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Everything posted by Tsuchikure

  1. 1 freekill (Intentional, otherwise it's a slay)/ 60 mins (Apparently) 2 freekills/ 1 day (1440 minutes) 3 freekills/ Permanent (0 minutes). Seems fair enough right now. there are some people who do it quite frequently If they are just freekilling just to.... freekill, and intentionally break rules constantly just to get slain repetitively and not get banned, Then they will be teambanned soon enough if the staff feels it is proper to do so considering the persons' actions.
  2. Tsuchikure


    Well that sucks, didn't even try to play DayZ since a few months ago, though.. :P
  3. Darkwolf completely said he was gay.
  4. WHO THE HELL IS THIS "MEGA" FAG!?!?!? gdfgsf. Also fixed.
  6. Gave away a few cards for free, What is this strange feeling?
  7. Shadow has been a member (and probably an admin too) for a long-ass time, and likely knows what he's doing. I'm confused whether the FR LR part was valid, Same with the warday areas. Shadow has helped me for a while since i got mod (Questions, letting him deal with stuff that i have no clue about, etc) Honestly, He knows more than i do and i'm an admin. He was also extremely active on the servers, Helping people out and making it more fun. As for "doing FR-LR for LR", I'm confused on whether it means literally GET LR, or deciding who gets LR ( but not 100% guaranteed ) while the other ones rebel. +1 for re-promotion. But still, I don't see much wrong with what he did, Other than a few accidents people may not have known about.
  8. You're kidding me, right? There have been other people in the clan who have Slay'd @all and weren't server banned for it.....Unless i'm missing something why should he be too? If they weren't perm'd from the server for massive abuse, Then it was likely their gut that told them it was right to do it at the situation, Or it was completely accidental ( i mean COMPLETELY ).
  9. The one person who i seriously didn't want to win... won lol
  10. -0 You freeslayed, likely massively, intentionally. Even though your laugh/scream is hilarious as fuck, Your attitude is the thing keeping me from not fully liking you. You're kidding me, right?
  11. Also what can happen: T loses gun toss, abort, CT still kills him because that was unfair as hell to do that. But no having the real !abortlr command for any non-admins.
  12. Pretty sure they can just abuse it if they lose an LR, Sure it might be helpful in some cases but, Still. Meh, should be voted for if it would be given to non-admins (Gun toss, a person's laser ends up glitched in the air, they type !voteabortlr and takes an amount of people to vote yes, Aborting the LR and giving a chance to have a fair rematch) It shouldn't have access to any non-admins when there's less than 5 in the server, however (2-3 people in the server, 1 RTVs, and it basically fills all needs of rtv to open the map menu) I don't know if Rhodogay/Silence/whateverthefuck will be able to do it. (It basically works the same way RTV does, but only with a fair amount of people online) -1 for actually giving !abortlr to Ts, +1 for giving !voteabortlr to Ts with people online (if possible)
  13. Does that mean he cant give his opinion? Lol, he can give his opinion all he wants. I'm not saying that what so ever. His VOTE though, does not count. It's not like votes really matter in anything, really.
  14. It usually just happens for one page, Until i change/refresh it. Also it happens on basically any page.
  15. I get it a lot, But it's not a problem, never bothered to say it.
  16. Tsuchikure


    god damnit. stahp
  17. Why would you think i was "trying to do it"? Have I ever shown that I would do anything like that? I can promise I had no intention of freekilling. Well, Considering you didn't know, You might not have. But remember, I said "It was like", Not "I think you were" or "You were" But you just wildly sprayed without any care. I still think the ban is valid, though.
  18. I'm not sure, I was trying to ask @@DarkWolf6052 , But he was afk. It sure as hell looked like a MFK to me, Seeing as even if it's after 5, Orders do not change meanings. So if you tell them to face you i think it should cancel out the "Face cells at all times" order. -0 EDIT: Also, People INTENTIONALLY freekilling usually only get banned for 1 hour/day if they intentionally, Depends if the admin is fine with it or not. I can say this was probably an accident, but it killed like 5 Ts including the last one. It was like you were trying to do it.