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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. Im not gonna vote on this thread, but here is where I stand.


    I'm ok with Duckii Jr playing on the servers and possibly lifting his forum ban. But as of now I don't think we should let duckii back in the clan. This is not because I don't think he has changed but because of other people having hostilities towards duckii such as chorno matsi and muffin have shown. They and others as well have repeatedly shown this kind of resentment towards duckii and if he is let back in it will cause tension which has happened before with duckii.


    Now I personally have nothing against Duckii. If it was just about how I felt about him being in the clan I would vote, but its not. There are other people and letting duckii in would cause problems with other people, but I'm glad he is playing on the servers.

  2. active doesnt mean you connect a couple of times. It means you contiuously spend time on he server over a period of time. For becoming a member its gonna take more than week or two of activeness to get +1's

  3. You're fucking kidding me with these +1's right? Even one coming from a division manager. Jesus christ give a good fucking reason for -1/+1 please. This is on reason xG started going to shit because those kinds of +1's were accepted and some people who maybe were not mature enough to be in got in then they did the same thing to their friends apps and they got accepted in a huge fucking cycle.


    -1 because there have been problems in the past with you. Many people find you annoying, I on some occasions, and the activity has not been there recently to be even considered for membership. I know school got in the way of activity, trust me I was inactive too. Overall I don't think you should be let back in yet.

  4. So laptop crashed a while ago and I have been using my desktop but I decided to leave it at home to limit distractions, but my laptop wasnt functioning as well as I thought it was. Literally the only thing I can do is go on IE. I cant download anything and nothing else is left on my laptop to do so yay!!!!!!

  5. My top choice is MIT, will apply to some ivies. Not expecting much but will try. Other than that, OSU is a top choice for me.

    Oklahoma state or Ohio state?