
  13. Soon as it's edited into the MoTD, I'll make sure to notify all Staff Members of the CS:S Division. Might wanna hurry it up, Some admins have already been enforcing it before it has even been added. Dunno why.
  14. +1 Was there, saw most of it. Needs a nice ban to straighten himself up, He so very gay.
  15. I'll put this bluntly: if you're someone who would rather just play on jailbreak/any other server than moderate as you should be as a staff member, then you should resign your position. If you don't want to actually do the job you're supposed to do, then resign from your position. If you can't take some heavy moderating every once and a while, then resign your position, because staff powers aren't for you. As i said, I try to make the server fun for everybody in it. When i literally CANNOT do something at the moment, And they spam admin chat/mics, While other staff members sit there watching, Well, I usually get pretty damn pissed off. But this entire thing isn't about annoyance ALONE. Because apparently that makes you guys pretty damn angry. I will do my job. I'm just getting tired of some things. But that does NOT mean i will NOT do them at ALL. I do not WANT to do MASSIVE moderating (Who does? we all want a nice, calm, fun server), But i CAN and usually WILL. I've seen every one of us get annoyed, But still do our jobs, That's me too.