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Everything posted by FacepalmMute

  1. +1 pls banerino because of copypasterino
  2. -1 I have computers that run TF2 at max settings flawlessly and computers that can barely run it at a playable state at home, and my computers that struggle to run it definitely have trouble with servers that have superfluous add-ons like this. If we have staff that have low-end computers, I don't see any reason to make their effort to run the game more difficult.
  3. Let people see how shit your music tastes are what you listen to! I'll edit the OP as we get more people who post their accounts. KendrickLlama: Eazy_Mac’s Music Profile – Users at Last.fm FacepalmMute: rddyman’s Music Profile – Users at Last.fm
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38aGv2gCzQo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RLRIn6NwbTI http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LmYHOZorwc http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7yFZtXj42o and finally http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KdeY1v6jC7Q
  5. Working on some stuff right now. Not much, but this is just a quick and dirty edit of one of the CS:GO promotional images. Download link to .vtf
  6. Totally down for it. Been wanting to play JB for a while on our servers.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFoDIDEdMzw Probably the only here excited for it, but Periphery has been tracking their new album, Juggernaut, and posting "updates" on the recordings.
  8. +1 But I would restrict it to the trade servers. I could see why it would cause problems outside of its intended gamemodes like JB.
  9. Any specific genres you prefer for acoustic music?
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZAPtFRpuu8 Been bumping this recently.
  11. Nope. I'm being completely serious. The April Fools teaser they released said "Blood Dragon 3: Vietnam War 2"
  12. Anything in particular you guys are looking for? Or should we just have fun with it? @Bleed
  13. So Dean Evans (the creative director of Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon) posted this on his personal Instagram with the hashtag #vietnamwar2 Instagram And since Gamescon is coming soon... BLOOD DRAGON 3 WHEN?
  14. FacepalmMute


    I sung Spaceman by The Killers with Cleverbot one time.
  15. The added blue gradients to the active window.
  16. It's not hard at all to build a computer. It's a little time consuming when you have to do wire management, but overall its not bad at all. There's a bunch of resources you can use to build your machine. Logical Increments - PC Buying Guide Logical Increments has suggested parts for almost every useable price range. It also recommends part brands and their specific product lines to use and which ones to avoid. Pick Parts, Build Your PC, Compare and Share - PCPartPicker PC Part Picker helps you organize your computer build by picking out all the parts of your computer, down to keyboards and mice, and it also helps you find the cheapest deals available on parts you choose. For building a PC, there are tons of tutorials on how to put it together, and almost all of them are easy to follow. The things I recommend you know going in to building your own PC are: Make sure you work in a place where you won't build up on static electricity. Don't work on carpets. Working on tables provided no fabric is on them is fine. Computer parts and static electricity is a big no-no. Make sure you constantly touch the metal frame of your tower to rid yourself of any static you build up. CPUs are the most delicate of all the parts. Make sure you're gentle when you handle this part. Its not hard to place it in the motherboard at all, but it can get messed up very easily if you're not careful. And make sure the motherboard you get is compatible with your CPU and your tower. The different versions of Windows have a different maximum capacity for RAM. Make sure you either get the right amount of RAM for your version or get a version of Windows that supports the amount of RAM you want to put in. The most time-consuming part of building your PC may or may not be the wire management. Especially for first timers, this might take a while to fine the best way to make sure that you have enough internal ventilation and so your tower's insides don't look like a scrambled mess. Don't buy the most expensive parts because they're powerful and look cool, but seeing as you already have a price in mind, I don't think this will be a problem.
  17. Just like the title says, post a screenshot of your desktop Icons are for plebs.
  18. I'm open to pretty much anything, but metal and punk are my highest preference. I've been bumping to this shit for the past few days though: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZAPtFRpuu8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rqggmG6AXKw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GhzUj4dGfVo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9SIbKRZFmYU http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqBYHrw9_ys
  19. friendly reminder to report all brony activity to the highest authorities. thanks for the heads up asock.
  20. They're going to have customizable movesets and its not uncommon for characters to have moveset changes or tweaks between iterations. Also after being mainstay for so long, I doubt they'd take anyone like ganondorf or jigglypuff out. Brawl had characters they didn't reveal until after the game came out so people could find out for themselves like ROB and wolf. Also Diddy Kong was revealed a long time ago.
  21. FacepalmMute

    Bad Fan Bases

    I never hear about Halo fans anymore. They've been either relatively quiet or the ones who were loyal to Bungie moved on to Destiny. ODST was the best one anyways
  22. Saw '68 yesterday. Even met Josh Scogin! Here's a cover of Tourette's by Nirvana that they performed. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSNuGopaWwY