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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. +1 abuses glitches n shit LOL i men wat. eat more ramen
  2. Never really seen on teamspeak, But i'm not searching through channels to search for people, anyway.. +1 Active, mature, probably knows MOTD, old member, yolo, is gay, needs more ramen, is gay. A 8/10 M 9/10
  3. +1 is gay, ugly, yolo, never eat ramen #eatmoreramen - 1, He did 1 freeslay, does his job nicely, No problem.
  4. lol, makes a deal of it. kkseemslegit inb4 "fuck dat i was joking sdfdsfsdfsfds" or some shit #eatmoreramen Also, I don't want to vote, I just can't imagine some people as a mod >.< , Don't take that as a -1 or anything.
  5. - 1 no balls'd and got banned lololol eat more ramen gtfo from my whitetext
  6. I thought you said you had a very small chance to re-apply? And would hardly be active? Since i keep forgetting to edit things.. +1 A: 6.5/10 M: 8/10 Needs to work on activity again, Mature, Was a good player that made things fun, Shouldn't leave again because i love him..
  7. If they freekill intentionally (Which will likely lead to a mass) Then we can perm them for good, Giving us one less problem on the server. That is, if you record them/proof is given. Of course, putting something to have 2-4 hours (Or more) in-game time (I'd say around 10) total to join CT could help.
  8. Because most don't come back, they don't care that they freekilled, they do it and move on to the next server. It's better to prevent it rather than end up having to ban them. It's like using a condom so you don't have to abort the child later. GG If they join the server trying to break rules, and then just head to the next server to do the same thing, They deserve it. If they can't read the SHORT motd given to them, To try and prevent rulebreakings, It's their fault. Plus i doubt they'd get server banned. If no staff were online and he did something like MFK in a demo, I don't think leaving after that would be considered "Evading punishment" to deserve a server ban, Since no staff are online to see and judge it at the time.
  9. Yes, We are all tired of rulebreakers, freekillers, etc. Why not just... record a demo?
  10. It's a pretty good map, I think the reason we got it back was cause we voted for it, right? The map is just way too overplayed.
  11. What the fuck do we have to do with eachother?
  12. ily gkoo, but nah not now. Too lazy to donate. I mean wut.
  13. Didn't get mod, quitting. Once "break" is over, re-applies for member. Anyway, cya :p
  14. You want us to worship you? HELL NO. i mean wut.. Ramen?
  15. Eh, 0 for now. M 6.5/10 A 8/10 Is active, Not sure if he knows the MOTD but he sure does do stuff like spam for warden, tarp, etc, And doesn't realize it, Also gay.
  16. I'll try in a bit. NO. NOPE. DENIED. BANNING. Only if you FOCUS on the damn door and make it openable, not break everything else along with textures.. LOL
  17. You have to wait a while, See what the higher ups think, Possibly (hardly) what we think. Plus it's quite late.
  18. Holy fuck. Gone for a few hours and there's 8 fucking pages on a thread i never even seen. Nope, Fuck this, TL;DR.